MentorBox Review – Can This Really Help You Read Like A CEO?

MentorBox Review - Can This Really Help You Read Like A CEO?

In this MentorBox Review, I will give you the facts on this platform and if it’s worth your time and money to join.

There has been a lot of buzz online about MentorBox. You may have come across one of their advertisements while reading through a blog or watching a video.

MentorBox is basically an application that educates people with books and having the authors talk about these books to the readers.

Actually, what MentorBox does is summarize books by various authors so you can “read a book a day” to use the Tai Lopez catch phrase.

We are going to review MentorBox to find out if it is legit and what it’s all about.

MentorBox Review – What Is MentorBox?

MentorBox Review - Can This Really Help You Read Like A CEO?

MentorBox is an application that offers book summaries by the authors of the books.

One can register for at least $7 per month and have a 3-day free trial of the services.

MentorBox uses videos and audio summary formats to read these books to its users and was founded by Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr, two internet marketers of repute, pictured above.

They came together to provide this application that helps people gain knowledge through books by professionals.

It is a subscription service where members will have to first register in order to have access to getting books of their choices explained to them via a video or audio by the authors of these books.

You can find books for nearly every topic related to business development, psychology, money, leadership, etc.

The idea is that you can find the list of great authors and can choose them as your mentors for the online courses and live sessions.

So every week, MentorBox goes through a collection of books from different fields and turns them into summaries. After which, they conduct interviews with the authors to give the readers more wisdom from the book and more.

This is great for people that find reading boring or have a short attention span.

The books on this application are summarized in about an hour’s time through a video coverage by the authors, CEOs, or experts in the field of the book.

Also, you gain access to audio lessons, workbooks, and cheat sheets that you can use how you want to enhance your knowledge and skill set.

MentorBox Review – Two Different Plans Are Available

There are two subscription plans available on the platform when you sign up, a digital or a physical box.

The digital subscription costs $7 and includes the following:

  • Access to the online learning platform where you can look up lots of books and read through the key lessons
  • Over 500 hours of video lessons
  • Audio recorded summaries of many books
  • Workbooks are available for you to download
  • Other relevant study materials
  • Private mentorship mastermind group (Facebook)

The physical subscription, however, is a lot more expensive.

This box contains two or three books as per the subscription plan; video lessons and book summaries are provided in a USB flash drive card.

Each book contains worksheets and cheat-sheets, along with a study guide.

Other benefits you can enjoy when you sign up include; access to MentorBox’s Persuasion, Marketing, and Sales Academy, which is being taught by nine experts and scientists.

What’s Inside MentorBox?

MentorBox is literally a box of books and materials that can enhance readers’ knowledge. The app reads and summarizes books for less time it would have taken to actually read the book.

With over 500 authors, numerous powerful books, and materials from different fields, MentorBox provides readers who do not have the time to read with this easy means of accessing knowledge and skill set by watching video summaries of these books.

Some of the books and authors on MentorBox are:

  • Charles Duhigg – The Power of Habit
  • Beth Comstock – Imagine it Forward
  • Joseph Cardillo – 12 Rules of Attention
  • Jonathan Horton – If I Had Known
  • Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich
  • Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • And many more

New authors and books are added to the platform every week, so you really cannot run out of books and knowledge from MentorBox.

All books are segmented in order of genre and make for easy navigation to select which one you’d like to read.

How Much Does It Cost to Join MentorBox?

MentorBox subscriptions cost $7 per month for the online/digital access to books, while the physical books cost about $89 or so.

However, the first three days after you sign up are free. You can access the services for these three days before deciding if you want to pay for either of the packages.

Note that after you register, MentorBox already has your card details because they require them for when you want to make payments.

So before the 3-day trial elapses, cancel if you are not interested in buying any of the subscriptions to avoid them billing your card.

Other Things You Need to Know About MentorBox

When you register, you will gain access to a support group and can participate in live webinars with authors and CEOs.

MentorBox offers a 30day-refund facility that enables you to cancel your subscription if it is unsatisfactory within 30 days.

One thing about the physical subscription, though, is that you don’t get to choose the books they send to you.

MentorBox decides which books you should read after you have paid $89. It’s almost like Netflix deciding for you which movies to see after subscribing.

And there is no guarantee that you have full knowledge of the contents of a book just because the authors explained it to you in an hour and thirty minutes.

There must be some parts that they omit due to time or other reasons. Hence, it is advisable to just buy the book and read it if you really think it’ll be helpful for you.

Is MentorBox Worth Subscribing To?

If you have little time to read books that can build you personally or professionally, then this app might be for you.

MentorBox helps you read lots of books within short periods of time.

MentorBox is not a scam, in my opinion. However, there have been lots of complaints from users of this app, such as:

  • Regular updates on subscription prices. Customers have to contact them to know the current rates
  • It takes a long time to get your money back if you cancel
  • Books that can help in promoting your business are expensive
  • They deduct from your card for renewal of subscription plan without informing you, etc.

If MentorBox can work on these complaints, it is actually a great app and a very useful innovation.

Below are additional resources from your consideration:

MentorBox Review – The Reason Why I Don’t Recommend Mentorbox

However, I’ve never subscribed to MentorBox for one primary reason.

Personally, if I want to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, I don’t want a book summary of it.

I want the experience of reading the ENTIRE book.

Although the idea of MentorBox is a good one, I cannot see how you gain the full benefit of a book by having someone else summarize it for you.

There are parts of Think and Grow Rich that the MentorBox summary will miss because of condensing the book into a summary.

I’m a HUGE fan of actually reading the entire book – from cover to cover, so you get the entire experience, not just parts of it.

Although MentorBox is a really good application, I would say that if you genuinely don’t have time to read actual books from cover to cover, this could be a great option for you.

However, I don’t personally recommend MentorBox because I will always encourage people to read the actual book from cover to cover.

If your life is so busy that you don’t have time to sit and read a book, at least on the weekends, then personally I would encourage you to reevaluate your life.

Also, please keep in mind that one primary reason why people subscribe to MentorBox is because they’re looking to gain an edge in the world of finance and business.

Many MentorBox subscribers are trying to build online business that can help them create a life-changing income.

However, along with the personal development aspects of building a profitable online business, you will need a platform that can take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Leverage The Power Of The Internet So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online

If you are serious about learning how to make a five, six or seven-figure income through affiliate marketing, then you should take a look at my “no. 1 recommendation” below.

The platform I highly recommend helping you to learn how to make money online has everything you need, all in ONE place for one reasonable price.

My recommendation below is by far the highest value, most cost-efficient way to create and grow an online business in 2020 and moving forward.

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Talk Soon,


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  1. Amazing for these people that really read the books and have it summarized.  

    But for me, I still opt for the physical book and I do not like that other people shall choose what to put in the box.  

    It is still nice to do read the entire book from cover to cover, as I think you get a much better experience by doing so.

    1. Hello Maria,

      I totally agree with you…I would much rather read the entire book from cover to cover.

      Personally, I just don’t see the value in just a book summary.

      Thank You for reading this post.

      Talk Soon,


  2. This is seriously useful for people like myself who find themselves not having enough time to read, but wanting to read because we just enjoyed learning more. I have found myself lacking a lot of time to read and I have been looking for something like this, I appreciate the fact that you have included both pros and cons to this and you’ve been honest with his review

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