The Solo Build It Review – No Love For Wealthy Affiliate

The Solo Build It Review I present here is one that I hope you benefit from and gain value from

Solo Built It! Quick Facts
- Product Name: Solo Build It! / SiteSell
- Website:
- Price: $29/month or $299/year
- Owner: Dr. Ken Evoy
- Overall Ranking: 90 out of 100
- Who is it for: Solo Build It can be used by both newbies and experienced marketers
- When was SBI founded: SBI was founded in November 1997
- Do I Recommend Solo Build It: YES
I’m going to say from the start that Solo Build It really is an excellent platform.
However, the owner of Solo Build It (SBI), Ken Evoy is adamant about cleaning up the “negative reviews” he says that members of Wealthy Affiliate have posted about its platform
It’s due to the tremendous amount of negativity regarding Wealthy Affiliate from members of Solo Built It! that caused me to make the decision to use Wealthy Affiliate to build my online business.
Likewise, as the founder of Solo Build It! Ken Evoy has taken offense to the reviews made by members of Wealthy Affiliate.
To prove his point created a study to show that his program is far better than Wealthy Affiliate (WA).
I’ve read parts of Mr. Evoy’s study because as a member of WA I was curious to see what the commotion was about.
As a result, I tried to do some research into what apparently seems to be a heated controversy, especially from the viewpoint of Mr. Evoy.
Here is my take on it…
The Solo Build It Review – What Is SBI?

Solo Build It is about has been in business for 15 years to be exact. If you’ve been in business online for 15 years that’s an excellent sign.
This is a really good company with a great platform. The focus of Solo Build It! according to their website is that it is a business builder with everything you need to have success online all in one place.
I like the term “solopreneur” that Solo Build It! uses to describe their members who are building online businesses.
They are a company that offers to teach the “little guy” a way to make money online.
Another aspect I like about Solo Build It! is its members get a set of tools in-house, so you aren’t wasting valuable time searching the internet piecing together different components needed to run a successful online business.
The Solo Build It Review – Is It Better Than Wealthy Affiliate?
After researching what SBI has to offer as a member of WA, my observation is the goals of both companies are structured in a similar fashion.
Both Solo Build It! and Wealthy Affiliate
However, from my
Solo Build It is better for a single online business owner who prefers to do everything on his own.
The SBI block builder is user-friendly and a “newbie” with very little technical skill should be able to use it without difficulty.
Wealthy Affiliate Is The Platform I Use
My personal reason why I use Wealthy Affiliate is because of its ease of use and its step-by-step method of instruction.
I also appreciate the quick, accurate technical support whenever I need it.
In other words, the technical support you get with Wealthy Affiliate is prompt and responsive to the needs of “newbies.”
With Wealthy
What I really like about WA is the ability to have multiple websites or blogs with one single payment.
Therefore, taking advantage of the risk-free trial allows an aspiring marketer to
Keep in mind that the “risk-free trial” at Solo Build It! and the “FREE membership” at Wealthy Affiliate are totally different.
The Solo Build It! risk-free trial means you pay upfront for your first month of membership and you can get your money back if you’re unhappy for whatever reason.
Wealthy Affiliates FREE membership means you can actually try out the platform for free with no credit card required to see if it’s something you want to get involved with.
Frankly, I liked Wealthy Affiliate’s free trial better! That’s just my personal opinion.
- For the Solo Build It! Risk-Free Trial Click Here
- To Set Up Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Click Here
So the answer to the direct question which is better completely depends upon YOU.
Whatever platform between the two YOU feel gives you the best chance for success is the one you should view as the best.
A Solo Build It Review And The Big Pushback Of Ken Evoy

A Solo Build It Review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that the founder of SBI has been furious.
Ken Evoy has been furious with the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim.
He feels they don’t do enough to police their member’s “reviews” of Solo Build It!
Let me say that I certainly understand how
Owners are very protective of what they’ve built up over the years and no business owner wants to see “reviews” or “comments” that they feel are unfair or untrue.
Many members of Wealthy Affiliate have written reviews about Solo Built It! that usually favor Wealthy Affiliate over Solo Built It! and that has
I can understand why Mr. Evoy would be upset!
Likewise, there have been many from Solo Build It who have written less than flattering reviews about Wealthy Affiliate.
