Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review – Real Steps To Big Money?

Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review - Can You Benefit From This?

Welcome to this Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review.

Tai Lopez an internet marketer with a global reputation and a net worth of tens of millions of dollars.

This review will help you decide if purchasing The 67 Steps is right for you.

Lopez is a figure to reckon with, and his “Here In My Garage” video has been viewed on YouTube more than 69 million times and has reached legendary status.

He is a very intelligent and successful marketer who has been able to maintain his popularity over the years.

This is only possible for someone that is genuine and not a swindler or a scammer.

Therefore, the usefulness of purchasing “The 67 Steps” by Tai Lopez is briefly discussed in this review.

There is also another option I will recommend, since you’re interested in learning how to earn money online and become a successful marketer.

Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review – Basic Information About The 67 Steps

  • What “The 67 Steps” is all about: It is a video course that guarantees to assist you in achieving whatever you want in life.
  • Fees: It has different price tags, including a lifetime access fee of $37.
  • What I Like: It contains lots of content and ideas that students find very useful.
  • What I Dislike: The 67 Steps is unorganized, lengthy, and only slightly better than the free courses available online.
  • My Advice: Stay away from it except you love the way Tai Lopez talks and have used up his free content.

The 67 Steps is a virtual course run by Tai Lopez, a professional internet marketer, with the aim of helping you realize your life’s goals, which could be happiness, love, wealth, health or whatever it is you want in your life.

As found on the sales page, over 200,000 people have subscribed to the course since it began.

It has 67 lessons, which are mostly composed of videos.

In each video, Tai directly speaks to the camera for about 30 minutes.

Subscribers are also entitled to free trial of a VIP Membership that allows them to get two live calls monthly and to play back past live calls, as well as access to a private Facebook group containing more than 41,000 members, and bonus materials.

The aim of this 67 Steps review is to help you determine whether the course is suitable for you.

Is The 67 Steps Full of New Ideas?

Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review - Can You Benefit From This?

One thing Tai Lopez is known for is his claim about reading a book per day.

My understanding is Tai Lopez SUMMARIZES a book a day through Mentor Box, a book summary club which he is part owner of.

Though that seems like “reading a book a day” is an exaggerated statement, he definitely reads a lot.

As a result, he is an embodiment of insights and ideas from some of the greatest achievers that have ever lived.

He is also an entrepreneur with lots of connection and experience.

In “The 67 Steps,” Tai endeavors to give you all that experience and information.

You may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount of information shared by Tai and the random manner he shares it.

Nevertheless, the good thing is that, within a short period of time, you are introduced to many viewpoints and ideas, which you may find insightful and worthy of further study.

It Has Loads of Content

The videos in the main 67 Steps lessons have a length of least 30 hours.

The bonus part of the course contains additional video content of more than 100 hours.

In terms of the amount of content, many who purchased The 67 Steps feel that what you get is certainly worth your money.

There Are Free Courses Online Providing Similar Lessons

You’ll notice that “The 67 Steps” has only a few things you know nothing about if you regularly view Tai Lopez YouTube videos or listen to his podcast.

Besides, there are various complaints from many who have purchase The 67 Steps that the course is repetitive, unorganized and lengthy.

Furthermore, what is available in the premium content is not much different from the many free video lessons shared by Tai.

It would be great if he included his very best stuff in the premium content in an organized and concise way, so anyone could quickly and easily grasp it all.

Rather, in most of the videos in the course, Tai talks vaguely and casually about a specific topic with no clear structure or notes to guide him.

Hence, what should ordinarily take 10 minutes ends up being delivered in 30 minutes.

You may sometimes miss the main point he is trying to explain.

For instance, while Tai was dishing out one of the 67 steps, he would stop to recall a quote that popped into his head in some of the videos.

In the videos, he usually spends between 15 and 30 seconds searching for stuff quickly.

Moreover, the course contains an overwhelming amount of repetition.

You’ll realize that the core messages of the different steps somehow overlap when you figure them out, which makes you really wonder why it has to be so lengthy.

Endless Sales

Before purchasing “The 67 Steps,” you should know that, the moment you submit your payment details, you’ll keep receiving multiple upsell offers and constant encouragement to subscribe to Tai’s other courses.

  • $95 upsell for “The Entrepreneur Code” course
  • An offer of $197 to subscribe again to the same program
  • Tai’s Mini-MBA Program pegged at $297

Certainly, it is not uncommon to have upsell offers immediately after a purchase.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of online marketers set up webinars that are carefully crafted sales funnels that bombard you with endless offers for you to purchase.

