Primerica Financial Services Review – Facts You Need To Know

Welcome to this Primerica Financial Services Review. Literally, hundreds of thousands of consumers have purchased Primerica insurance policies through the company’s recruiting efforts. Since the inception of A.L. Williams, now Primerica, many of their agents have made good money selling for the company.

Worries about if the company is legit or fraudulent, primarily because it also offers MLM services, are a concern for many. Those are what I intend to treat in this review. But firstly:

Who Was The Founder Of Primerica?

Primerica Financial Services Review - Facts You Need To Know

The founder of Primerica was a gentleman named A.L. Williams. Actually, before Primerica changed its name the company was called, not surprisingly, A.L. Williams! Amazingly, Art Williams’s Net Worth was estimated at = $1.4 Billion.

Primerica Financial Services Review - Facts You Need To Know

He was a simple football coach that decided that he wanted to do more with his life. Sadly, Art L. Williams passed away in 2018. The life story of A. L. Williams is a fascinating study. What prompted Williams to start an insurance company was the death of his father in 1965. Williams’s father died suddenly of a heart attack, and unfortunately, the family found out they were grossly underinsured.

The whole life insurance policy the family had was not enough to provide for the family after the death of A.L. William’s father. This left a deep scar on William’s heart, and as he put it, he was out to punish the whole life insurance industry for what happened to his family.

With Art Williams, “Buy Term and Invest The Difference” was a battle cry against the insurance industry. Williams was introduced to the concept of term life insurance five years after the death of his father through his cousin Ted Harrison. Williams learned about how term life insurance is a much less expensive and simpler alternative to the popular whole life insurance. What’s interesting is, according to Williams, term life was rarely sold and never spoken of outside the insurance industry.

What happened after that was Williams was taken deeply disturbed at the total lack of choice consumers were given when it came to buying life insurance.

Williams was angry at the fact that unsuspecting consumers were left not just poor in the wallet, but also grossly underinsured.

These events set in motion the decision on February 10, 1977, in which Art Williams and 85 of his associates founded their own insurance company, A.L. Williams and Associates. The simple philosophy of the company that would simply be known as A.L. Williams was a phrase that would shake the foundations of the life insurance industry: “Buy Term and Invest the Difference.” The rest is history.

On a personal note, about 25 years ago I was once an agent for A.L. Williams – and I must say it was a life-altering experience.

It was the very first multi-level marketing company I ever joined! Why do I say it was a life-altering experience? It’s because I met some unforgettable people at the weekly A.L. Williams sales meetings. Also, during these meetings, we were always treated to a video of our fearless leader, Art Williams. I can tell you that they were truly motivating to us as aspiring life insurance agents.

We didn’t look at ourselves as insurance salesmen and women – we looked at ourselves as correcting a great injustice done to the unsuspecting consumer. When I look at the world today, those were truly wonderful times…Below is a video from the founder and leader of what was then A.L Williams and Associates. The message in these videos are timeless and still relevant today!

Words Of Wisdom: Art Williams – All You Can Do

Primerica Financial Services Review – What is Primerica?

Primerica Financial Services Review - Facts You Need To Know

Primerica, formerly A.L. Williams, is a life insurance company that offers two types of Term Life policies for customers between 18 and 70 years old. Primerica also operates an MLM business strategy that allows agents to sell its policies and make money when they recruit others to join.

This company was founded in 1977 by A.L. Williams, and it targets middle-income American customers who earn between the ranges of $30,000 to $100,000 per year and families that do not have insurance coverage.

With over $808 billion of term life insurance policies, 130,000 life insurance licensed independent representatives, over 4 million active insurance policies, prompt payments of insurance claims, and high ratings by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Primerica’s foundation in the insurance industry is strong. However, in this review, I will be highlighting information about their services and the multi-level marketing opportunities associated with Primerica.

Primerica Life Insurance Policies

Primerica offers two plans for term life insurance:

  • Term Now: This is a death benefit that goes to the beneficiaries upon the death of the insured. It is a rapid issue plan, meaning you can skip the medical examination that is normally required and get covered within a few minutes of applying and completing a health questionnaire. This policy has coverage of up to $300,000, but one can opt for a term of 10 – 35 years.
  • Custom Advantage: This plan has a more rigorous examining and underwriting process, though they are less expensive than TermNow policies. This plan offers coverage of about $150,000 to $400,000.

Both plans have a longer period of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years, but the 35-year term plan is only accessible to people who are 45 years and below, while the 25-year plan is the maximum term length available to individuals 55 years and older. All Primerica policies provide life insurance coverage until a maximum age of 95.

More Facts About Primerica Policies

These policies can be renewed without a new health examination until the age of 95, though the premium may increase due to age. Primerica term life insurance policies also offer several riders (insurance endorsements) to give policyholders more coverage:

  • Increasing benefit rider: Increases the policy’s death benefit value by up to 10% for 10 years until you are 55
  • Terminal illness benefit: The company gives policyholders that are diagnosed with terminal illness access to their death benefit to pay for medical expenses and care while they’re still alive
  • Waiver of premium: Primerica waives the monthly premium if a policyholder becomes critically ill or disabled.
  • Child rider: The policy allows you to add the child rider to get coverage for your child. You can get up to $50,000 in coverage for children under the age of 24.

Primerica Product Prices: Are they Worth It?

