Mike Dillard’s List Grow: Will It Grow Your List?

Mike Dillard's List Grow: Will It Grow Your List?

Are you an entrepreneur and need to grow your email list? Then welcome to my post-Mike Dillard’s List Grow 2.0 Review.

Thousands of aspiring online marketers lament having issues growing their email list, which is not surprising nor is it unusual.

If you are struggling to grow your email list and are wondering if List Grow 2.0 can help get the job done, (make more money) this is the right article for you.

In this review, we will be discussing List Grow 2.0 and if it’s worth it.

Mike Dillard’s List Grow 2.0 Review – About The Platform

Mike Dillard's List Grow: Will It Grow Your List?

The creator of List Grow 2.0, Mike Dillard, is considered one of the top online marketers in the last 3 decades.

Interestingly, he doesn’t blog…which I find to be fascinating when you consider that most of the big-time online marketers started their business blogging.

What Dillard does is builds funnels and systems that are positioned to generate massive leads, sales, and customers.

List Grow 2.0 is an online course where one learns how to grow an email list and generate leads.

If you are at the stage in your business where you are trying to grow your email list, obviously you have some experience in online marketing, although it may still be limited experience.

List Grow 2.0 contains four modules that are easily accessible online, and you can watch the videos at any time.

Some subjects discussed in List Grow 2.0 include how to set up your business email, choosing the perfect niche, and buying a domain name.

Of the four modules, the second is the most important. Here you can learn how to market funnels. Other topics include upsell scripts and click funnels.

Also, members will be taught how to use VSLS (Video Sales Letter Scripts) in making slides and also how to upload these files to Click funnels.

Module 3 is longer than the first two modules. The topics discussed here include making a VSL (video sales letter) page; you’ll also learn how to integrate a checkout page.

Other subjects include how to create a Facebook group, how to use email auto-respond, and how to create an upsell page.

In Module 4, Mike will share how members can make $100,000 by launching a Facebook ad campaign.

List Grow 2.0 Focuses On Growing Your List

List Grow 2.0 is authentic and legit. It’s an online course aimed at helping entrepreneurs grow their business and email lists.

The creator, Mike Dillard, is exceptionally experienced in this subject. List Grow 2.0 covers a wide range of topics.

However, the problem with List Grow 2.0 is the price; it is expensive.

It doesn’t include all the tools and resources needed. So one has to take all that into consideration when applying for the course.

Mike Dillard’s List Grow – Facts You Should Know

Mike Dillard's List Grow: Will It Grow Your List?

When it comes to self-made entrepreneurs, Mike Dillard is certainly at the top of the list.

Dillard is also famous for his self-help podcast featured on iTunes called Self-Made Man.

The Self Made Man podcast focuses on entrepreneurs and celebrities and how they became successful, made money and became financially independent.

Throughout the years, Mike has tried his hands at a few businesses and experienced a lot of ups and downs. It is not until he got into the business of network marketing that he started to make real money.

The experiences learned from network marketing led Mike to create List Grow and other profitable online marketing courses that claim to reveal the secrets of his success.

His other business ventures include EverGrow, The Elevation Group, and Magnetic Sponsoring. He is also affiliated with Onnit, Click & Grow, and other organizations.

List Grow 2.0: The Pros

List Grow 2.0 is all-encompassing; virtually all you need to know about growing your business is discussed in the course.

You’ll learn how to move your business forward, learn how to get a higher list of customers, and learn how to create capture pages and how to set up your online services.

In this course, members will learn how to craft upsells, how to integrate the checkout page to your site.

Also, members will learn how to set up a Facebook group and track legal disclaimers.

There are also some subjects about credit card transactions, creating a Facebook group, and auto-email responders.

They have a good refund policy. The creator of List Grow 2.0, Mike Dillard, offers a 30- day money-back guarantee – but with conditions.

You need proof that you didn’t miss out on anything in the course, and it had not worked out.

List Grow 2.0 – The Cons

Even though all-encompassing, you still need to buy some tools and resources

You need extra money for tools and resources to grow the business. This includes your site’s domain name, subscription to click funnels, bulimics, MailChimp Snag it, and Grasshopper. You will also need resources for your site’s security.

It is expensive List Grow 2.0 costs about $1,497. That amount is huge. A lot of entrepreneurs may not be able to afford that. You have to ask, is it worth it?

Yes, it’s expensive but how about the value you will get from it. It might be a one in a lifetime opportunity. You just have to decide.

How Much Will List Grow Cost Me?

The prices vary as the sources. One source says that you may need up to $1,497 to buy the online training course.

Another says List Grow 2.0 price can be up to $1000.

Apparenty, there are diffrent sources you can get List Grow 2.0 at varying prices.

List Grow 2.0 is similar to other legit online courses I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

List Grow 2.0 Summary

List Grow is an online course that was designed for entrepreneurs. This course is geared towards helping them get more audience, building their email, finding their perfect niche, generating more leads, growing their client database, etc.

You can enroll from the comfort of your home and do your study anywhere through your personal computer, smartphone, or desktop computer.

  • Product: List Grow 2.0
  • Price to Join: Between $1,000 and $1497, depending on where you buy it.
  • Rating: 60/100
  • Do I Recommend: Yes, but ONLY if you are already sussessful making money online and want to grow your business; I don’t recomment this for “newbies.”

