What Is Autopilot Profits System – Can It Make You Money?

Many sincere people looking to make money online may have stumbled upon this program and want to know What Is Autopilot Profits System? To get right to the point – it will be tough to make money with this. I will explain why in this post.

Are Autopilot Profits Income Claims Legit Or Is Ewen Chia After Your Wallet Again

Autopilot Profits System is a sub-standard product hosted by Clickbank and created by Ewen Chia. It seems that Ewen Chia’s “make money online” products exist for the sole purpose of sucking money out of your bank account. So, what is the Autopilot Profits System? Are Autopilot Profits income claims legit or just another money grab?

Autopilot Profits Overview

What Is Autopilot Profits System - Can It Make You Money?
  • Product name: Autopilot Profits
  • Website: www.autopilotprofits.com
  • Type of business: Online business course/ Affiliate marketing
  • Price: You start out paying $37 with 14 more ridiculous upsells!
  • Owner: Ewen Chia
  • Would I Have Recommended This? No Way!
  • Summary: Unsurprisingly, this is another substandard Clickbank product in Ewen Chia’s long line of substandard Clickbank products.

Autopilot Profits is low-quality training in which Ewen’s main goal is just to cross-promote his other digital products on ClickBank. With Autopilot Profits, you won’t learn affiliate marketing skills that will help you build a profitable long-term online business. Also, it won’t be easy to learn how to make money online with this. Autopilot Profits System is unlike my #1 recommendation for building a profitable online business that has a 15-year record of success!

What Is Autopilot Profits System

What Is Autopilot Profits System - Can It Make You Money?

Autopilot Profits was a course that claimed to help you make thousands of dollars online by building affiliate marketing websites in your chosen niche. The meat of the training in the members’ area consists of a 59-page ebook, which seems like PLR content Ewen Chia just outsourced to freelance writers.

Autopilot Profits has 20 training videos that teach you how to set up your affiliate marketing business online, including a WordPress website. Consequently, the problem is that each video is only 5 to 10 minutes long. That’s HARDLY enough video content to help someone build an online business.

The videos were generic and provided basic information, which anyone can easily find on sites like YouTube for FREE. I was very disappointed with Autopilot Profits, a 59-page digital ebook that claims to show you how to make millions of dollars online by promoting other people’s products as an affiliate.

In short, when asked the question, What Is Autopilot Profits System, there is nothing new or groundbreaking in this ebook and nothing you can’t get for FREE on the internet. Similarly, Ewen has made available a few short videos showing you how to set up a WordPress site. Chia mixes in other basic marketing tactics designed to help you promote your so-called newly created business. However, I wasn’t impressed with anything he brought with this system.

All Hype And No Substance

What Is Autopilot Profits System - Can It Make You Money?

When you examine Ewen Chia’s 59-page e-book and the below-average videos, nothing else in the member’s area is of any value. There were more annoying upsells and promotions for other systems that Ewen is an affiliate for being shoved in my face, which was highly irritating. However, when I discovered it was a Clickbank product, I wasn’t surprised.

I have reviewed many make-money-online programs and have never seen so many upsells offered in one place simultaneously. This makes you think that Ewen Chia’s only concern is milking as much money as he possibly can from your bank account.

A Money Sucking Sales Funnel Connected To Mr. Chia’s Other Products

Ewen Chia’s Autopilot Profits isn’t a successful system like Wealthy Affiliate, where you learn how to build a profitable affiliate marketing business. Therefore, Autopilot Profits serves as a funnel to his other substandard products. Also, Ewen Chia is a master of upsells and uses back-door tactics to lure you into the other worthless affiliate products from which he happens to make money. Below is a list of Ewen Chia-created “programs.” My strong advice is to stay away from all of these so-called “systems.”

  • Pure Leverage
  • Traffic Millionaire
  • Super Affiliate Millionaire
  • Traffic Avalanche
  • Cash Biz
  • Internet Success System
  • MOBE (My Online Business Education – Shut down by the FTC)
  • Copy Paste Income
  • Shortcut To $10K

In addition, Chia seems to be notorious for creating and recommending products that will drain your bank account and fill his pockets with your hard-earned money. Is this the type of person you can trust to help you build a sustainable, long-term online business?

