Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

If you’re reading this blog post, you might be doing a bit of research on this website called social bounty and wondering Is Social Bounty A Scam?

Can you make money with the Social Bounty website?

A few minutes into looking at the Social Bounty website and already some huge red flags start to immediately pop out!

Look at the screenshot above; The word “Make” is misspelled!

If you can’t spell the word “Make” correctly, this is not a good sign!

How on earth can you get the word ” Make” wrong?

They changed their homepage to the one below:

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Look at this page… The owners of this website can’t spell the word “Background”?!

What’s going on here?

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?
Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

This is not a good way to start out a review!

The owners of this website can’t even spell correctly!

Looking at the screenshot above, the word “Background” is misspelled.

The lack of proofreading on this website is NOT a good sign!

How am I supposed to trust them to help me make money online if they can’t spell simple words correctly?

Can you really make $500 today or should you stay away from this like the plague?

I’ve been reviewing a lot of these kinds of websites recently and unfortunately, they all seem to have the same characteristics.

It almost seems as though all of these websites were created by the same person or organization.

Let’s get into the review.

Quick Overview

  • Product Name: Social Bounty
  • Price: Free to join
  • Website URL:
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Overall Rating: 0/5
  • Recommended: Absolutely Not! Read on to find out why…

Is Social Bounty A Scam – How Does It Work?

Social Bounty claims to be the number one influencer network in the world.

Come to think of it, why do these types of websites claim to be “the number one influencer network in the world”?

This is actually not the case.

What exactly is an “influencer network?”

An influencer network is a group that you pay to promote whatever products you want.

The group of influencers could be Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin, etc.

This is the way Social Bounty is supposed to work:

First, when you sign up for their site, they claim you will have $25 credited to your account.

Once you have signed up, you are given a special referral link that you are to share on various social media platforms.

Social Bounty claims they will pay you $2 for everyone that clicks through on your link.

They also claim to pay you an additional $10 for everyone that signs up for Social Bounty with your referral link.

The additional way that Social Bounty claims you can make money is by doing additional simple tasks.

They claimed that you could make up to $30 for completing certain tasks.

Is Social Bounty A Scam – The Truth Behind It

First of all, the owners at Social Bounty state, according to the screenshot below, that “their journey started back in 2012.”

Is this really when Social Bounty started?

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

As you can see from the registration below of, the website has been in existence since December 28, 2019.

That’s a 7-year difference!

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

It’s anybody’s guess why the owners would choose to lie about when was started.

The fact remains that the owners, whoever they are, lied.

Is Social Bounty A Scam – The Lies Continue

The date of their founding isn’t their only misrepresentation.

Why Social Bounty wants to say these four women are “founders” of the company is anyone’s guess.

Here’s what we do know:

Each of the so-called founding members is made up, they’re FAKE.

These “founders” are actually stock photos and have no connection to

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

First of all, there’s the CEO, Kiya Kramaric:

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

“Kyra’s” image has been used 18 times.

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Completely Fake!

Next, there’s the Marketing Head Maria Shimfera:

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Wow! “Maria” has really been around the block!

Her picture has been used 88 times!


Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

As we continue, there’s Content Head (whatever that means?) Isika Rostova:

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Well, look here! “Isika” has more mileage on her than a pair of old Goodyear tires!

She’s been downloaded 204 times!

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Last, but certainly not least, project manager “Maya Zukostia.”

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

It seems as though “Maya” is just as FAKE as the rest of them!

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Is Social Bounty A Scam – The Lies Keep On Comming

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

The screenshot above is more “testimonials” from the Social Bounty website.

Are these three testimonials real? Can these be trusted?

Let’s see…Here is the image of “Jerome.”

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Thanks to our old friend, we see that “Jerome” is a FAKE testimonial.

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Let’s see if “Ryan” is just a FAKE as “Jerome.”

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

A good old Google reverse image search also shows that “Ryan’s” testimony is fake!

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

From top to bottom, this website is littered with fake hype and untruths.

Hold on, people…It gets better.

Is Social Bounty A Scam – Fake Income Proof

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

Up to this point, it’s been one lie after another.

When it came to their proof of payments, I expected more of the same.

I was right!

Below, I have screenshots of proofs of payments they posted on their website.

Remember, Social Bounty came into existence on December 20, 2019.

So how were they able to make payments posted on February 20, 2019, and June 7, 2019?

But remember, they were only registered and brought into existence on December 28th, 2019.

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

The above payment was made on Feb. 20, 2019, 10 months before the website was registered! How is that possible?

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

This payment is dated May 02, 2019, eight months before the website was registered.

Is Social Bounty A Scam You Need To Avoid?

This payment was supposedly made on June 07, 2019, seven months before the website was registered.

