What Is BonusJunkies And Do They Think We’re That Stupid?

Many of you want to know What Is BonusJunkies. In this blog post, we’re going to be doing a review of BonusJunkies and find out if you can make money with this?

I’ve taken some time to actually check out this website and get to know more about it before posting this review.
What Is Bonus Junkies – It’s A Cloned Website
The Bonus Junkies website is AN EXACT clone of OGTasks.
This furthers the idea that whoever owns these websites must be the same person.
The only thing that was changed on the home page was the name of the website in the upper left-hand corner – and that’s barely noticeable.

If it was established that OGTasks is a SCAM,
Let’s take a further look.
They Can’t Seem To Get Their Story Straight
One characteristic of SCAM websites is failing to change the names of websites in the About Us page.
Here is an excellent example on the Bonus Junkies website.
Notice the use of the WRONG names on the About Us page.
It’s necessary to note that the “Survey Junkies” website is not a scam.
However, the case for whether or not Bonus Junkies is a scam is not looking good.

Bonus Junkies Uses FAKE Testimonials
On the following websites, you basically have so-called testimonials from “Ashlee N; Michael D; Bryan S., and Jaysen L.”

CashInfluence Testimonials

OGTask Testimonials
Furthermore, as you actually go into the “task wall”, you’ll discover that there are no real tasks to complete.
Most, if not all, tasks require you to enter your email or personal details.
Why on earth would they pay out $60 just to enter your email?!
It’s completely unrealistic.
This further proves that the site is just a way to collect your data as part of a data harvesting scam, by promising huge money.
If you really have a need to make a small amount of money using survey sites, some of the LEGIT ones I’ve reviewed are Superpay.me, Panda Research, Timebucks, Rewarding Ways, and ySense.
Payment Proofs Just Don’t Add Up
The fact that they’ve just basically rebranded this and still have the same images for survey junkies tells me one thing:
This is probably going to be another one of these scams that
Not just that, but if we have a look into this a bit further, they claimed that they have 730,000 members and they also claim that they’ve paid out over $158 million.
If you look at the WHOIS.com screenshot below, this website at the time of writing this blog post is less than 1 month old.

So if you start on the 31st of March, 2020, how on earth are they able to gain 730,000 members in just five days and pay $158 million.
That is not possible. It’s pretty much impossible.
So this just further proved that there’s nothing genuine about this website.
These are the things that you really need to look out for.
When you come across any website claiming you can make tons of easy money for doing little to no work, that’s a HUGE red flag.
You Are Not Going To Make Money With Bonus Junkies
Basically, the truth about Bonus Junkies is it is a scam.
There is no point even continuing with this website because you’re not going to make any money with it.
You need to understand what these SCAMS look like and keep an eye out for these types of websites.
It’s understandable that people want to make money online from home, just be vigilant and really do your research.
Bonus Junkies is similar to other GPT websites I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:
Build Your Own Business So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online

Survey sites were not created to make large sums of money.
They’re set up to make $60 to $80 dollars a month, and that’s on a good month.
Many times it’s much lower.
What can you do with $60 to $80 dollars a month?
If you’re starving you could probably buy enough food to sustain you – barely.
But the reality is you can’t do much with $60 – $80 dollars a month.
Therefore, why would you spend valuable time making pennies on the dollar with survey sites?
If you’re serious about building your own business, then you need to look into Wealthy Affiliate.
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Join Wealthy Affiliate So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online
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Wealthy Affiliate makes the whole process of building an online business just that much easier.
Each module or lesson contains a complete analysis of what’s working today so you can easily and almost instantly gain an understanding of how affiliate marketing works.
In return this allows you to create a high-converting website of your own in a fraction of the time.
However, you might be wondering how you’re going to survive the brutal paces of having to figure out the technical aspects of building your business.
I know exactly how you feel.
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And up until recently, there really was a brutal learning curve.
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I didn’t even have to read the directions! In fact, there was no software to install, no “code” of any kind. When I think about it …it was actually fun!”
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What You Need To Do Next:
OK…Here’s what you need to do next – It’s very simple:
First: STOP making excuses! The hard reality is if you don’t have enough money to create a better life for yourself and your family, you need to DO SOMETHING NOW.
Not tomorrow, not next week, or next month.
You need to take action NOW.
Second: Sign up for a FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate
Third: Get to work!
Why You Need To Do This:
You need to do this so you can give yourself and your family a better quality of life.
No one is going to knock on your door and give you a way out of your money problems.
YOU have to participate in your own financial rescue.
It’s as simple as that.
Talk Soon,
P.S: A cool surfer dude from LaJolla California told me years ago I should always include a P.S.
Even when you’re writing a blog post like this one.
Yeah yeah, I know …that’s not what your high school English teacher taught you.
But pay her no mind.
Here’s why.
It’s a fact that most people scroll down to the end of the post before scanning the whole thing.
…So the P.S. is a great place to restate your main point.
OK – here’s what this is about:
1. Survey websites are a poor use of time and in some cases, outright SCAMS.
2. Wealthy Affiliate is a cool way to build a profitable business so you can make money.