How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website The Right Way

Are you an affiliate newbie who wants to learn How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website?

Do you want to promote products the right way, in a way that allows you to experience less stress and more money?
Perhaps you fall in the category of a more experienced online marketer.
Do you need additional insight regarding how to promote Amazon products on your website?
Furthermore, do you need to build a website or blog so you can properly feature Amazon products?
This blog post will attempt to give you helpful resources to become a proficient marketer in connection with Amazon.
In this post we will discuss:
- Selecting the right niche
- Selecting the right products
- Using Google Trends to find evergreen products
- How can you use customer reviews to your advantage
How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website By Selecting The Right Niche
Frankly, the RIGHT niche is whatever you’re interested in.
However, you want to choose a niche in a subject you are knowledgeable about and that holds your attention.
This is very important given the fact that you’ll be doing a lot of writing.
Let me repeat: choose a niche that you are really interested in because you are going to have to do a ton of writing.
You could outsource your content, but for a newbie that would be very expensive!
Therefore, understand that selling products from the Amazon platform requires that you provide good content for the potential customers who visit your website or blog.
Also, experienced Amazon associates have found that product reviews, in particular, seem to draw more visitors to a website or blog.
Subsequently, it’s been proven that the higher the number of product reviews posted, the higher the amount of traffic
The reason for that is because people like product reviews.
How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website If You Can’t Afford To Buy The Product To Review It
How knowledgeable are you about your chosen products in your niche?
A great way to learn about a product is
But what if you don’t have the product or cannot afford to get it?
This is where good research is invaluable.
You can read articles about the product, get to know everything the product is all about, watch videos on how it works, etc.
Many online marketers will tell you it’s unethical to write a review about a product you haven’t personally used.
This is a point we need to briefly discuss.
Is It Ethical To Review a Product Without Owning It?
The answer to this question is YES. However, there are a few points you need to consider.
Purchasing a product doesn’t mean you are instantly knowledgable about how it
Nor does it mean that you understand the product in relation to how consumers react to it.
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have the money to buy every product/service you want to review on your website.
Actually purchasing a product you plan to review doesn’t make you more honest
However, it does not
It just doesn’t!
Contrary to what some may think, researching products in order to provide a thoughtful review is completely ethical.
If you choose not to buy it or cannot afford to buy it does not mean your review is unethical.
Therefore, take the time to the extent of your circumstances to learn about any product you intend to offer as an affiliate.
Read about the product, watch sales videos, and do online research.
Learn as much about the product you plan on reviewing before writing your content.
Kyle Loudoun, one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, wrote an excellent blog post you need to check out if you are going to write reviews on Amazon products.
How To Promote Amazon Products on Your Website By Making The Right Selections

So, where can you find good content and descriptions for the products you’re interested in? Below are a few great resources:
- Amazon
- The product webpage i.e. the webpage where the product’s main description is on the original company’s website.
- YouTube, and
- Wikipedia.
These are just some of the places where you can find enough material about products you wish to market on your website.
It’s a time-consuming process to find an Amazon niche product in this manner but it’s necessary to ensure your success.
Therefore, carefully make a list of products that fit your requirements. An ideal product would on average look like this:
- Low to moderate competition
- Small and light to ship
- The selling price is around $15 to $60
- You to earn between 10 to 15 dollars per sale
- You want to aim for 10 – 15 orders per day
How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website By Writing Good Content
A word of caution: never, ever just copy and paste someone’s content!
The purpose of this suggestion is NOT to encourage copy and
Also, I have a very helpful post that will give you some excellent direction on how to write content.
The post is titled: “Tips on Writing Website Content That Will Make You Better.
Let’s look at a few ways to get great ideas for content.
Amazon– Amazon has some really great information about the products they sell. So take your time to go through the product descriptions when checking out the products you’d love to sell.
Before you know it, you’ll already have enough ideas on how you should put yours together.
Product Manufacturer Website– This is simply the manufacturer’s website. Checking the website of the product’s producer can give you a lot of insight into what the product is all about.
