Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is The Best?

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is The Best?

For many people trying to make money online, the Solo Build It Vs Wealthy Affiliate debate will continue for some time.

That’s because they offer very similar online services that are geared towards new and intermediate online marketers.

Also, both platforms are nothing like the “make money online” scams and get-rich quick schemes that proliferate the internet.

Similarly, Solo Build It and Wealthy Affiliate have not only stood the test of time but have proven to produce real results.

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Solo Build It Overview

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Best For You?
  • Product Name: Solo Built It
  • Founder: Founded by Ken Evoy in 1997
  • Product Type: Online Marketing Training Platform
  • Price: $29.99/month or $299/year
  • Best For: Anyone interested to build their own website & make money online, particularly new & intermediate online marketers.
  • Summary: Solo Build It is a very good platform to help people build their own online business and generate income from it. They have great tools and detailed training but it’s not my top recommendation.
  • My Rating of Solo Built It! : 75 out of 100

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Wealthy Affiliate Overview

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Best For You?
  • Name: Wealthy Affiliate
  • Owners: Kyle Loudoun & Carson Lim
  • Product Type: Online Marketing Training Platform
  • Price: Starter Member (free), Premium Membership ($49 a month or $359 per year)
  • Best For: Anyone interested to build their own website & make money online, particularly new & intermediate online marketers.
  • Summary: Wealthy Affiliate is an outstanding platform helping people build their own online businesses and generate income from it.
  • They also have great tools and detailed training. Wealthy Affiliate is my top recommendation from my personal viewpoint. Your conclusions may be different.
  • My Rating of Wealthy Affiliate:  80 out of 100

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate – What Does Training Involve

Solo Build It! and Wealthy Affiliate offer very similar online services that are geared towards new and intermediate online marketers.

Both Solo Build It and Wealthy Affiliate have not only stood the test of time but have excellent training materials, especially for “newbies”.

The main training guide for Solo Build It is called the “Action Guide”.

With this Action Guide, you’re provided with a 10-Day course that will guide you from scratch to the point where you can monetize your website.

Please keep this fact in mind:You won’t start to make money after you go through the 10 day “Action Guide”.

You are NOT going to make money from online marketing in 10 days after implementing this guide.

However, what will happen is the “Action Guide” will provide you with the necessary instructions and guidance to help you get to the point where you’re competent enough to make money from your website.

However, do not expect yourself to be making money within a short period of time. You’ll not see any results in the first few months for sure.

Here is a breakdown of the 10-day course in the “Action Guide”:

  • Overview of how to master the online Basics – Day 1
  • How to develop your best site concept – Day 2
  • Learning to brainstorm for better content – Day 3
  • Monetization options – Day 4
  • Take time to refine your site concept & domain name registration – Day 5
  • How to build a site that people want to visit – Day 6
  • Free traffic: what works and what doesn’t – Day 7
  • How to develop relationships – Day 8
  • Know who your visitors are – Day 9
  • More monetization – Day 10

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate – What Are Some Tools Available With SBI

Solo Build It! has literally hundreds of tools within its platform that marketers can use to help build their business.

The owner of Solo Build It! Ken Envoy, really wanted to give people who use SBI everything they needed to build a successful online business.

However, the downside is that with so many tools available for “newbies”, it’s a bit complicated and somewhat overwhelming for beginners.

Also, some experienced marketers have also found the availability so so many tools a bit overwhelming as well.

Below is a list of just a few of the tools available on Site Build It!:

  • SiteDesigner (Website Templates)
  • Brainstorm It! (the SBI Keyword/Niche Research Tool)
  • SiteBuilder (SBI’s Drag and drop page builder)
  • DownloadCenter
  • TrafficCenter
  • BusinessCenter
  • InfoCenter
  • PageManager
  • Also, within each center, more tools are available for even more diverse purposes, such as social media tools, auto blogging plug-ins, autoresponder tools, and many more than I cannot list.

All in all, they just have a ton of relevant tools to help you build your business. This is pretty awesome given that they only charge you $29.99/month.

