Swiftbucks – Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

If you’re reading this blog post right now, you might be doing some research on this website called Swiftbucks and you want to know can you make good money using this website?

I’m going to review this website and then you can decide for yourself whether you want to try it out or decide that it’s a waste of your time.

Interestingly, Swift Bucks claims to be an “influencer network.”

Over the last few months, I’ve come across a lot of these types of websites where that call themselves “influencer networks.”

What does the term “influencer network” really mean?

A real “influencer” is a website where you pay them money to promote your products on platforms like YouTube or Twitter.

Swiftbucks claims to be the only legit influencing network that pays up to $10 per referral.

You sign up for free and you get an affiliate link where you can share it online.

If your friends join, you’re supposed to make $10 per referral.

Swiftbucks is not an “influencer network.” They’re actually a GPT website, which means “get paid to” do different tasks.

You make money on their website by performing various actions like watching YouTube videos, watching video ads, and downloading offers.

So on the surface, it all looks as if the website is legit.

Let’s go to the testimonial section and find out.

Swiftbucks – Is It An Honest GPT Site – Let’s Look At The Testimonials

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Throughout this review, you’ll notice that the testimonial images from Swiftbucks are of poor quality.

I have done my best to make these images as recognizable as possible.

Above are three testimonials featured on the first page of the Swiftbucks website as “happy members.”

The “testimonial” on the far right is from a person named “George C” who supposedly earned $57,000 using Swiftbucks.

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Let’s ask our old friend Tineye.com if this is a real testimonial or a fake:

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

WOW! A whopping 52 results. This stock image has been used more times than a roll of toilet paper.

This “testimonial” is FAKE.

Let’s look at the middle testimonial – “Bruce T.”

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Let’s do a Google reverse image search and see what we find:

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

OK, so “Bruce T. is another FAKE testimonial presented by Swiftbucks as real.

Last, but certainly not least, is the testimonial on the left, from Josh A.

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Let’s see if “Josh A.” is a real person or FAKE like the other two.

Swiftbucks - An Honest Site Or More GPT Shennanigans?

Thanks to a Google reverse image search, we’re able to see that “Josh A’s” testimony is also FAKE.

Please keep in mind the people are saying they earned this kind of money from Swiftbucks, a GPT site.

In all of my years as an online marketer, I’ve NEVER known anyone to make that kind of money from a survey or GPT website!

These sites are not designed that way.

Even with the completely legitimate GPT sites like Superpay.mePanda ResearchTimebucksRewarding Ways, and ySense you’re not going to make large sums of money.

Swiftbucks – The Founding Date Is Fake

If you navigate to the About Us page, you will notice that Swiftbucks states they were founded in 2015.

Check out the screenshot below

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

However, when you check this out at WHOIS.com, look at what we find:

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

The domain for Swiftbucks was registered on February 3rd, 2020.

So the date of their establishment turned out to be a LIE, which really affects their credibility.

Swiftbucks Is A Clone Of Litebucks (Or The Other Way Around)

Further proof that Swiftbucks has glaring credibility issues, take a look again at the Swiftbucks home page below:

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Now look at another website that has proven to be a SCAM called Litebucks:

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

But wait! It gets better!

When you look at the so-called “testimonials” from Litebucks, what do we find?

Look at it below for yourself!

You see the exact same testimonials on both Litebucks and Swiftbucks! Unbelievable!

They didn’t even bother to use different stock images!

Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?
Swiftbucks - Is There Big Money Here Or More Shenanigans?

Swiftbucks – Is It A Scam?

Do I really need to present more proof?

Yes, Swiftbucks is a SCAM.

This is one website you want to stay far away from.

A HUGE complaint about Swiftbucks and sites like these are how difficult it is to get your money.

What happens is in your back office, you’ll see that your income is increasing.

However, when you try to withdraw your money from PayPal, you’ll never be able to withdraw money.

Swiftbucks is similar to other SCAM GPT sites I’ve reviewed such as:

Swiftbucks – What Are They Trying To Accomplish

I’ve reviewed a lot of these GTP sites, and many of these sites like Swiftbucks are in the business of trying to collect all of your personal data.

When you join Swiftbucks you have to give them your name, email address, and your password.

As you get really involved with various tasks they require more information from you.

Sometimes they even redirect you to a third-party website where they ask for your credit card details and your home address.

So what’s actually happening here is this is a scam to collect all of your personal data.

The way they make money is they take all this data and selling it to a third party.

Many websites like these that harvest personal information for salt unfortunately will stay online for years before the FTC catches up with them.

This is all the more reason why you want to stay away from sites like Swiftbucks!

Who Can You Trust to Help You Make Money Online?

A while back I decided I didn’t want to waste my time on GPT or survey sites making pennies on the dollar.

I was introduced to Wealthy Affiliate through a Google search and haven’t looked back since!

Wealthy Affiliate is the single best business and financial decision I’ve ever made.

With Wealthy Affiliate, even if you know absolutely nothing about online marketing, the platform can help you.

The videos are over-the-shoulder and easy to follow.

You can go through each module at a time that’s convenient for you and pick up where you left off if you have a busy schedule.

The owners of Wealthy Affiliate are Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim.

Unlike the unknown owners of Swiftbucks, they want people to know who they are.

Stop Making Excuses And Create A Free Wealthy Affiliate Account

Kyle and Carson recognize that some people are going to be hesitant about becoming paid members from the start.

So they’ve made it possible for anyone to create a FREE membership in order to try the platform with zero financial commitment.

How cool is that!

You can try out limited features of Wealthy Affiliate for as long as you need in order to make a decision.

No scams, fake income claims, shenanigans, phantom testimonials, or fake testimonials.

Wealthy Affiliate continues to help ordinary people build extraordinary incomes and have been doing so for over 15 years.

So my question to you is this:

What are you going to do?

Do yourself and your family a favor and build your own affiliate marketing business so you can create an extraordinary life, starting TODAY!

Talk Soon,


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