Google Sniper 3 – Did George Brown Make Money With This?

Google Sniper 3 - Did George Brown Make Money With This?

Many of you have asked What Is Google Sniper 3 about and how does it compare to Wealthy Affiliate?

That’s a valid question in light of the fact that this is the 3rd version of this platform.

However, the Google Sniper 3.0 website is no longer active.

Google Sniper 3.0 was created by George Brown, its purpose was to teach how to make money online by finding less competitive niches and building websites around them.

Review of Google Sniper 3.0

  • Owner: George Brown
  • Name Google Sniper 3.0. The URL was and is no longer available
  • Price: $1, $47, $97, $187 – The last three prices are up sells.
  • Training & Support: Yes – mediocre training and minimal support
  • Guarantee: 60-day money-back guarantee
  • My Rating: 29 out of 100

Unlike my #1 recommendation, Google Sniper 3.0 focused on building a number of websites that were poor to low quality.

That was not surprising since Google Sniper 3.0 was on the Clickbank platform.

Clickbank has a reputation for harboring low-quality products.

George Brown – An Excellent Salesman

Google Sniper 3 - Did George Brown Make Money With This?

As we look deeper into What Is Google Sniper 3.0 About, there’s one fact we can acknowledge.

George Brown knows how to sell his product.

Also, the looks of the Google Sniper 3.0 website give you the feeling of a top-of-the-line platform.

Mr. Brown presented this product with a sense of urgency that compelled you to reach for your wallet.

Although this product looks stellar, his platforms have had less than stellar performance.

In other words, they weren’t very good products.

Google Sniper 3.0 is a Clickbank product – and Clickbank is known throughout the online marketing world for sponsoring products that aren’t very good.

However, there are solid facts and proof that Google Sniper 3.0 isn’t a very good Clickbank product.

However, there are people who say Google Sniper was a great product.

The main reason for that is the personality of George Brown.

What Is Google Sniper 3 About and Why George Brown Made You Buy

George Brown (I’m not even sure if that’s his real name) is very convincing.

The British accent definitely helps and he’s an excellent salesman.

He’s learned how to connect with people in such a way that you’ll pull out your credit card before you know what happened.

George Brown is also very good at making sales videos.

In the first  0.30 of the video below, notice how all the “average guys” look and how they relate to George Brown.

They utter his name with such respect…

This Guy Could Sell You Breakfast Out Of Your Own Freakin’ Kitchen!!

When I took a closer look at the training in Google Sniper 3.0 it was focused more on quantity than on quality.

This is critical because it’s the quality of your blogs or websites that really matters to the search engines.

If the focus of your content isn’t on quality, you will get very little respect from the likes of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Likewise, your website will rank so poorly that you’ll fail to attract new customers with your narrow content.

Watch Out for the Upsells!

Any of you who’ve read my posts know I hate upsells or “additional sales offers.”

When the website was working, as you tried to purchase Google Sniper 3.0 “main product” I had to navigate past 3 additional “upsells”.

However, the buying process for Google Sniper 3.0. took around 10 minutes, probably closer to 15 minutes.

This was too long to wait to get to what you paid for.

Also, many customers complained that they were tricked into a monthly recurring payment membership of $47 without knowing it.

They were billed a monthly fee of $47 for something called “Sniper X”.

What Was the Pricing Strategy?

If a program cannot tell you upfront what its exact pricing strategy is, then you need to be extremely careful buying into that program

A legitimate program is able to tell you upfront how much you’re expected to pay.

Google Sniper 3.0 used dishonest pricing tactics and backdoor upsells which you will never expect from reading the sales page alone and listening to any videos associated with it.

Here’s a breakdown of the prices that were associated with Google Sniper 3.0:

  • Monthly Google Sniper 3.0 membership – $47
  • Sniper ELITE upsell – $187. However, if you try to click away the price drops to $97.
  • Real Case Study Training upsell – $97
  • Other expenditures that are not discussed: Domains, Web Hosting, Outsourcing – $400+

Were Tools And Training Available?

What is amazing to me is George Brown does not include the tools you will need to build your business with Google Sniper 3.0.

What he does recommend is going to BlueHost for web hosting, using sites like oDesk to outsource, and connecting to to learn about SEO.

Here is something for you to consider: A really good platform will make available in-house training on SEO ( Search Engine Optimization).

Telling your customers to go link to an outside source to learn something so important to online marketing is a bad look and does NOT complement your “brand”.

Google Sniper 3 - Did George Brown Make Money With This?

1) Google Sniper Course (Main training)

  • Master Manual and maps
  • The seven video modules
  • Bulletproofing
  • Empire Module
  • Additional training

2) Sniper X Training

  • New ‘X’ training videos
  • Webinar replays

3) Sniper Cash Machine

  • The strategy explained and setup
  • Start the Machine
  • Main strategies and advanced
  • Sniper Partners club

Did Google Sniper 3.0 Offer Support?

Yes, they did – but it wasn’t very good. As a matter of fact, it was almost non-existent!