Is 24/7 Support Available?

Solo Build It, similar to Wealthy Affiliate, offers 24/7 support.

What’s great is you can get help very fast if you need it. SBI also has a members-only forum where you can post comments and ask for assistance.

Similarly, Wealthy Affiliate has Live Chat, which allows a member access to other knowledgeable affiliates literally 24/7 to ask any relevant question and to get technical assistance.

Wealthy Affiliate also has Site Support, where you can get detailed help with technical issues related to WordPress, the Wealthy Affiliate platform, or any other help you need for your website/blog.

Solo Build It!

The Pros of Solo Built It!

  • 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee:  you have to pay your membership fee upfront. There is no 7-day free trial as with Wealthy Affiliate
  • Long History: Solo Build It started in 1997. It became Site Built It in 2001 and then was renamed in 2017 to become Solo Build It.
  • Solo Built It! has been in business for over 20 years. You don’t stay in business for over 20 years on the internet unless you’re providing real value.
  • Awesome Training: The easy-to-read 10-day “Action Guide” is available in three formats – written, video and mobile.
  • Affordable Price: the price of SBI is very reasonable at $29.99/month or $299/year, you get everything you need to start your own online business.

The Cons of Solo Built It

  • Difficult Navigation: SBI’s navigation needs to be more user-friendly – the platform may be too overwhelming for beginners because of site navigation that needs to be improved.
  • Hard to move site hosted at SBI: It’s very hard to move your website to third-party hosting because of the SBI tools used on your site. SBI offers a lot of tools that you need to heavily rely on. It seems you’re bound to use SBI products for life for the websites hosted at SBI
  • Inactive Community: The SBI community has a private forum that is not as active and engaging as the members of Wealthy Affiliate are.
  • Focus Only on Organic Traffic: SBI claims that you don’t need to purchase traffic because they can help you drive FREE targeted traffic.

The Pros Of Wealthy Affiliate

  • Hosting: The hosting is top-notch here at Wealthy Affiliate. When you have cheap hosting, that brings with it a lot of headaches. My websites are hosted through Wealthy Affiliate and it’s been a pleasant experience.
  • Owners Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim are actually involved: Both Kyle and Carson are on Live Chat. They’re involved with Site Support. They rove about in the WA community answering questions and giving helpful feedback. These guys really want you to succeed and they truly love what they do.
  • Interactive Community: This has been a huge motivator for me. When I first joined I felt that having to interact with a community of like-minded people was a waste of time.

The Cons of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has a large community of online marketers who can quickly answer any questions.

Personally, I have benefited tremendously from this feature. LiveChat and SiteSupport are second to none, in my opinion!

However, if you aren’t careful, this HUGE online community could be a source of distraction if you are prone to procrastinate.

Therefore, if you are a person who is easily distracted, this could be a problem for you.

You MUST be self disciplined: Just signing up for the Wealthy Affiliate website doesn’t make you money. Building a business is hard work.

You have to WORK through the courses and actually learn how to become a proficient affiliate marketer.

Also, you will need to make an effort to network and learn from other people.

You have to have the desire to write content: You need to be able to communicate via the written word regarding topics that interest you.

This could be difficult for many because of educational background, language barriers, health issues, and other factors.

After you start making some money, you can outsource your content writing.

However, to become a proficient affiliate marketer you need to gain some experience writing content to learn what works.

If you are a perfectionist you will have a hard time at Wealthy Affiliate: The only way to become profitable you will need to write content regularly.

Also, you can’t linger and agonize over every post for days, writing and re-writing your articles.

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is The Poor Mans Solution

When you are starting out money is ALWAYS an issue. The amount of money you have to spend initially is a HUGE factor.

It’s an even bigger issue if you are broke or have very little money to spend on your business.

Solo Build It! is a very comprehensive platform to help beginners start their own profitable online business.

Also, Wealthy Affiliate has an excellent platform as well for beginners and intermediate marketers.