Was Ewen Chia Promoting MLM?

There’s more to this story I haven’t told you. I want you to notice two of the upsells listed above: Pure Leverage and M.O.B.E. (My Online Business Education). These are Multi-Level Marketing programs. Ewen Chia was a member of both these organizations. Further, he was trying to sign people up under his downline in both of these MLMs.

It’s confusing that Ewen Chia is promoting two MLM companies when his Autopilot Profits is supposedly an affiliate marketing guide. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why he did this. With Ewen Chia, it is ALL about the MONEY. Ewen tried to make more money by including the two multi-level marketing platforms as upsells.

Since Mr. Chia was personally involved in these MLM companies, promoting their memberships would have allowed him to make even more money. Thankfully, the Federal Trade Commission shut down MOBE for operating as a pyramid scheme. Unfortunately, MOBE notoriously scammed thousands of people out of their hard-earned money and deserved to be shut down. Pure Leverage was also in the crosshairs of the Federal Trade Commission!

The True Costs Associated With This System

What Is Autopilot Profits System - Can It Make You Money?

Ewen Chia will suck you in for the low cost of $37 and make you think you’ll have access to a members’ area where you can roll up your sleeves and get to work. Let’s say you don’t go for the initial cost of $37; Then comes an offer of $27. Once you pay your initial fee to join, there are many other one-time offers, upgrades, and programs you’ll have shoved in your face shortly after joining. It’s remarkable how many upsells Ewen Chia tries to convince you to buy to drain your bank account and fatten his.

The Upsells Didn’t Stop

Here is a list of the annoying, money-sucking upsells Ewen Chia will try to convince you to buy:

  • Autopilot Profits – $37 (down-sell $27)
  • Mega Traffic Package – $67
  • Autopilot Social Profits – $147
  • Instant Websites – $197
  • Ultimate Free Traffic Software – $297
  • Traffic Millionaire – $19.97/month
  • Shortcut to $10K – $9.97
  • Super Affiliate Millionaire Online Workshop training – $297
  • Cash Biz – $29.97
  • Traffic Avalanche – $37
  • Copy Paste Income – $37
  • Complete Business Setup – $297
  • My Top Tier Business (MTTB) – $49 + $19/month + $1997
  • Pure Leverage – $24.95/month + $19.95/month

Mr. Chia Was Relentlessly After Your Money

The Autopilot Profits System funnel forced on so many distracting upsells (14 different ones ) that there was very little opportunity to focus on the substandard training in the ebook. Another tactic Mr. Chia uses is the “Time Is Running Out” scarcity tactic or offering fake “Lifetime Limited Licenses” that don’t exist.

In addition, he uses phrases like “For Today Only”‘ or this is available “Only to the First 10.” He does this to stir up a sense of urgency, to get unsuspecting victims to part with their hard-earned money. Look at the example of one of Mr. Chia’s ads below:

What Is Autopilot Profits System - Can It Make You Money?

“Customers Only Offers” is another favorite trick Ewen Chia uses. Another trick is to insert countdown timers on the upsells to get you to buy “before time runs out!” Using all these tactics in unison is the mark of someone relentlessly after your money. The sad part is that there are only three lessons in the training with 14 upsells! That’s pathetic!

However, keep in mind that this doesn’t include the products that I’ve listed in the previous paragraph. According to Ewen Chen, you will get email after annoying email to purchase if you want “to be successful” in making money online. If you were to invest in everything Mr. Chia has offered you, we’d be looking at paying well over $3,500. Wait a minute! The potential cost of $3,500 doesn’t include any monthly fees you may agree to pay from Mr. Chia’s offers.

Autopilot Profits System Is Just Another Ewen Chia Below-Average Product

Therefore, based on the information I’ve provided above, I think it’s pretty obvious what this product is. Autopilot Profits is a money-sucking, below-average digital product primarily designed as a sales funnel. It’s similar to other “products” I’ve reviewed:

Autopilot Profits System was a glorified sales funnel with sub-standard training that you can find on the internet for free. Legitimate online marketers are familiar with Mr.Chia’s reputation over the years for creating programs. Its products, like Autopilot Profit System, give the internet marketing industry a bad name and are also why nearly 95% of people fail to make money online before starting. Also, making money online honestly and ethically takes hard work, dedication, and time before you start seeing results.