Google Sniper 3.0 did have a support system in place in the form of email support.

However, it took several days or a week or longer to receive answers to your questions.

If you were stuck on an issue and need immediate help, you were in bad shape.

Look…we’re here because we all want to make money online. That’s why we read, research, and do our due diligence because we want the best possible way to reach our financial and personal goals.

Why would you use questionable methods from the start if you’re really serious about building a long-term affiliate marketing business that ACTUALLY adds value to people’s lives!

When you are trying to build an online business, there are times when you get stuck. Times when you have no idea what to do. Times when you need a helping hand.

With Wealthy Affiliate, the online community is second to none when it comes to getting the help you need when you’re STUCK!

You’ll Recieve Help When You Need It

I know this personally because I’ve used SiteSupport and LiveChat more times than I can remember!

I’ve received the help I need when I need it and I’ve never wasted time because the response was fast and efficient.

SiteSupport and LiveChat have made ALL THE DIFFERENCE between my affiliate marketing business succeeding or failing.

Google Sniper 3.0 and similar programs like it have no such community that is as responsive as the online community at Wealthy Affiliate. They just don’t.

The members of Google Sniper 3.0 Facebook group can’t compare to the HUGE online community at Wealthy Affiliate – no question is ridiculous and everyone’s online issues are addressed.

Google Sniper 3.0 was similar to other programs I’ve reviewed on this blog:

My Final Thoughts on Google Sniper 3.0

If you really want to build a long-term, sustainable, affiliate marketing business that will last for years to come, then I would highly recommend that you check out my Wealthy Affiliate review here.

I can tell you that Google Sniper 3.0 works almost the same as the previous versions because there’s not much difference between them.

Is it accurate to say that Google Sniper 3.0 was a SCAM?

No, it wasn’t a scam. George Brown didn’t create Google Sniper 3.0 with the intent of ripping people off.

Although I wouldn’t call Google Sniper 3.0 a SCAM, it was not a very good Clickbank product.

After reading this post if someone asks you What is Google Sniper 3.0 About? you can tell them that Google Sniper was a Clickbank product that was not very good.

If you’re REALLY interested in making honest money online, please check out my Wealthy Affiliate review here.

Thank you – ALL of you – for taking the time to read this post!

Talk Soon,


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  1. According to the information provided about the  Google sniper 3.0 I have got to know that its an internet marketing course that teaches how to make money online but what I have also loved about this internet marketing course is that its training is friendly but what I have not liked about it is that it focuses more on quantity than quality 

    1. Hello Mugalu,

      Thank you for taking the time to read.

      The best place for beginners to be is Wealthy Affiliate.


  2. Google sniper 3.0 is more like a joke to me because I see no reason why I should pay that much for a platform and no tools would be provided for me to make sure I can replicate what I have learned. 

    This is really bad and besides, the owner seems to be a successful marketer who is just showing pictures of the things he has achieved just to sell this. 

    But to me, This isn’t worth my time and not to be compared to wealthy Affiliate

    1. Hey Rodarrick,

      You are spot-on, my friend.

      The best thing about Google Sniper 3.0 is George Brown…

      That guy could sell your own trousers off you! 

      Thanks for reading,


  3. Google sniper 3.0 ain’t worth my time nor worthy of my money. I found it bizarre to see that people actually pay or compare this to wealthy affiliate. Very funny to see such comparisons though. 

    I am a big-time fan of wealthy Affiliate and the training and to me, this does not compare to it in the slightest bit. Thank you so much for sharing information on google sniper. 

  4. It bothered me why anyone would want to leave a competitive niche that is selling well in the market and go for a less competitive one which all you’ll do is try and try with little turn up monetarily. From the point where I saw “look for less competitive niche” I was already disappointed. Pick a competitive niche a up your games to be among the best in tye market. Lastly dishonesty is one thing that goes with upsells and if there is dishonesty form the start, it won’t see a reason there wouldn’t be more on the way. Best regards.

  5. With no doubt, George is a real tricky and wise man, lol, him selling you breakfast from your own kitchen is a very big one. There’s no benefits in building websites that are of low quality as it will do your business no good. I personally don’t like offers that requires lot of upsells, its not of help to many people, it’s not everyone that can afford it. Google sniper is very shady in it’s claims and it not good. It’s very nice that you recommended Wealthy Affiliate.

  6. Google sniper 3.0 is not what I can recommend because I find it full of faults. Reviews like this will make people know the difference between platforms, how they truly operate and the possible traps they are liable to fall into. Tricking people into buying what you’re offering isn’t a right thing to do, it shows you’re not confident enough about it and it’s very risky to venture in such. About Wealthy affiliate, I’ve read many reviews about it and I’m also a member so I can actually tell that you’re not mistaken about it. It’s very thoughtful of you to share this information.

    1. Hello DreaJay,

      Great Comments!

      Although I have to admit, George Brown is one heck of a salesman!

      Thank You for taking the time to read.


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