Therefore, the reason I personally would choose Wealthy Affiliate over Solo Build It! is because Wealthy Affiliate is a better fit for anyone who has absolutely no experience with online marketing.

SBI within the last few years has started using WordPress as their website builder.

Wealthy Affiliate has always used WordPress as the primary method to build websites.

Wealthy Affiliate uses WordPress only. WordPress is the largest and most popular Content Management System in the world.

Also, I don’t think you want to be locked in to a platform that won’t allow you to transfer your website to another hosting site if you decide you need to transfer.

If you decide you no longer want to be a part of Wealthy Affiliate you can completely move your websites to another hosting platform.

At the time of my writing this post, YOU CAN NOT move your websites to another hosting platform with Solo Build It!

My Personal Recommendation

So, my personal opinion is I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate over Solo Build It.

You are offered to build 2 FREE websites which allow you to host up to 25 websites on your own domain.

Also, another reason why I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate over Solo Build It! is the 7-Day Free Trial.

Wealthy Affiliate offers new members an opportunity to try the platform FREE with no obligation to join or buy upfront.

You can use limited parts of the platform to try it out without giving up any credit card information. For me, that’s a HUGE advantage.

However, if you decide you no longer want to be a part of Wealthy Affiliate you can completely move your websites to another hosting platform.

So, here’s my two cents worth: Wealthy Affiliate is the BEST platform for someone who is FLAT BROKE or has VERY LITTLE MONEY, and is trying to start an affiliate marketing business.

Therefore, In this regard, Wealthy Affiliate has the advantage over Solo Build It.

Choose the program that you feel is right for YOU.

Frankly, you can build a thriving affiliate marketing business using either platform. The choice comes down to which of the two you personally prefer.

Below are additional resources for your consideration:

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Better?

The short answer: The platform YOU consider the best is the best!

If you honestly believe Solo Build It! gives you a better chance for success, then that is the platform you should use to build your business.

However, if you feel the Wealthy Affiliate is the better alternative, then that is the platform you should use. 

Every single person who looks at either SBI or WA will find what’s right for them and what’s wrong for them.

Frankly, if you look hard enough, you can find positive aspects and negative aspects on both platforms.

My personal choice to build my affiliate marketing business was Wealthy Affiliate for the reasons I’ve outlined above.

Make your own personal decision on which one is best FOR YOU, and then stick with your decision and make it work.

Talk Soon,


Solo Build It!

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  1. I have been wondering what are the alternatives to Wealthy Affiliate, so it is good to learn about Solo Build It! 

    It is cheaper but from your comparison, I think WA is more flexible, easier to use and the community seems better. 

    To be disciplined and consistent is really important and indeed, the WA is set up in a way that may make members spent more time interacting than actually starting their own business. 

    The ranking system is quite addictive though there is no benefit.

    1. Hello Richard,

      Actually, Wealthy Affiliate is cheaper in the long run because there are never any upsells with WA. You don’t have to purchase another program or software to build your online business with WA.

      Also, WA will never send you promotional emails selling other “products” while you are a member.

      That is not the case with Solo Built It!

      You made the comment about Wa being set up so that “members spent more time interacting than actually starting their own business.”

      That’s not true. WA was not intentionally set up so that aspiring online business owners could waste time because nothing kills a business more than wasting time.

      The WA community was set up the way it is so that people could get immediate answers to their questions and move on with the work of building their business.

      While it’s true that some in WA linger too long socializing in the community, that is the fault of the individual and not a negative aspect of Wealthy Affiliate.

      I can honestly tell you that the community at WA is the most helpful I’ve seen, even more so that what I’ve read from individuals who’ve tried other programs like Solo Built It!

      Thank You for taking the time to read this post.



  2. Hi Howard, 

    I’ve never heard of Solo Build it.  I don’t think it would be something that would interest me to be fair.  

    Been with WA now for just over a year so doubt I would consider something else.  

    Also on black friday, I paid $299 which is the same pretty much but I get why people would want to find alternatives.

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