Is Home Profit System Legit Or A Scam To Avoid?

Tens of thousands of people are looking for work at home opportunities and some of them are wondering Is Home Profit System Legit or a scam to avoid?
If you are one of those people that spend a considerable amount of time on the internet, then you may have come across several adverts for Home Profit System.
Well, Home Profit System is one of those supposed work from home businesses.
They claim to help their affiliates earn money from posting links across the internet.
However, as with most online businesses, people are skeptical about its legitimacy.
Is this a real work from home job, or is it one of those fancy ponzi scheme?
The simple answer is that Home Profit System is indeed a scam that coaxes people into buying phony income systems using false advertisements.
Today, we will be looking at the program’s operational activities to understand how they scam people off their money.
Frankly, the information on this article could save you from losing money. Let get into the discussion, shall we?
Home Profit System Overview
Home Profit System is a program where members earn income through a so-called system they refer to as link posting.
There are numerous programs, but they all operate under the same principle, and the only difference between them is their names.
For example, when you look at the image below, it looks like a real “work at home job” advertisement, even showing the so-called endorsements from Fox News, USA Today, and other supposedly legitimate news outlets.
DO NOT get fooled by these FAKE cloned websites that try to show a measure of credibility.

Below is another example of a Home Profit System website; you can be scammed silly out of your money if you don’t know what to look for.
The working principle of this program is that you can only earn money as a registered member that consistently posts the different links they allocate to you.
After completing the registration process, you receive what Home Profit System calls a link posting calculator.
This specialized calculator shows you the amount you make for every link you post. That way, you are able to keep track of how many links you have posted, as well as the equivalent monetary value.
Overall, the more links you post, the more money you make. Nevertheless, how does it really work?
Well, the detailed explanation of the working principle of the program is as follows.
Is Home Profit System Legit – Who Owns This Platform?
You always want to start by taking a look at who owns this program.
When a program fails to reveal who the owner is, that’s ALWAYS a huge red flag!
Regarding Home Profit System, there are a number of names that have come up as the owner.
My experience was with a man named Steven Chang, who claimed on one of the sales pages that he was the creator of the Home Profit System.
However, after reviewing other comments from people who were inquiring about the system, other names such as Angela Bussio, Mary Steadman, and Kelly Richards have appeared as possible owners
Again, when a so-called platform cannot reveal who the real owner is, you need to be very careful; in most cases not revealing the owner means SCAM.
What Does It cost For Registration?
Every online business demands that you become a registered member in order to earn from their platform.
For Home Profit System, you pay a $97 fee to register and purchase the program.
However, the interesting thing about this is that the price is inconsistent.
On some sites, you will have access to a trial version for $2.97, after which they ask you to pay a $140 one-time charge.
Is There A Members Area?
You cannot gain access to the members’ area without completing the registration process.
The members’ area is where you are to access the links that you post.
However, the instructions you are supposed to receive to start posting links is vague and unclear and have nothing to do with making money.
The instructions given pertain to calling your “coach.”
Product Purchase
Basically, all your coach does is instruct you to make more purchases.
Your so-called “coach”, who is a trained phone salesperson, compels you to make more purchases on the ground that you stand to make more money later.
They will even go as far as asking you to take a loan to buy products with price tags ranging from $1,000 upwards!
Is Home Profit System Legit – Realization That You’ve Been Scammed
After a while, you realize that you are never going to make back the money you have spent, and you may try to get a refund.
However, it is seemingly impossible to get your money back.
Most people who have paid for this program decide to give up, losing the hard-earned money they’ve spent on this platform.
The entire system works in a way, which only benefits those running it.
They create enough fake hype to make this platform so appealing that people are compelled to spend in the hopes of getting more in return.
However, there you do not really make any money off the platform, as these people only want your money for themselves.
If you do not figure out their true intent on time, you will end up spending more than you can recover from.
Home Profit System is similar to other so-called work from home scams I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:
Is Link Posting Legit?
Overall, the ideology behind link posting as a work from home job or opportunity is a SCAM.
