What Is CashLoad – Big Load Of Money For Your Wallet?

In this blog post, I’m going to review a website called CashLoad and answer the question What Is CashLoad.net? Can you make money from CashLoad.net?

CashLoad.net claims to help you make money online with social media.
Regardless of what this website claims, one thing I can tell you for sure:
This website is a SCAM.
Let’s look at the facts.
The Testimonials On CashLoad.net Are Fake

Above are three so-called “testimonials” from CashLoad.net.
The first image, “Ivan Ranov” was to dark for me to get a read on it in Google Reverse Image search.
However, the second so-called testimonial, “Jennifer R. is another matter.
Is this real or fake?

Look at all the instances this image has been used.

No doubt, this testimonial is absolutely FAKE.
Fake testimonials
Here is the third so-called “testimonial”, someone supposedly named “Hernandez.”
Is “Hernandez” a real testimonial or is it fake as well?
Look at the proof below.

“Hernandez” is FAKE as well.
CashLoad.net proudly sponsors FAKE testimonials relying on the fact that you would not find out.
You cannot trust a website that sponsors FAKE testimonials!
The Business Address For CashLoad.net Is Not Correct

Here’s another reason why this website is a FRAUD.
The address for the headquarters of CashLoad.net says the following:
“176 Westmore Mondaile Street Victorian 887 NYC.”
This is not a New York City address!
Where did this address come from?
As the screenshot below shows, I tried to do a Google search for this address, with no success.

Here’s the answer.
Look at the screenshot below.
“Colorlib” is a WordPress Theme. Notice the line “View More Themes.”
The very same address is on the example page of this WordPress theme:
176 Westmore Mondaile Street Victorian 887 NYC.
They used the gibberish on the WordPress theme Colorlib as their address.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen this done before.
Simply unbelievable!

CashLoad.net Is Not Honest About How Long It’s Been In Business
Lets take a look at WHOIS.com
As you can see from the screenshot below, CashLoad.net was registered on May 26th, 2019.

However, if you look at the Terms of Service screenshot below, what do you notice?
It says “These Terms of Use were last updated on: August 13, 2017.”

How is this possible when CashLoad.net wasn’t in existence in 2017?
What you see is one lie piled on top of another.
Definitely all the markings of a SCAM.
As a matter of fact, CashLoad.net is similar to other SCAM GPT websites I’ve reviewed such as:
CashLoad.net Is A Scam
There is no doubt that CashLosd.net is a scam.
The only purpose that these mysterious “owners” have is to make as much dishonest money as they possibly can – without regard for the fact that unsuspecting people are getting scammed.
If you have a need to participate in legitimate survey websites, there are sites like Superpay. me, Panda Research, Timebucks, Rewarding Ways, and ySense.
What these websites endeavor to do is encourage more people to join so they can make money from CPA (Cash Per Action) offers.
There is no doubt that you and any people you’re referring to this illegitimate website CashLoad will completely fail to make money.
Build Your Own Business So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online
Survey sites were not created to make large sums of money.
They’re set up to make $60 to $80 dollars a month, and that’s on a good month.
Many times it’s much lower.
What can you do with $60 to $80 dollars a month?
If you are starving you could probably buy enough food to sustain you – barely.
But the reality is you can’t do much with $60 – $80 dollars a month.
Therefore, why would you spend valuable time making pennies on the dollar with survey sites?
If you’re serious about building your own business, then you need to look into Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform available today for helping a person with ZERO experience learn how to build a profitable online business.
The only way you can experience that is to sign up and see for yourself!
Joining Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Learn How To Make Money Online

What You Need To Do Next:
OK…Here’s what you need to do next – It’s very simple:
First: STOP making excuses! The hard reality is if you don’t have enough money to create a better life for yourself and your family, you need to DO SOMETHING NOW.
Not tomorrow, not next week, or next month.
You need to take action NOW.
Second: Sign up for a FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate
Third: Get to work!
Why You Need To Do This:
You need to do this so you can give yourself and your family a better quality of life.
No one is going to knock on your door and give you a way out of your money problems.
YOU have to participate in your own financial rescue.
It’s as simple as that.
Talk Soon,
P. S: A cool surfer dude from LaJolla California told me years ago I should always include a P.S. …
Even when you’re writing a blog post like this one.
Yeah yeah, I know …that’s not what your high school English teacher taught you.
But pay her no mind.
Here’s why.
It’s a fact that most people scroll down to the end of the post before scanning the whole thing.
…So the P.S. is a great place to restate your main point.
OK – here’s what this is about:
1. Survey websites are a poor use of time and in some cases, outright SCAMS.
2. Wealthy Affiliate is a cool way to build a profitable business so you learn how to make money online.