The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

Regarding the popular affiliate marketplace ClickBank, the question many of you have asked is this: What Is The Best Way to Make Money with Clickbank?

Clickbank has been a popular platform for affiliate marketers for decades.

A number of affiliate marketers have made large sums of money, six and seven figures, promoting various products that are on the Clickbank platform.

the questions of how to profit from ClickBank get asked over and over, especially from new and inexperienced affiliate marketers.

Most marketers, especially the ones who don’t know what they’re talking about, will tell you the following: 

Just pick a couple of products that seem to convert and drive traffic to them and make some sales.

Is it really that easy?

Guess what?

It ain’t that easy!

Believe me, I really wish it was that easy, but it isn’t.

There’s Work Involved To Make That Money!

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

Yes…That’s right. Online marketing is HARD work.

Promoting ClickBank products is no walk in the park, either.

The fact that you want to create an online business so you can take control of your time and your finances is great.

However, you have to understand that the foundation for success with ClickBank lies in affiliate marketing.

Learning to become a proficient affiliate marketer is key, especially if you hope to have success with ClickBank.

Today, with the vast amount of information available and the speed at which the internet changes have made internet marketing downright overwhelming. 

In just the past 12 years “internet marketing” was a small niche and there was very little saturation.

Today, there are well over 100,000,000 individuals interested in getting a slice of the affiliate marketing pie.

Similarly, heres another fact:

There are over 2.5 million blog posts published daily along with over 270 billion emails sent out.

When you consider these and many other facts I haven’t even touched on, one thing is apparently clear:

The SEO marketing tactics that worked 10 years ago won’t work today.

Online marketing and SEO are evolving so quickly that it has broken off into specialized fields.

Therefore, my point is this:

If you want to know the best way to make money with ClickBank, you need to focus primarily on affiliate marketing.

The purpose of this blog post is not to give a detailed explanation of how ClickBank works and what the stats on the ClickBank website mean you your business.

My purpose here is to direct you to the best resource possible that will help you build a business promoting Clickbank products.

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank – How Can ClickBank Benefit You? 

Clickbank is a global platform specializing in marketing by using affiliates to promote various digital and physical products through websites, blogs, videos, and email. 

In the Clickbank community, product creators are called “vendors”. The marketers who promote, or sell their products are referred to as “affiliates.” 

ClickBank affiliates by promoting the products of ClickBank vendors have to opportunity to earn large commissions.

What I like about ClickBank is many of its products are digital downloads.

In other words, by selling information products, there is absolutely no inventory involved.

When a customer buys a digital product, they immediately recieve the product and ClickBank pays you a commission.

What’s even better is if a customer has an issue with the digital product, ClickBank has a iron-clad money back guarentee.

ClickBank’s reputation when it comes to refunds is pretty good. They don’t hassel you when you request your money back.

By having a great refund policy, ClickBank affiliates have less stress and cn focus on running their affiliate marketing business.

Get A Piece Of A Huge Marketplace

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

It’s a fact that online education is a HUGE marketplace.

Many new marketers, or “newbies”, are unaware of the fact that ClickBank rakes in over a quarter of a billion dollars in profits annually.

Additionally, what’s fantastic about digital marketing is the availability of high-profit margins. 

Profit margins are high because it costs nothing for a customer to have access to a digital download. 

Therefore, 100% of the sale is your profit, and with ClickBank, affiliate commission and be as high as 75%.

so, is there money to be made as a ClickBank affiliate? Absolutely.

However, you can’t just throw up a website or a blog, insert some affiliate links and expect money to appear in your bank account.

It’s necessary to understand the best way to profit as a ClickBank affiliate.

The wonderful thing is, you don’t have to waste time wondering what to do.

You also don’t need to worry about the best way to navigate through the tons of competition and conflicting opinions as to the best way to build your business.

Content Is Still King

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

The best way to promote ClickBank products is through actionable, useful content that solves a problem.

I cannot say this enough: The way to make consistent money online is to help people solve their problems.

The wonderful thing about ClickBank is there’s a product in the marketplace for almost every niche.

If your website or blog is about dog training, there are many dog-related products on ClickBank you can promote.

Are you passionate about cats?