As a matter of fact, even when you read the
Hate Hath No Fury…
This is one of the reasons I choose Wealthy Affiliate – The admins at Solo Build It constantly go after Wealthy Affiliate, but you hardly ever see the admins at Wealthy Affiliate take shots at Solo Build It
Although Ken Evoy and the admins at Solo Build It constantly downgrade Wealthy Affiliate, the owner’s Kyle Loudon and Carson
As a matter of fact, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate rarely talk about it. They just keep improving the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
I didn’t like how Solo Build It keeps going after Wealthy Affiliate, and I still don’t like it, which is why I choose Wealthy Affiliate!
Why Can We All Just Get Along?
Is there ever going to be an end to this particular controversy?
No…And here’s why:
The internet is a cold, hard, unforgiving place that has no regard for your feelings.
There are hundreds of thousands of people online who, to use today
As long as people breathe they will always have their opinions and they will post them on the internet.
There will ALWAYS be the following people:
Individuals who don’t like what you post.
People who bend the rules and who are unethical.
Folks who don’t like YOU and take delight in tearing you down.
My point is people will ALWAYS do what they do and say what they say, regardless if it’s in a review, blog post, social media post, etc, etc, etc.
So that brings us back to the reviews of Solo Built It.
It’s no secret that Ken Evoy feels that the “reviews” of his platform by members of Wealthy Affiliate are biased, inaccurate, and unprofessional.
However, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it EXCEPT continue making a great product and improving on it.
When you have a great platform with quality information, it will always silence those who seek to spread
Ken Evoy fought back by producing a study to prove that Solo Build It! is a better platform than Wealthy Affiliate.
He also makes the issue that the review of his platform by Wealthy Affiliate members
Additional Resources
- A Solo Build It Review – Sound Facts Without Being Ruthless
- Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Best For You?
The Solo Build It Review – The Hard Facts
As most people know just because someone or some group produces a “study” doesn’t mean that it is accurate.
You can choose a subject and find a study that is negative as well as another study that is positive on that same subject.
I could not read the entire study because it’s quite lengthy I don’t have the time to read that much material due to other obligations.
In my comments tried to focus on the main arguments made against Wealth Affiliate.
Many of the WA sites don’t rank – The SBI Study is adamant about the fact that many WA sites don’t rank. Well, this is true. Here’s the reason:
Hundreds of WA members get to host up to 50 different domains that are included with the membership.
Hundreds of members buy multiple domains and leave them sitting there while they tend to their main site.
Heck, I had about six domains just sitting there that I never used for a whole year until I decided to delete them.
The SBI study is counting not only the members “main sites” but the test sites, along with all of the other domains that are just sitting there collecting cyber-dust.
If they are counting all these sites and domains collectively then from SBI’s viewpoint Wealthy Affiliate sites do not rank.
What You Should Know About SBI
There is one major point people are unaware of when building their website or blog through Solo Build It.
The platform you’re using to build your business is proprietary.
In other words, this means once you start using Solo Build It, you are basically stuck with it.
If you look at past reviews online of people that tried to move their business from the Solo Build It platform, they had to pay big money.
In most cases, you will need to hire an outside developer or just walk away and start from scratch all over again on another platform.
However, this isn’t true if you have a website or blog at Wealthy Affiliate.
If you’re unhappy with Wealthy Affiliate or If you need to move it for any reason, then it can be done very easily.
This is a very important fact to consider when comparing Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate.
The Solo Build It Review – More Issues From Ken Evoy
WA wants people to promote the company – This is true also. Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools to do so. What they don’t provide is instructions or encouragement to bash other companies.
No one, not even Ken Evoy, can find a single thread of evidence showing Kyle Loudon or Carson Lim instructing Wealthy Affiliate members to bash other companies.
Bashing other companies is not taught in Wealthy Affiliate. Period.
Each and every single member is a business unto themselves and are responsible for their own website or blog.
They are an entity unto themselves and are not directly connected to Wealthy Affiliate. WA is the platform from which members choose the direction of their niche.
If any member of Wealthy Affiliate is writing negatively about Solo Build It! they are acting on their own.
No proof of members’ success – there are members at WA making five, six, and seven-figure incomes per year.
They are not going to advertise it because their business will be relentlessly duplicated by others.
