MarksMan LTD Review – What You Need To Know

MarksMan LTD Review - What You Need To Know

Many of you are wondering about Marksman LTD and whether can you make money with this company, so I decided to compose this MarksMan LTD Review.

This platform caught my attention, and I decided to look into it.

So if you are looking for answers about this platform you have come to the right place.

In this MarksMan LTD review, you will find information about the company, its affiliate program, products, and so on.

Once you are done reading, you will be able to decide if the platform is right for you.

MarksMan LTD Review – Company Facts

Upon visiting the site, I did not find any information about the company’s owner or the people who run it.

You will see a “Team Section” on the site, but none of the people listed has a digital profile outside this platform.

When you see so-called “company profiles” like this, it’s possible the names and profiles are fake.

The site claims they have been in operation since 2015.

However, I discovered that the domain name “” was registered on the 6th of August 2020.

I wonder why they lied about this.

I chatted them up via their chat feature to know about their UK incorporation, and I was told the platform is under MarksMan Investments Limited and was created on 29/11/2015.

The website says otherwise ­­– 2020.

I did more digging on the address they provided and discovered that it was some building under construction owned by an accounting firm; it could be a rented space or a fake address altogether.

From what I can tell, there is no transparency about this platform, and most platforms that are not usually transparent are owned by scammers.

Are Retail Products Offered

Aside from the affiliate membership, MarksMan LTD has no retail product or service to offer.

Becoming an affiliate gives you access to investment, and you will earn commissions by sponsoring other affiliates.

The platform also has a cryptocurrency called MKS/Marksman Coin (ERC-20 Altcoin), which will be launched on its platform and on different exchanges.

However, the fact that most of the money made comes from new people joining the platform is a huge red flag.

Compensation Plan

Affiliates on the platform will invest at least $25 USD to receive a daily ROI of 3%.

Affiliates are to invest in: BTC / ETH / ETC / USDT / XRP / XMR / LTC / ZEC / DOGE / DASH / TRX / BCH. The minimum payouts based on the payment method include:

  • $ 0.10, BCH 0.002,
  • ETH 0.02,
  • ETC 0.02,
  • XRP 0.5,
  • XMR 0.0002,
  • USDT $2.38,
  • ZEC 0.01,
  • LTC 0.002,
  • DOGE 100,
  • DASH 0.004,
  • TRX 134 /0.001 BTC

Referral Commissions

You will receive up to 12% commission when you refer people to join.

It is possible you will not earn up to this amount as commissions.

Another part of their website says you will earn 18.5%.

There is no information on their website that explains the difference between these commissions.

The lack of transparency is another red flag that this could be a scam.

There is no clarification on the website about the differences in the referral commissions.

Registration Cost

Being an affiliate is free, and you can earn referral commissions when you bring people to join.

However, you will have to invest a minimum of $25 if you want to partake in the passive investment opportunity they are offering.

Is MarksMan LTD Legit?

I don’t think there is anything legit about this company.

MarksMan LTD is nothing but a scam.

There is no information about the owner or the people running the platform on their website.

The names or profiles you see in their team are fake – possibly stock pics from other platforms and paid actors.

The platform claims they get external revenue from trading; this is a big lie.

If they are telling the truth, then they should provide proof or evidence of actual trading.

Also, they claim to offer passive income opportunities, and they are not registered with the FCA or Financial Conduct Authority of the UK.

Any platform that offers a return on investment is considered to offer securities. Thus, they must be registered with relevant agencies in their jurisdiction.

Since Marksman Investments LTD is incorporated in the UK, it should be registered with the FCA.

I checked, and MarksMan LTD is not registered; thus, they are guilty of securities fraud.

According to a well-known website,, over 42% of the reviews were bad. Here are a few examples:

MarksMan LTD Review - Does It Hit The Mark?
MarksMan LTD Review - Does It Hit The Mark?
MarksMan LTD Review - Does It Hit The Mark?

Marksman LTD is similar to other scam platforms I’ve reviewed on this platform such as:

Marksman LTD Is A Ponzi Scheme

No real trading is going on here. The only thing they do is pay existing investors with investments from new members; thus, MarksMan LTD operates as a Ponzi scheme.

The platform will eventually collapse once investments slow down, and the only people who will make money are the owners and some early investors.

If you have plans to join this platform, think again. MarksMan LTD is a scam, and I don’t recommend it for any reason.

However, there’s one issue I need to address…

You’re reading this post because you’re trying to find a way to make money online.

The problem is this: SCAM programs like Diamond Capital saturate the internet.

These cockroach scammers take advantage of people who they know are either too lazy or too reluctant to do the work necessary to create a five, six, or seven-figure income.

Here is an indisputable fact:

If you want to make a life-changing income, the kind of income that can provide you with a dynamic life filled with wonderful choices, you are going to have to learn how to leverage the power of the internet.

Leverage The Power Of The Internet So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online

Ponzi schemes, Pyramid schemes, and outright SCAMS saturate the internet.

The days of throwing money at some fly-by-night so-called “business opportunity” to see what sticks are over.

Scammers have to eat too, and as long as people fall for scams like MarksMan LTD. they’ll continue to do so.

Instead of getting sucked into another questionable “business opportunity” or scam, you should take a look at my “no. 1 recommendation” below.

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Talk Soon,


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