There are plenty of products on ClickBank related to cats.

What about cooking?

Are you someone who loves cooking for others? There’s no shortage of ClickBank products on cooking.

Therefore, whatever your niche, or intrest is, there is certain to be a ClickBank product that you can promote.

Once you find your niche, you need to build a website, or blog, that focuses on your interest.

Then concentrate on providing content on your website/blog that will help your readers to solve the problems that they’re having.

Writing content that the search engines can index is the best way to attract organic traffic.

Best of all, organic traffic is free traffic, it’s traffic that’s keyword based.

Without getting into more detail, I’m going to tell you the best ways I’ve found to make money with Cliclbank.

There are two specific ways that will work if you follow directions and are committed to your own success.

The first is building a niche-specific blog with Wealthy Affiliate and it to promote ClickBank products.

The second is to learn directly from ClickBank University 2.0

Build A Niche Specific Blog With Wealthy Affiliate 

The Wealthy Affiliate platform will teach even the newest of “newbies” how to successfully build a website/blog and become a proficient affiliate marketer.

The reason I say this is simple: Affiliate marketing is based on presenting content that solves people’s problems.

Readers want to solve their problems so they read your content, and eventually click on your affiliate link.

However, do you understand the point here?

It’s the content that attracts potential customers.

Yes, you can do what some low-level marketers do and just spread raw affiliate likns all over the place.

You’ll get some sales, but nowhere near enough to create a job-killing income that most affiliate marketers want.

If you want consistency, sustainability, and profitability, you have to market using actionable, relevant content.

The BEST platform I know to teach how to do this is Wealthy Affiliate.

First of all, I can say this because I’ve used Wealthy Affiliate myself to build my affiliate marketing business.

Second, I knew absolutely nothing about how to write relevant content until I joined Wealthy Affiliate.

What I really like is that they start from the very basics of affiliate marketing and the platform takes you step-by-step into what it takes to build your online business.

Each module is in the order that’s necessary to understand the fundamentals of affiliate marketing.

Even if you leave in the middle of a modlue, you can pick right up where you left off.

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank Ways Wealthy Affiliate Can Help

Please keep in mind, that I’m only discussing a few details here – there are many, many more advantages of both ClickBank and Wealthy Affiliate that I could highlight in this post.

Similarly, here is a feature of Wealthy Affiliate I really like:

Once you are a Premium Member, you’ll see a dashboard like the one on your right. 

Notice the third link from the bottom that says “Affiliate Programs”. 

This is a feature of Wealthy affiliate that allows you to search for profitable products to promote that are specific to your niche.

There are hundreds of ClickBank products that are offered here. Not only that, but Wealthy Affiliate members who have promoted a particular offer can leave feedback. or a rating, as to what they thought of promoting the product as an affiliate.

Not only are there literally hundreds of ClickBank affiliate offers listed here, but affiliate offers from:

  • Share-A-Sale
  • Comssion Junction
  • Avangate
  • Rakuten
  • Awin, and others

When you click the “Affiliate Programs” link, you see a page similar to the one below:

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

Notice the “Popular Categories” tab. You can search for a great affiliate offer based on your area of interest.

Also, you can search for great products using “Popular Keywords”. If you want to get more detailed, you can type in your particular keyword in the search box and find offers to promote that are more specific to your niche.

On the right of the page, you have “Trending Opportunities”. What this does is help you find an affiliate offer based on what is popular or “trending” in real time.

This Affiliate Programs tool is powerful and a tremendous time-saver and is found ONLY on Wealthy Affiliate.

However, it gets even better:

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

The Affiliate Program Search Is A Great Tool

As an example I typed in “Anexiety” in the search box, and hit the Filter icon next to the blue search button at the top right, and look at what happens:

I can actually filter my affiliate offers in the following categories:

Country Availibility: I can promote affiliate producta in specific countries I choose.

Payout Options: I can choose filter affiliate programs that use my preferred method of payment

Network Fee: Do you mind the vendor taking a small fee for “administrative purposes?”

Auto Approval: This is huge. You can choose only affiliate programs that will automatically approve you as an affiliate instead of affiliate networks that make you wait for the approval.

Raiting: This filter allows you to choose the best of the best that’s available.