The argument that there aren’t success stories from using the Wealthy Affiliate platform just isn’t true, as the following link below will show:
What is true is that many of the “Wealthy Affiliates” choose to keep the nuts and bolts of their success private due to the dog-eat-dog nature of online marketing.
There are thousands of people in this business who are ruthless, unscrupulous, nasty, arrogant, greedy individuals who couldn’t care less about you and your business or brand.
When successful affiliates choose to fly under the radar, regardless of the platform they’re associated with, I completely understand!
- For the Solo Build It! Risk-Free Trial Click Here
- To Set Up Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Click Here
Talk Soon,
This is a great review, not biased or favoring one platform. Owners of both platforms seems to have spent so many years building up their business and helping other people make money too. As much as people are geared to make more money, they should put respect on work done the business owners and give accurate and worth reviews.
Great review. I like your sincerity about both platforms. I love the way you presented both platforms without rubbishing the other. Unfortunately or so it seems, that is the path most reviewers take., in order to get one to sign up to their recommended platforms, they tend to outrightly discredit other sites. Thanks for being fair. I haven’t heard of solo build it before, though I’m a member of wealthy affiliate. I can say WA is amazing I don’t regret joining it.
I truly appreciate your comparison of the two sites and say that they are both appealing, each in their own way. I went and viewed each of them but got no feel for the controversy. Did I miss something? But please correct me if I am wrong, This all seems to be a “he said, she said” kind of thing and what we all have to do to get passed this?
I can imagine that with this fast paced business, emotions will rise, and tempers will flair. Can you give us a comparison of the business platforms of these two companies that should remove the emotional element of this controversy?
Hey Rod,
Ken Evoy stands by his very detailed report…So he’s not backing down anytime soon.
Apparently Mr Evoy can’t get pass it. That’s why I found it necessary to discuss it.
Thank You for reading.
Talk Soon,
Hey there Howard,
I have to say, this is a very detailed and informative review (part one) with lots of very valuable and useful information with unbiased opinion, great job! I’ve really enjoyed this review. As far as SBI goes, well going into this review I didn’t know nothing about it so I was quite surprised to discover that there is other platform which does a great job at teaching people how to build sucessful online business from ground up. I thought only WA are doing this because they are so great at it! I am a die-hard WA fan and I absolutely love this platform from bottom of my heart and I think they are absolutely the best at what they do, but I won’t lie, it would be pretty interesting to try SBI out just to see how it compares to WA and what it has to ofer that WA doesn’t, and what are the overall positive and negative differences between these two.
Talking about the whole controversy about ”negative” reviews surrounding SBI allegedly from WA members, I will have to say it is quite ridiculous for Evoy to get so furious about them and even go as far as deleting them. Well yes, I totally understand that it is frustrating to receive bad reviews about the platform in which You’ve dedicated big part of Your life and put in tremendous amount of hard work into, but You have to realise that each person has a freedom of speech and can say or type whatever he feels like saying or typing. Instead of deleting bad reviews Envoy in my opinion should focus more on marketing his own platform to attract more visitors and potential die-hard SBi fans who will leave great and positive reviews, therefore making SBI much more popular! Basically spreading positive words about the SBI.
Keep up the great work Howard 😉
Hello Howard,
Thank you for this great article on Solo Build It’s report against Wealthy Affiliate. I honestly have never heard of Solo Built It until now. So they must not be doing enough to promote their own platform. There are many other platforms that also offer similar all-in-one built in systems. It’s hard to know which ones are really legitimate and if they give you any advantages until you try it yourself.
After looking at the video promo, it seems that they target business owners who are new to the SEO game and are just learning the ropes. There are many people online now offering similar consulting services to local businesses and charging them for leads. It’s becoming a lucrative business for individual consultants now. I think SBI should be more concerned with that than Wealthy Affiliate.
I really appreciate the amount of effort you put into investigating the report and offering great opinions about the platform. I have no doubt that some of them get results and the focus is usually on those members that have great success. Wealthy Affiliate and other platforms also do the same thing. Not everyone has the same success as the top earners, but the ability to have several ways of making affiliate commissions on the platform is incredibly unique of WA. I don’t know if any other platforms offer that besides just an affiliate commission for referrals.
Thank you for this great review and I’ll be on the lookout for anything new regarding this platform.