All you need is to take some time and learn some important facts from the
YouTube – YouTube provides its users with tons of information. There are a wide variety of videos on this platform talking about one product or the other.
You can spend hours gathering facts about any product available from people who have actually done the work for you by using the product themselves and posting a video review.
Heres Something You May Be Unaware Of
On most YouTube videos, if you search underneath you’ll find the actual transcript of the dialogue in the video!
This is huge because you have access to the actual dialogue on the video.
If you rewrite the important facts in the dialogue of the video, making sure what you re-write becomes original, you’re able to produce great content.
How I make sure whatever I re-write becomes original is by using software like Copyscape to check for duplicate content.
Likewise, NEVER, EVER COPY AND PASTE SOMEONE’S CONTENT and try to pass it off as your own!
ALWAYS re-write content and check it for duplicate content using a program like Copyscape or something similar.
You will get in a ton of legal trouble and pay huge fines when you’re caught – and eventually, you will get caught!
Wikipedia– Known as the world’s biggest online encyclopedia.
Wikipedia doesn’t need a lot of introduction. A true marketing professional knows that almost anything about a product can be found on this platform.
Providing Great Content Will Help You Sell Amazon Products On Your Website
All of these platforms will help you write awesome product reviews.
I’m sure there may be other websites I did not mention where you can get good information on products.
Likewise, feel free to use other recourses that are available.
However, keep in mind the main reason why you are writing articles and blog posts.
You want to help your potential customers find relevant information about what they are looking for.
You want to help people who visit your blog or website solve their problems.
Helping people solve their problems is the key to making money online. That’s never going to change.
Therefore, when you become good at helping people find solutions to their problems, people will reward you with the money you seek.
Also, you want a great platform from which you can build up your website or blog and continually improve on it.
If you ALWAYS remember this, you will make money online on a consistent basis.
How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website By Using Google Trends
The key here is finding a product or service you can promote that people actually want to buy.
What’s important is choosing an evergreen niche or a niche with an increasing trend.
This is the part where Google Trends really comes in handy.
Google Trends provides great insight into what people are searching online.
You can take the keywords from your findings, input them into an accurate and up-to-date keyword tool and get more insight by seeing the average searches per month for a service or product.
Therefore, the key here is finding a product or service you can promote that people actually want to buy.
If you use this tool you will have an excellent idea of what people want or need and get more ideas as to how you can help solve their problems.
Subsequently, you can better assist them by promoting products and services they can use.
Also, Google Trends can help you figure out the niche that is currently popular, not only now, but into the foreseeable future.
The ideal niche is one that is “trending” up or at least stable. Choosing a niche that is “trending” up will certainly reflect the revenue your business generates.
Therefore, avoid niches that are “trending” down or are outright flat in their growth; niches that are dying down or have died down.
All you have to do is go to Google Trends, type in the phrase for your niche and you’ll get the trend results immediately.
Additional Resources
- The Pros And Cons Of Affiliate Marketing – You Need To Know
- How Long Does It Take To Make Money In Affiliate Marketing?
How To Promote Amazon Products On Your Website By Using Customer Reviews to Your Advantage
As noted earlier, Amazon is an international company.
Each and every item that’s being sold by the platform has its own customer base.
While this is true, it’s also true that there are some products that are more popular than others.
Also, some of these popular products are new and attractive, which is why they have an edge over their old counterparts.
Hence, they sell better.
Therefore, t
How do you know the right product to choose from the millions of products listed on the marketplace?
How do you know the success rate of a particular product?
The answer to these questions is quite simple and to make it easier, it is provided by Amazon.
In short, it’s the customer reviews, which are on the same page as the Amazon product
The Amazon customer reviews can give you some of the best feedback on their products.
The goal is to use that particular customer review as feedback and rewrite it as content for your own review.
So in conclusion, promoting Amazon products on your website or blog takes some work, but the rewards are well worth it.
Don’t be intimidated if this is something you’ve never done before – selling Amazon products as an affiliate is not as difficult as it seems.