Warning: The Most Common RED Flags of Schemes and Scams Online

When dealing with multi-level marketing companies, watch out for the following eight points. They are red flags that you should not ignore and could cost you considerable time and money.

  1. Companies That Don’t Offer a Free Trial

This is one of the most common red flags! Most information products are worthless, and if you could jump directly into those products and “try them out” before you buy, you would never invest in them. That is why they hide behind a payment. If their information is so good, should they not prove it by giving you a FREE taste?

Does Autopilot Profits Offer a Free Trial? NO 

  • Companies That Don’t Clearly Outline Pricing

If you go to a sales page for a product and the price is not clearly disclosed, you will likely get “duped.” Any legitimate company will offer clarity on pricing and have a pricing page on their website. MANY companies in this industry hide their pricing; it is unethical and will almost certainly scam you. Also, if the company charges hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their products or for joining their business “opportunity,” it should be of concern.

Does Autopilot Profits Outline Clear Pricing? NO. There are too many hidden upsells! 

  • Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages

Often, a long, exhausting “sales page” is another red flag that you will be scammed. If the so-called product itself is relatively cheap, there are usually many expensive upsells that immediately follow! These upsells are designed to make you think that without purchasing these EXPENSIVE additions, your chances of making money online are virtually non-existent! It is almost certainly going to be an expensive, overpriced scam.

Usually, these awful sales pages talk about the” hardships” and the “difficult times” that were overcome. Then, after months or years of struggle and adversity, one day, they finally found the “secret to making money online!” that no one had discovered. But WAIT! They will share their secrets with YOU for a “reasonable” one-time payment!

This is a marketing tactic used to hide pricing and the product itself. They typically ask for your email or a small payment, and then you will be put through an extensive, annoying, and expensive sales funnel. 

Does Autopilot Profits Use Video Sales Pages and Squeeze Pages? Yes

  • Companies That Use Income Screenshots 

If you see “income screenshots” in the sales letter or sales funnel, this is another HUGE red flag! Here’s a point you MUST keep in mind: Scammers are students of human psychology. They know what emotional buttons to push in these sales letters and funnels. 

Scammers know you are on their website because you want and need money! You want to make money online. Scammers know people are desperate and appeal to your need to make money. Don’t fall for these dishonest tricks and lies! You cannot verify if these so-called income statements and screenshots are real. Scammers will use fake bank statements and fake payment processing websites to make their claims of making BIG money real.

Does Autopilot Profits Use Income Screenshots? Yes 

  • Companies That Show Expensive, Exotic Cars, Beautiful Women, and Large Piles of Cold Hard Cash

This is the oldest trick in the online industry. Scammers resort to using “sex appeal” to get you to part with your hard-earned money. Scantily clad women on the beach or walking out of a swimming pool is another psychological gimmick!  Large piles of cash and fast exotic automobiles are emotional triggers used effectively in sales letters and videos. 

Again, the goal for scammers is to use psychology to get the unsuspecting victim to reach for their credit or debit card. They are experts at selling you a dream that is a nightmare. The only ones raking in piles of cold-hard cash are the scammers lying to consumers by promising a “quick fix” to their financial woes.

Does Autopilot Profits show Exotic Cars, Beautiful Women, Large Piles of Cash, or a combination of the three? YES

  • Companies That Don’t Have a High TrustPilot Rating

Neither Autopilot Profits System nor Ewen Chia has a Trustpilot rating. Trustpilot is where you should get genuine consumer reviews about products/services you plan on buying.  If a company doesn’t exist on this website or has a rating lower than 4.5 out of 5 stars, you may not want to get involved with the company at all. Consider companies, businesses, and platforms with GREAT Trustpilot ratings and minimize the prospect of getting scammed and losing hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. 

Does Autopilot Profits Have a High TrustPilot Rating? NO. They don’t have a TrustPilot rating! 