Mike Dillard’s List Grow Teaches Only Paid Traffic Methods

The main source of traffic taught by Dillard and List Grow 2.0 is Facebook ads.

Unfortunately, training on how to get free, organic traffic is missing in this course.

List Grow 2.0 doesn’t teach entrepreneurs how to create a website and use SEO to get your websites ranked organically.

I can say this from personal experience that you can lose a lot of money on Facebook ads if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Heck, you can still lose money on Facebook ads even if you’ve had previous success with then before.

Facebook doesn’t care about you or your marketing budget. According to Forbes Magazine, Facebook saw an increase in ads costs of 90% year-on-year.

In other words, EVERY YEAR the cost to advertise on Facebook keeps increasing – it’s never decreased!

As long as people keep buying their expensive advertising, Zuckerberg and the admins at Facebook could care less!

But Wait! – There’s More!

It’s a fact that the learning curve of Facebook ads is quite steep because Facebook keeps changing its algorithm!

Yes, all the time – every chance they can!

Constantly changing th “algorithim” prevents online business owners from figuring out the best way to maximize their advertising dollars, thus, Facebook is ALWAYS in control when it comes to advertising on their platform.

Unfortunately, You have to invest a lot of time and money in learning and testing Facebook ads.

If you decide to run Facebook ads without any experience and unknowingly screw-up, it’s possible your ad account will be easily banned and shut down for violating their always strict policies.

So you’re thinking to yourself, “I’ll just buy one of those Facebook Ads Courses from one of those I-know-everything-about-Facebook gurus.”

The so-called “gurus” who’ve claimed they’ve figured out how to take advantage of Facebook advertising overcharge for access to their ridiculously expensive courses on Facebook advertising.

So what you have is a situation where everybody is looking after themselves and their own bank account, not what’s best for the online business owner.

However, here’s something that very few “newbies” understand early on:

Learning How To Get Free Traffic Is The Best Way!

One of the best ways to get traffic to your website is through free, organic traffic from the search engines; this is the primary method that Wealthy Affiliate, the platform I’ve built my online business on, uses to attract visitors.

Although List Grow 2.0 is a great course, but I’m disappointed that Dillard has choosen to focus on Facebook ads and ClickFunnels, which is an expensive service, especially if you are just starting out.

The cost to subscribe to ClickFunnels is $97 per month!

That’s a lot of money to pay out month after month if you are just starting out (or even if your experienced) for just a landing page builder.

Along with that, you’ll have to purchase an autoresponder, a program that collects and sends emails, which can cost you anywhere from $15 to $50 a month.

Do you see how this is starting to add up?

At the end of the day, I can honestly tell you that there’s a better alternative available if you want to learn how to build a complete online business without the expensive costs.

It’s the same platform I use, Wealthy Affiliate!

Why Use Wealthy Affiliate To Build Your Online Business?

Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need, all in ONE place for one reasonable price.

Wealthy Affiliate is a step-by-step program that takes you by the hand and teaches you how to build an affiliate marketing business so you can quickly start to achieve your goals of making money online.

Wealthy Affiliate makes the whole process of building an online business just that much easier.

Each module or lesson contains a complete analysis of what’s working today so you can easily and almost instantly gain an understanding of how affiliate marketing works.

In return this allows you to create a high-converting website of your own in a fraction of the time.

However, you might be wondering how you’re going to survive the brutal paces of having to figure out the technical aspects of building your business.

I know exactly how you feel.

In fact, I felt the same way when I started!

And up until recently, there really was a brutal learning curve.

In fact, it was worse than most people realize!

If You Have Struggled, Take Heart!

However, with Wealthy Affiliate, I found a simple way to get my website built that’s 100% tech-free and I was able to build everything in a few days.

I didn’t even have to read the directions! In fact, there was no software to install, no “code” of any kind. When I think about it …it was actually fun!”

Even better, you can create a FREE account so you can try out Wealthy Affiliate and actually have a look around without spending one dime.

You can keep the FREE account as long as you need to.

The Premium Membership is only $49 dollars a month – or you can save money by paying your membership annually.

The Premium membership from Wealthy Affiliate is by far the highest value, most cost-efficient way to create and grow an online business in 2020 and moving forward.

If you have struggled for years to build a successful business online, or feel that you don’t have the “full picture”…Wealthy Affiliate has been designed especially for YOU.

What the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon. have done is make available the opportunity for you to set up a FREE membership.

That means you can try out key features of the platform without spending a dime!

No debit or credit card needed to try out Wealthy Affiliate.

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  1. List Grow is quite expensive, and the author Mike Dillard is not even into blogging anymore but he is selling expensive courses.   

    I believe what you say in your review that for a starter business owner, it is not necessary to buy this expensive offer.  

    And it is true that with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll have all that you need for a business to succeed, and this is a good start. 

    1. Hello Maria,

      Thank You for taking the time to read my review of Mike Dillard’s List Grow 2.0.

      I appreciate the fact that you’ve gained value from the content.


  2. I love the fact that although you might have an affiliation with this program, you have definitely outlined everything that people need to know with no sugarcoating. 

    I really appreciate that because I have been looking into this program for a while and I have no idea which sources to trust. I can see that your website is one that I can trust and I really appreciate that.

    1. Thank You for your comment and I appreciate the fact that you took the time to read this post.

      I should have mentioned in my blog post that I am not affiliated with Mike Dillard’s List Grow 2.0.

      Talk Soon,


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