I’m sure you get the point. All of the so-called income proofs were dated before Social Bounty even started!


Is Social Bounty A Scam – The Rest Of The Story

Social Bounty says you sign up for free, and once you sign up, you’re going to get a $25 bonus.

What GPT website can afford to pay you money to sign up?

Where are they getting the money from?

The revenue model of Social Bounty already has huge red flags.

Social Bounty also claims every time you share their website, you earn $10.

Again, how do they make their money? Where are they getting their money from?

Real GPT websites will pay you anywhere from 1 cent to 3 cents per action that you take because that’s all they can afford.

However, Social Bounty says that you can earn $10 to $50 per task that you complete.

Think about that for a minute. That doesn’t make any sense.

You’re not going to make any money from this website.

In fact, what’s going to happen is when you create an account, they’re going to ask for your information.

They want you to create a user name, get your real name, your email address, create a password, and get your home address.

For other tasks you want to complete, they want you to give them more information, like your credit card and your home address.

A real GPT website doesn’t do that.

So the question is, How are they making money?

The Real Reason Behind Social Bounty

The way websites like Social Bounty make money is by collecting the personal data of their unsuspecting visitors.

Once they’ve collected enough personal data, they sell that data to a third party and they make a lot of money that way.

Basically. This is a data mining or data collection scheme.

And so that’s how social bounty makes their money.

The dirty little secret is You’re not going to see any money transferred to your account.

When you sign up is going to show that you’re making money.

But when you try and withdraw that money, you’re never ever going to get it.

The problem is, is websites like this stay online for years before the sec even gets wind of them and tries to shut them down.

But by that point, the damage has been done to consumers because they’ve been online now for years.

Sites like Social Bounty collect all of this personal information and they’re making money selling it.

In the meanwhile, unfortunately, you have wasted hours and hours and hours of your life on this website with nothing to show for it.

Sites like Social Bounty are designed to make you a little money. You might make $10, $20, or $30 a month from them.

However, if you’re looking to replace your income, if you’re looking to make a five, six, or seven-figures income, here’s the 100% truth:

You will never make that kind of income from a free website like this.

Is Social Bounty A Scam?

There is no doubt in my mind that Social Bounty is an absolute scam.

You need to stay as far away from this as possible!

If you’re keeping track, so far…

  • all of their testimonials are frauds
  • their founding members are stock photo images and therefore a lie
  • the founding date is a lie.
  • their claim of being the #1 Influencer is total garbage

At this point, would you want to do business with Social Bounty?

If you are serious about learning how to make money online the right way, you need a platform that can teach you step by step how to do it.

The platform that I use, and tens of thousands of others use, is Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Will Help You Make A Life-Changing Income

To be frank with you, if you want to make a six and seven-figure income, then you need to learn six and seven-figure skills.

Wealthy Affiliate will help you do just that.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform has been helping ordinary people make money online for over 13 years.

There are no scams at Wealthy Affiliate.

No collection of personal data to sell it to shady third-party operations.

Finding the audience that wants those products and joining them together, becoming a connector that’s called affiliate marketing.

Yes, absolutely you do. You need to learn the skills.

You need to work hard and you need to take action on that business.

If you want to read testimonials of ordinary people making extraordinary incomes, click on the following link:

What You Need To Do

I’m not going to mince words here:

If you learn the right way to build an affiliate marketing business you can make a LOT of money.

Is it going to take hard work? Yes.

Are you going to have to use massive amounts of time to put into your business? Yes.

Are you going to have to spend some money on your business? Yes, because this is a real business.

However, with Wealthy Affiliate, there are no additional upsells!

In other words, once you join the platform to start building your business, you won’t have to buy anything else.

All of what you need to build your business is included in the membership.

But if you are lazy and a procrastinator and want a magic button done-for-you solution, then you are WASTING YOUR TIME!

You will never build a profitable online business.

Here Is The Bottom Line

The bottom line is this:

If you want to make a life-changing income, a five, six, or seven-figure income, you need to build an affiliate marketing business.

There are actually people who make five, six, or seven figures on a MONTHLY basis, not annually.

You will never ever be able to earn that kind of money in any full-time job.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you step by step how to build a real business online.

There is no reason why you can’t duplicate the success of those who are enjoying the good life financially.

As a matter of fact, if you know absolutely nothing about online marketing, you can still build a profitable business through Wealthy Affiliate.

However, it gets better.

You can start a FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate with limited access to the entire platform.

The owners, Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon want as many as possible to see what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

You can create a FREE account with no debit or credit card required.

Yourisk nothing – absolutely nothing.

Therefore, what on earth are you waiting for?

STOP making excuses and do something about your financial lack and limitation today.

Talk Soon,


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