Of course, you can either save your filter for later uses or reset your filters, depending on what you’re looking for at any given time.

As a consequence, I’m going to make a recommendation to you right now;

If you want to create your own niche-specific website and promote ClickBank products on it, I would highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

You can create a FREE account and actually gain access to some parts of the platform to see if it’s a great fit for you.

No credit or debit card is required.

If you feel that Wealthy Affiliate has what it takes to help you build your affiliate marketing business, then you can become a Premium Member and gain access to all features of the platform.

The Best Way To Make Money With ClickbankA Word Of Caution

Any marketer who is familiar with ClickBank or has promoted affiliate products on the ClickBank platform understands that ClickBank has a number of really great products you can promote as an affiliate.

However, ClickBank has a number of affiliate offers that are not very good.

Some of them are downright spammy.

When searching for a ClickBank product to promote, you really have to do your “due diligence”.

The best way to get individual statistics on a sprcific ClickBank affiliate offer is to go directly to Clickbank. ( you’ll need your own account – it’s FREE )

Once inside ClickBank, you’ll click on the link that says “Marketplace” and you’ll have access to all of their affiliate offers.

When you type in the offer you’re looking for, be it dog training, cooking, anxiety, or whatever your niche is, you’ll see offers specific to your niche.

You’ve got to find affiliate offers that not only are profitable but offers that genuinely help people solve their problems.

Likewise, many new marketers have noted that navigating the ClickBank Marketplace can be somewhat confusing if you don’t know what youre looking for.

For example, there are a number of marketplace statistics on the ClickBank platform you need to know and understand in order to find the best products to promote.

A great online course on ClickBank will break down and explain everything you need to know so you can get the most profit from your business.

There are online courses that will show you step-by-step on how to set up your ClickBank affiliate marketing business.

One such course that I highly recommend is ClickBank University 2.0.

How ClickBank University 2.0 Can Help You Build Your Affiliate Marketing Business

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank

ClickBank University 2.0 is divided into 2 sections; there is a section for people who want to create their own products, and a section for those  (like myself) who just want to focus on affiliate marketing.

Don’t hold back from ClickBank University 2.0 if product creation is not what you’re interested in. The second portion on affiliate marketing is worth the cost of the program on ti’s own.

The Vendors (product creation) section is broken down into 12 weeks and the Affiliate section is a total of 8 weeks.

This is truly amazing training and will help you make money online using the ClickBank marketplace.

The training videos aren’t long – usually between 5 and 15 minutes tops, with some weeks having multiple videos. With the way the lessons are structured, you will not feel overwhelmed.

As far as the lessons are concerned, you’re not held to a time limit.

You can go through them as quickly as you like or as slowly as you like – it’s strictly up to you.

The most important thing for Wealthy Affiliate and Clickbank 2.0 is you understand the concepts taught and actually put into ACTION what you have learned.

The Best Way To Make Money With Clickbank – Additional Resources

I’ve Been In Your Shoes – I Know How You Feel

Let me tell you – I’ve been where you are right now.

Wondering if you’re making the right decision.

The problem is most people will read this post and then go off and watch some mindless television program and put off making a decision. 

Some might bookmark this blog post and read and re-read it later, and still won’t make a decision.

I’ve been that guy.

I wouldn’t make a decision to build an online business because of fear of failure.

What you need to understand is EVERY single marketer who is successful has FAILED and FAILED and FAILED!

The six and seven-figure marketers have failed more times than they’ve succeeded!

This is not some schoolyard hype – this is the TRUTH. 

You HAVE to make a decision that you’re going to build YOUR business and push through the failures and the frustrations.

Why? Because NO ONE is coming to your rescue financially.


YOU have to participate in your own financial rescue.

The hard cold reality is nothing in your life will change unless you change…nothing.

Therefore, if you want to be one of those “Wealthy Affiliates” you are going to have to make a decision that you’re going to completely change your financial future.

Make the decision to build an online business and take your life and the life of your family to a whole different level.

No matter which platform you choose, be it Wealthy Affiliate or Clickbank 2.0, make the decision to DO SOMETHING and STICK WITH your decision.

You will never regret it.

You CAN Do This!

Talk Soon,


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