Primerica doesn’t offer online quotes on their website; you will need to contact a representative for a free quote. Their prices are quite high when compared to similar products, at an average of 11% to be precise. However, unless you’re willing to undergo rigorous medical examinations when you check with other cheaper insurance companies, Primerica may be the better option.

The Primerica MLM Opportunity

Asides from the insurance policies, Primerica also offers products such as annuities, mutual funds, auto insurance, and so on. Therefore, appropriately licensed individuals can make money from selling these products too. Primerica follows the MLM method of duplication and recruitment by encouraging agents to recruit new members and earn a commission with every sale their recruit makes.

The idea is that not only do you earn commissions monthly by selling the products, but you can also earn passively when your recruit makes sales. It costs a one-time fee of $99 to get started as a Primerica agent in the U.S. or $103.95 in Canada. Also, you must pay $25 monthly to gain access to their intranet website Primerica Online (POL). However, you have to be a licensed insurance broker before you can start selling insurance to others.


  • Rapid coverage: The TermNow policy gives you a term life policy with up to $300,000 in coverage within minutes, without going through lengthy applications and medical examinations.
  • Increasing benefit rider available: Coverage amount is automatically increased by 10% every year for 10 years without additional underwriting needed, up to $500,000.
  • Quick payment of claims: All claims are paid within two weeks of requesting them.


  • Unavailability of online quotes: You cannot see price quotes on their primary website; you have to contact an agent to get one.
  • Your agent will try to recruit you: Usually, the agent you contact to get a term policy quote will actively try to recruit you to sell for Primerica.
  • Pay for your own expenses: You pay for your training and licensing fees yourself after you must have registered.
  • Emphasis on recruiting 3 people: Once you register, you need to recruit a minimum of 3 people to join the program within the first 90 days, regardless of the fact that you may be occupied with training and exams.

Primerica Financial Services is similar to other legit multi-level marketing companies I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Is Primerica A Scam?

Primerica Financial Services Review - Facts You Need To Know

Primerica is an outstanding company. Certainly, Primerica Financial Services is NOT a scam. As a matter of fact, Primerica’s work environment earned such high praises that they were named to the 2021 Top Workplaces USA list! Primerica is a legitimate company with an A+ rating from A.M. Best, a top Credit rating agency, meaning that the company can meet its financial obligations.

If you’re talking about the company’s insurance policies, they do provide real coverage, notwithstanding their shortcomings. However, their sales and recruitment practices are other stories altogether. They place more emphasis on recruiting new members than they do on the actual services they provide.

You are required from the get-go to get at least three people to join within your first 90 days as an agent. The company does not provide any insurance lead programs that can help agents get interested prospects; instead, they are advised to start recruiting from their family and friends. Primerica does not pay salaries to its agents; it’s a commission-based compensation plan.

In other words, no sales or recruitment equals no pay. Also, in some instances, depending on the type of policy being sold, commissions are lower when compared to other insurance companies. I hope this review has been helpful in giving you a better insight into Primerica Financial Services and its products. As solid as this company is, I can tell you from personal experience that selling life insurance is not for everyone.

As a matter of fact, more people fail when they endeavor to become life insurance agents than succeed. No doubt, many who work to qualify as insurance agents do so because they want to create an income that will give them and their families better choices in life. However, my question to you is this:

Is There Another Option That Will Teach You How To Make A Life-Changing Income?

The fact of the matter is selling term life insurance policies certainly is not for everyone. Also, Primerica’s emphasis on recruiting is a huge turnoff for many people. From my personal experience, I’ve found that having ONLINE systems in place is the best way to create long-term, residual income. When you have online systems in place, you are making money 24/7, regardless of where you live in the world.

As you learn how to create an online business through affiliate marketing, what you are doing is creating a system (blog or website) or multiple systems that allow you to make money on autopilot. When you make money on autopilot, this frees up your time, and when you free up your time, this reduces the level of destructive stress in your life.

No more stress of working on a job you hate but have to do to feed your family. Gone is the stress of never having enough money to pay your bills. Since you’re making money on autopilot, you’re making much more of it than you ever could working your life-sucking job. With more money coming in, now your time is free, allowing you to scale up your business up to six and seven figures. Everything, especially your health, gets better, because of less stress. You have more time, more Money, and more Freedom.

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The choice is yours, my friend!

Talk Soon,


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  1. I had never heard Art Williams talking.

    Thank you for posting those videos of Art Williams on this blog post.

     Williams really has a unique way of delivering his speech. A ton of energy in his voice and even more in his thoughts! 

    I love the statement “All you can do is all you can do!” 

    That’s something I’ll remember from this post. 

    Of all the MLMs I have come across, this one sounds like a good one!

    Thank you for this post!

    1. Hello Ann!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post and the videos of Art Williams.

      Most people, like yourself,  who will read this post have probably never heard of A.L. Williams.

      His message is just as relevant today as it was years ago.

      Thanks for reading.

      Talk Soon,


  2. It is very good to know that there are people that want to help others. 

    Life insurance is a good decision when you have all benefits that you review in this article. 

    It’s obvious from reading your article that you are familiar with A.L. Williams because you’ve worked with the company years ago. 

    Unfortunately, I do not live in the USA, but here where I live we have a great insurance company that deals with life insurance, and I can tell you that they are great and that they provide benefits for all social groups. 

    Thank you for your article, Howard!

    1. Hello Aleksandra!

      Thank you for your comments and for taking the time to consider this post on A.L. Williams!

      I wish you All The Best!

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