Actually, the process becomes quite routine once you start doing it consistently.
Finally, the platform that I recommend is excellent for helping anyone to build a blog or website where you can sell all types of Amazon products.
You can check out my review of this business-building platform by clicking here.
Talk Soon,
Thanks for this simple yet effective strategy on how to sell amazon products.
I agree that finding a niche that your either passionate about / or knowledable on is very important. Because like you said you’ll have to write a lot of good content — which can be hard if you don’t like the subject matter.
Also I personally have found reviews very helpful when deciding if a product is good or not — so I can defintly see how this can help you write and find good products to sell.
Have you had any experience selling items on amazon before, and if so how was it?
Hey Michael,
One of the reasons I wrote the post was my experience selling Amazon products was not a good one. I’ve found that even when endeavoring to sell Amazon products, you have to have engaging content for your visitors to consider You just can’t slap a couple of Amazon links on your website and expect people to buy because it’s Amazon. I learned th hard way…
If you have 1 to 3 primary niches you live and die by, focus on these like a laser beam. Preferably 1 niche. Find the Amazon products that best complement your niche and market the crap out of it.
But most of all, just keep follow the training here at Wealthy Affiliate. Don’t stray off the reservation. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. These guys know what they’re doing. That’s why it’s called “Wealthy Affiliate!”
Let me know how you make out…Really!
Talk Soon,
Thanks for this article. I had not heard yet of Google Trends, tho’ I’ve been in the blogging & Affiliate marketing biz for almost a year now.
Just shows there’s always more to learn!
Have you found any tips on how to increase SALES if you are successfully driving visitors TO Amazon?? That’s where I’m at. I get ’em there, but they don’t pony up…
Just tried Google Trends for my own site. Already it’s shown me some really cool things I haven’t seen on other sites that I can really use.
Thank you!!
Hey TJSchlenker,
Glad you’re able to make use of Google Trends…It’s really a useful tool and can give you some additional insight that can help drive more traffic and ultimately more sales.
As far as getting people to pony up once they get to your site, that’s the trick my friend. Everything I’ve learned since getting into online marketing has led me to believe that people don’t buy then first time they visit your site.
OK…If that’s true, what about the second of third time they visit my site?
Do they even come back a second or third time?
As you see, internet marketing can really be a crap shoot of sorts. The number one thing web owners like you and I are concerned with is how to convert visitors into buyers.
We want sales.
So this is what I would do:
I am assuming you’re a member of Wealthy Affiliate because you commented on my post though SiteComment. As a member of Wealthy Affiliate someone is assigned to you to help facilitate your success.
Find out who that person is who’s assigned to you and send them a detailed private message as to what your challenges are and do exactly as they recommend. In your private message, outline everything you have done up to this point, and ask for specific ways you can get more conversions.
Send them the url of your websites so they can take a good hard look at how your site is set up. It could be that your actual website set up is turning people away.
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel…Do exactly as they tell you and see if you don’t get a increase in sales.
Please let me know what happens…I really would like to know.
Talk Soon,
You have a strong understanding of online marketing and I value that you are teaching people very highly. I found this post an easy read very descriptive and extremely helpful! Thank you so much for just value adding my day I will be sharing this on my private Facebook! Ill be recommending this to my Friends and peers. Keep up the good work.
Hey Clancy,
You may not know this, but you’ve just added value to my day as well!
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my post!
Talk Soon,
HI Howard!
I think writing customer reviews had been a challenge for me because I thought I needed to have used the product or service first. Instead, I think it is always best to do your research even if you have used the product or service.
Thanks for reminding me how important it is to sell the right stuff and providing quality customer reviews.
Hey Jamie,
You are welcome.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.I’m sure as the weeks move on, you will find the right balance that will drive you to success.
Talk Soon,
This is the next step I am looking to take with my blog site. My niche is within the professional speaking industry. I try to write at-least 3 news blogs a week, I am struggling a bit find out what product to promote. So far I am leaning towards helping sell coaching programs. Thanks for writing this piece.
You are welcome, Chawn!