  • Companies Sell the Idea That You Can Make Money “Quickly” and “Easily” Without Telling You the Truth Behind the Process

If you are being pushed by the idea that you are going to be “rich” without telling you what you will be doing to earn this money (in a specific way), then they are selling the sizzle…and chances are there will be no “steak” after you make your purchase. Avoid programs like this like the plague.

Scammers also sell the idea that if you purchase their system, you will have everything you need to start making money online quickly. You must purchase their “done-for-you” system, and you’ll start making money online quickly. They even have fake testimonials to convince you that you can have money flowing to your bank account quickly! Nothing could be further from the truth!

Does Autopilot Profits Talk About Making Money Quickly and Easily? YES

  • Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them

They are hiding behind something if you don’t have a direct way to contact the company to answer questions about their program. That is the first clue, and I recommend you test it. If the company has an email address, email it. If you don’t get a response within 48 hours at most, then that is probably the sort of help you can expect in the future.

Can you easily contact the administrators at Autopilot Profits? NO

  • Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication With the Owners

Who owns the product?  Can you get help and communicate with them directly?  If NOT, then this program is more than likely in the business of taking your money.  CEOs in the opportunity world who are unwilling to directly communicate with their customers have a “too good for you” mentality, which should be avoided.

Can you contact the owner, Ewin Chia Autopilot Profits, directly? NO

  1. Companies That Are “Information” Only

If they are providing you with “ideas” about how you could create a business without offering you all the tools, services, and levels of ongoing support you need, you will have a tough time succeeding online. Many companies charge you for their information and then tell you you must purchase all sorts of stuff to use the techniques taught.

Is Autopilot Profits opportunity just information without including the additional tools needed to succeed? YES

My review of AutoPilot Profits is a below-average 2 out of 8.

Even though programs like Autopilot Profits saturate the internet, Don’t get discouraged…There is a platform designed to meet ALL of your needs in building your own online business!

As you can conclude from the above information, multi-level marketing companies are not all what they claim to be. Too often, people put their hope and trust in someone else making money for them instead of learning how to create prosperity with their online presence. People look for others to rescue them financially when, in reality, YOU have to come to your own financial rescue!

However, there is a BETTER OPTION to create your own online business. There is a platform available that will teach you step by step how to build your own online business, an ethical platform whose primary focus is to help everyday people learn how to make money online, a platform where you can immediately have access to individuals who are highly successful with their online businesses. Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, The Industry Leader in the Online Business Space…

  1. WA Offers a Free Trial.
  2. WA Offers Clear Pricing.
  3. WA Offers a comprehensive website.
  4. WA has a High TrustPilot Rating.
  5. WA is not a get-rich-quick scheme. 
  6. WA offers a clear way to contact the company.  
  7. You can contact Kyle & Carson directly. 
  8. WA offers tools and support.

(1) Companies That Don’t Offer a Free Trial.  

This is one of the key reasons I want to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate. You can get a “test drive” to Wealthy Affiliate, but that doesn’t end, and there is NO credit card requirement. This is their Starter membership, including more than any paid product I have seen in this industry. Here are a few things you get within the COMPLETELY FREE Starter membership.

  • One Free Profit-Ready Website (Hosting Included)
  • Getting Started Training, 10 Full Video Lessons
  • 7 Days of Full Mentorship & Expert Help
  • Communication Directly with Kyle & Carson (the founders)
  • Keyword and Market Research Tools
  • The Affiliate Opportunity Platform
  • Ability to Network with Millions of Fellow Entrepreneurs
  • 100’s of training resources
  • And Much More!

(2) Companies That Dont’ Clearly Outline Pricing.   

Wealthy Affiliate’s pricing page clearly outlines three available memberships: a Starter membership (FREE), a Premium ($49/month), or a Premium Plus+ ($99/month). There are no upsells, and nothing more complex than this. You are not obligated to upgrade, but if you decide to, you can run a million-dollar online business utilizing the platform and tools that Wealthy Affiliate offers. 

(3) Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages.  

Wealthy Affiliate offers a comprehensive website to learn more about the exact process of building a business online, along with all the platforms, technology, and services offered to you as a member. This includes a thorough outline of WA’s education, hosting, website, domains, community, and success elements.