In spite of this, there is a tiny amount of truth behind it. Companies such as Nike, Walmart, and Amazon will pay you to promote their products/services online.
However, it is not through “link posting.” You generate income through affiliate links instead.
For you to earn money through online links, you must realize that companies will not pay you for posting their product links.
What these companies pay you for are the customers that come to them through you.
What this means is that you receive a particular amount of money for every customer that buys a product using your affiliate link.
Actually, this is the concept of affiliate marketing, not link-posting.
However, for the Home Profit System, they:
- Falsify the affiliate marketing route, making it seem like a regular job or push-button system.
- They do not train people in affiliate marketing, leaving their registered members in a puddle of illiteracy. They simply want your money and not to help you.
How Legit is Home Profit System
Just as stated earlier, Home Profit System is nothing more than an online attempt to scam people off their hard-earned money, using different cloned websites that all connect to the same offer.
The platform utilizes false declarations and advertisements to compel people into purchasing a phony income system that has zero value.
In fact, the sole purpose of the system is to enrich those running it at the expense of their members.
The system offers no definite job, as all you do is buy more products.
They also do not also train people on actual business creation.
Overall, the system thrives by influencing people with no knowledge of such types of schemes into investing large sums of money.
They utilize diverse sales strategies and marketing tools such as fake comments, credit alerts, alias’, testimonials, and even rehearsed videos that affirm their legitimacy.
Conclusively, it is imperative that anybody seeking to venture into building an online business do not get involved with Home Profit System.
It’s imperative to do your due-dilligence (research) to gain enough knowledge about the business before joining.
Websites and blogs like this one, BIG Online Profits, are dedicated to help people avoid getting scammed.
In these desperate times, you need to determine the legitimacy of a business to ensure you are not falling for an online scam.
Why is doing your research critical?
These days, scammers are utilizing diverse means to get people to lose their money.
Therefore, utilize the resources you have available to you to avoid being a victim.
However, there’s one issue I need to address…
You’re reading this post because you’re trying to find a way to make money online.
The problem is this: SCAM programs like Diamond Capital saturate the internet.
These cockroach scammers take advantage of people who they know are either too lazy or too reluctant to do the work necessary to create a five, six or seven figure income.
Here is an indisputable fact:
If you want to make a life-changing income, the kind of income that can provide you with a dynamic life filled with wonderful choices, you are going to have to learn how to leverage the power of the internet.
Leverage The Power Of The Internet So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online
Instead of getting sucked into another questionable “business opportunity” or scam like Home Profit System you should take a look at my “no. 1 recommendation” below.
The platform I highly recommend helping you to learn how to make money online has everything you need, all in ONE place for one reasonable price.
My recommendation below is by far the highest value, most cost-efficient way to create and grow an online business in 2020 and moving forward.
If you have struggled for years to build a successful business online, or feel that you don’t have the “full picture”…
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Talk Soon,
Hello Howard,
When I saw the title I had to read it.
As I just started trying to make a profit online by being home. I was almost tricked in the past and it caused me to avoid doing any online business.
However, it changed thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.
I am learning a lot and appreciate their teachings. Love how your article goes into detail about how these scammers try to trick a person.
I would love to read more such articles.
Hello Bernard,
I’m glad that you gained value from reading this review.
Thank You for taking the time to read.
I feel really sad for people who fall for these schemes, these one size fits all or business in a box I like to call them.
The thing is they look so legit to the inexperienced business opportunist.
There is money to be made online, it’s Just about finding the right platforms.
Create a blog, build a website, put in the work. Leave these one size fits all scams on the shelf,
They simply don’t deliver.
Thank you for the heads-up on this scam.
Hello Shannel,
Your comments are spot-on and correct.
When it comes to online marketing, a one size fits all business-in-a-box is a fantasy.
Usually, people who don’t want to put in the work fall for this garbage.
As you mentioned, find a platform, like Wealthy Affiliate, that can help you learn how to build a profitable affiliate marketing business.
Thank You for taking the time to read.