What Is Ebates All About – What You Need To Know

What Is Ebates All About - What You Need To Know

If you’re reading this blog post you’re probably doing research on this company called EBates and wondering What Is EBates All About?

Will this website really help you save money?

Over the next few minutes, I’m going to give you a review of EBates and explain exactly how this website works. 

EBates is actually an old website. It’s a company called Rakuten that’s been around for over many years. 

The Japanese company Rakuten acquired EBates in a merger in 2014.

Rakuten, Inc.; is an online retailing and electronic commerce company based in Tokyo, Japan.

Essentially EBates is a cash-back website. 

You can get basically cash back from the following retailers:

  • Amazon 
  • eBay
  • Macy’s
  • Kohl’s 
  • Walmart
  • Dicks Sporting Goods
  • RiteAid
  • Old Navy
  • Nordstrom
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Priceline 
  • Expedia
  • Petco
  • Orbitz.com
  • and many more

The app is free to join. 

You can also get a browser from EBates which gives you additional money back for using their browser.

Whenever they’ve got a cool deal or cashback, you click on it and you can get a certain amount of money back from shopping at any of the stores mentioned above.

Well, separate from the cash back you receive from online purchases, referring your family and friends to EBates can also earn you money.

Per individual person referred you earn one referral bonus. 

In order for you to get money for your referral, they need to keep an active account. 

Also, your referral has to make a qualifying purchase of at least $25 within ninety (90) days of becoming a member.

Can You Make Money From The EBates App?

What Is Ebates All About - What You Need To Know

The EBates app is a shopping app. It’s not a “make money online app.”

You get cash back so you can get discounts on items that you purchased.

Basically, if you’re looking to save money on regular, everyday shopping, the EBates app can help you to do that.

However, EBates is not an online business, like many of the platforms I’ve reviewed on this blog.

EBates offers three ways you can receive payment and pays out on a quarterly basis.

When the balance on your account exceeds $5.00, the payment options you can choose are: 

  • depositing your payment in your PayPal account
  • send your check to an individual of your choice, even your favorite charity
  • send a check to the address on file

EBates is similar to other low-paying programs I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Is Saving Money All That You Want Out Of Life?

What Is Ebates All About - What You Need To Know

Is EBates real and not a scam?

Yes, it’s legitimate. EBates is not a scam.

They’ve been around for over 10 years, which in these times is an accomplishment on its own! 

Can you make money from it? 

No, you can’t make money from it in the same way as an online business.

However, you can get money for referrals and other cash-back promotions.

The main purpose of the EBates is to save money on shopping, not to make money online.

You could save possibly $10, $20, or $30 dollars per week.

I’m thinking if you’re here reading this blog post, you are probably looking for some way to generate income.

It’s not that saving money isn’t important to you, but you realize that saving money alone is not going to bring you financial freedom.

Is The Real Reason Financial Lack And Limitation?

The reason why people use apps like EBates is to save money because money is not plentiful in their lives.

The majority of people using apps like Ebates are experiencing financial lack and limitations.

That’s why they want to save money.

The question is what do you want?

Personally, I made the decision that I didn’t want to depend on apps to save money.

I wanted to have enough money to buy what I want and move on.

When you have financial abundance, you don’t stress over “how much does it cost?”

You identify what you want and you go buy it.

Therefore, the next question is How do you create financial abundance?

How can you create the kind of life where you never have to be concerned about how much an item costs, you just buy it because you can afford it?

Is living such a life possible for the average man or woman?

Yes…It is – IF you’re willing to do the work it takes to achieve financial freedom.

Many people don’t realize that one of the primary ways create a life-changing income is through affiliate marketing.

The platform that I’ve used, Wealthy Affiliate, can help you build a profitable online business to help create a life-changing income.

What Wealthy Affiliate Can Do For You

Affiliate marketing is not that complicated if you understand how to do it. 

Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform I know of that can help anyone with zero online marketing experience become successful.

Why can I say this?

Because Wealthy Affiliate has helped me and tens of thousands of others make money online – great money!

This affiliate marketing stuff actually works!

Once I learned how to build a profitable online business, it completely turned my life around.

Many of the Wealthy Affiliate testimonials are from people who went from broke to earning tens of thousands of dollars in profit. 

Affiliate marketing is a real business which means you must take action and work hard to make it successful.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to set up an affiliate marketing business and pretty much work from my computer, from anywhere in the world. 

I’ve never seen anything that teaches people so well how to build a real internet marketing business like Wealthy Affiliate.

They’ve even made it possible to create a FREE account so you can try Wealthy Affiliate without obligation.

How cool is that?

By allowing you to create a FREE account, basically, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate wanted to remove all excuses for not trying the platform.

The choice is up to you.

Do you want a life where you are continuously using apps to save money?

Or do you want a life where you have the money to buy what you want?

Personally, I choose a life where I will always have the money to buy what I want.

What will you choose?

Talk Soon,


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