(4) Companies That Don’t Have a High TrustPilot Rating.  

 WealthyAffiliate.com has a 4.8 STAR rating on TrustPilot. The owners personally get back to every comment, and this leads to the industry. It is tough to achieve a rating like this in any industry, let alone the make-money-online niche.

(5) Companies That Sell “Riches”.   

One thing you will not hear from Wealthy Affiliate in their training or marketing is “get rich quick.”  The reality is that to build a business, you first must build a solid foundation and understand the business. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the tools, training, and platform you need to create a business of any size online (even million-dollar websites), but you must be realistic about the process. It will take some hard work and dedication. 

(6) Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them.  

You can contact Wealthy Affiliate directly from their website without being a member. They have a contact form, and the owners freely share their email addresses if you need to contact them or have any questions. They are kyle@wealthyaffiliate.com and carson@wealthyaffiliate.com. Feel free to reach them directly if you have questions; of course, as a member, you will have access to them within the community. Which leads me to…

(7) Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication With the Owners.   

Wealthy Affiliate is the most transparent company in the space and offers you access to Kyle and Carson, the founders, directly within the community. If you want help from them directly, ask. You can even access them for their help and mentorship within the first seven days of the Starter membership…so without paying a dime, you can access both owners directly!

(8) Companies That Are Just “Information”.  

Many things are required to build a successful business online, and Wealthy Affiliate includes all of them.  To build an online business, you need a website, top-tier hosting, marketing and research tools, ongoing education of the latest marketing strategies, writing tools/platforms, and a way to find the TOP opportunities online.  Not to mention support, mentorship, and expertise. These are ALL things that Wealthy Affiliate provides you with at any membership level, equipping you to create, grow, and manage a business at any level online.

No other company in the industry offers a free “test drive,” as they likely don’t have the confidence that someone would purchase a trial. WA gives you access to its platforms, websites, hosting, research tools, community, and support within the free membership…so there is ZERO risk, and you can decide if you ever want to purchase a premium membership.

Learn How to Build a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business

Consequently, learning how to build a business online is possible if you have the right training, tools, and someone to guide you in the right direction and support you every step of the way.

Also, if you’re truly serious about building a business online and you’re fed up with dead-end programs that get you nowhere, then I recommend that you check out a program that I use called Wealthy Affiliate. Are you looking for quality training that takes you by the hand, walks you through each video lesson step by step, and shows you how to build a business?

I encourage you to check out Wealthy Affiliate and see what they offer you. If you were seriously considering Ewen Chia’s Autopilot Profits, I’m sure with some research, you will find that Wealthy Affiliate is a much better alternative. Think VERY CAREFULLY about similar so-called “make money online programs” before you hand over your credit card number. Look at my thorough review of the platform I’ve used to create this blog you’re reading, Wealthy Affiliate.

Talk Soon,


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  1. The fact that this platform makes you think that with just $17 you’ll get everything that they offer with “minimum” upsells. 

    The upsells are crazy expensive. You’re basically paying $2,000+ for a program that is not even legit; that’s a complete money waste. 

    Not to mention, their motto of making you earn hundreds of dollars in the course of only 24 hours…no company is willing to do that no matter how great their programs are; that’s just completely misleading. 

    1. Hello Stephanie,

      Your comments are well thought out and accurate.

      Although over-hyped programs are saturating the internet, you won’t get scammed if you know what to look for.

      Thank You for taking the time to read this post.


  2. Autopilots scheme seems to have a lot that I find unattractive. 

    First of all, those upsells are a turn-off. 

    The $37 is quite attractive but then it hides what is to come. Your article doesn’t rate the training for the amount of money I would pay and worse than that the quality is not even as good as free training online. 

    I also am not into multilevel marketing. I have had lots of experience with this method of earning and lost precious time and money trying to make it work. 

    Thank You for the names to look out for, and thanks for the Wealthy Affiliate recommendation.

    1. Hello JJ,

      Thank You for your spot-on comments and for taking the time to read this post.

      I have always found upsells to be a HUGE turn-off and I’m very impressed with the Wealthy Affiliate platform just as you are.


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