Notwithstanding, the upsells that come along with this course are just too many.

Throughout The 67 Steps, Tai frequently makes reference to his other programs to encourage you to purchase them and learn more.

In general, after going through “The 67 Steps,” I found out that it doesn’t really have what it takes to fulfill what was promised on the sales page.

Do I Recommend It?

For majority of people, I would say no. That’s my person opinion.

It is a decent course that contains useful insights from some of the greatest minds in the world.

However, it doesn’t actually offer anything special and different from the free stuff Tai has already shared on his YouTube channel and podcast.

I’ve found that most people want to learn how to make money online as quickly and consistently as possible.

Actually, Tai Lopez has a excellent YouTube channel where you can get much of the same information that’s offered in the 67 Steps.

Personal development for the mind is important and has its place, however, right now you’re here reading this blog because you want to build a recurring life-changing income.

You need to do this as soon as possible, especially in view of the massive events that have transpired during 2020.

Tai Lopez is similar to other online “gurus” I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Tai Lopez 67 Steps Review – Who Is “The 67 Steps” Meant For?

The 67 Steps is for those who have watched plenty of Tai’s YouTube videos, listened extensively to his podcast, and still crave for more of his content.

I would say this course is for you if you fall in that category.

The 67 Steps is not a actual business platform – it’s designed to help you achieve the right mindset in order for you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

My view is that the 67 Steps is more along the lines of personal development rather that a actual make money online course.

Nonetheless, numerous readers of this blog are trying to avoid getting scammed in their search for ways to learn how to earn money from the internet.

Frankly, if you are trying to learn how to make money online so you can build a life-changing income, The 67 Steps by Tai Lopez won’t help you set up a profitable online business.

You need a platform specifically designed to help you build an online business in the shortest time possible.

Is There A Better Option?

If you’ve made the decision that Tai Lopez’s 67 Steps isn’t right for you at this time, there are other ways to help you learn how to make money online.

The hard truth is having a “mentor” and reading personal development books alone as Tai Lopez preaches won’t get you to where you want to be financially.

You have to actually LEARN how to make money online.

From my experience, the best and easiest way to make money online is with affiliate marketing.

Also, you can start affiliate marketing on a shoestring budget.

If you want to learn about affiliate marketing, click on the banner below and have a look at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best course that I know of that will teach you how to make money online through affiliate marketing.

If you want a more detailed review of what Wealthy Affiliate can do for YOU, check out my thorough Wealthy Affiliate Review here.

The best part?

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Since it’s FREE to try, you literally have nothing to lose.

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  1. Yes, I can see that you would not recommend it and I can agree with this. 

    I do believe that it is not suited for me but it is suited for other people in my family though. 

    I will be sure to share it with them and let you what they think. 

    Thank you so much for this article. 

    1. Hey Daniel,

      My main reason for not recommending it is not because it isn’t a good course, but much of want is in The 67 Steps can be found for free in many of Tai Lopez’s YouTube videos.

      Thanks for reading!


  2. This review is very helpful. 

    I took a course similar to this one that had soooo many videos, all with the guy talking, repeating the same information over and over. 

    I felt really ripped off, so I hope that your review helps someone avoid spending a lot of money for not a lot of value.

    Your option to become a part of Wealthy Affiliate is a great one! 

    It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and the training is concise,  Plus every one in the group endeavors to help everyone else!

    Thanks for posting this! Someone will read it and save their hard earned money, and you will have done a great service. I hope you scout out more of these kinds of programs to warn folks of the pitfalls.

    I was generous of you to say there was value if someone liked watching the guy talk for hours. I think your tongue was probably firmly in your cheek as you wrote that.

    Thanks again, and be well!


    1. Hey Al,

      Great points you make about this post on Tai Lopez and his 67 Steps.

      One thing I can say about Tai Lopez is he offers great value in his content, even if he does talk too much at times!

      Thanks for reading,


  3. Good day, Howard…

    Thanks for this article on the Tai Lopez 67 steps. 

    As beginners in the online marketing field, getting access to such kind of courses and trainings are very important to give one the necessary knowledge to build an online business. 

    From all I have read, I am of the opinion that it would be great to join the over 200,000 subscribers of this course.

    I may look into the 67 steps to see what it has to offer.

    Thanks for the unbiased review!

    1. Hello Ebor,

      I’ve followed Tai Lopez off and on for a number of years and he publishes great content.

      However, as I mentioned in my post, you may want to check out his many YouTube videos first before spending hard-earned money on content you can find for free from Tai Lopez’s YouTube videos…

      Just my 2 cents worth!

      Talk Soon,


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