What Is Instructo – Is It A Legit Way To Make Money Online?

What Is Instructo - Is It A Legit Way To Make Money Online?

In my Instructo review, we will consider What Is Instructo and if this program is legit or mostly hype and inflated promises.

There are hundreds of online programs that seem to promise that you will make money online in an instant.

Here is another program that I have recently come across called Instructo.

It promises to show you a quick and easy method to make money online.

Therefore, I have composed this Instructo review to see if it really can help you to build multiple streams of income.

Is this real or is this another program that’s all hype?

Instructo Review – What Is Instructo?

What Is Instructo - Is It A Legit Way To Make Money Online?

The new training released by Amy Harrop shows how to create simple written and visual tutorials.

Online tutorials are a multi-million dollar business and Instructo endeavors to teach how to cash in on this niche in a short period of time.

What I like about the sales video is that Amy Harrop promises to teach a method that will allow you to make money online with simple tutorials.

She doesn’t show you her house by the beach.

No red Ferarri’s or piles of cash on the dining room table.

The sales video for Instructo does not carry all the fake hype you’ll see in other so-called make-money online products.

The video simply states that the sole purpose of Instructo is to teach you how to create “simple written and visual tutorials.”

No ridiculous, over-hyped results are promised.

The sales page states that this program will make struggling to earn money online a thing of the past.

The price of the course is $27.

What is quite refreshing is the exact explanation of what you’ll get for your $27.

You can click here on the official website.

Unlike many other products I’ve reviewed, you’re not left guessing what you’re going to get for your money.

Are There Any Upsells In The Sales Funnel?

Anyone who has read any of my blogs knows I’m not a fan of upsells or “one-time-offers.”

However, I will say that the OTOs with Instructo are actually useful. They are as follows:

#1OTO: Done-For-You Instructo Content ($27)

In this one-time offer, you can get professionаlly designed tutoriаl templаtes.

Even better, you can edit them in PowerPoint format.

You get about 20 templates with this upsell.

#2 OTO: Publishing Pаth Profits ($97)

With this, you get great video training in 5 modules. The video trаining reveаls how to easily and quickly take content into streams of income!

#3 OTO 3: How-To Video Trаining Bundle ($37)

With this video series, you’ll learn how to set up your business for success.

Basic things such as hosting, getting a domain, setting up your аutoresponder, and using the right buy buttons, are covered.

What Is Instructo – Pros and Cons

What Is Instructo - Is It A Legit Way To Make Money Online?


No Hype or Fake Promises

This program makes very few promises. There is no hype on the website. You basically get the facts you need about the program.

Sales Funnel Has Reasonable Upsells

The sales funnel for Instructo doesn’t suck your wallet dry.

The addition of these OTOs isn’t necessary to make a success of the core product.

They are nonetheless a valuable addition if you’re serious about making money online.

In-Depth Training

For $27 you get a 95-page eBook along with 5 over-the-shoulder videos.

What I also like is that Instructo is focused on ONE method of income generation.

You get a step-by-step guide and a thorough outline of how to get your business started.

The initial Instructo program comes with several bonuses.

These bonuses on their own, contain a good amount of value for the price of the base product.


Only Teaches One Method

Some feel that teaching one method is not a good idea because you’re “leaving money on the table.”

I totally disagree.

It’s difficult for people to focus on one thing nowadays. People tend to get distracted easily.

You’ll need more training outside of the Instructo course if you want to build a full-time business online.

Therefore, learning one marketing skill before you move on to another can be beneficial.

The Final OTO Is Outdated

The last upsell, “IM How to Videos,” was created in 2015.

This has me somewhat concerned because a lot has changed in internet marketing since 2015!

Certainly, Amy Harrop needs to update this particular OTO.

What may have worked in 2015 won’t particularly work today.

Videos Feel Like They Were Rushed Through

I’m a huge fan of “over-the-shoulder” videos.

However, the video’s in Instructo give the feeling that they were rushed and done “on-the-fly”.

Following the videos at times was challenging because Amy’s narration at certain points seemed hurried.

Creating A Full-Time Income

This is a great program if you want to make money online.

However, if you’re looking to create a job-killing income, you will need to supplement Instructo with another strategy, or program.

On its own, Instructo is not diverse enough to get a marketer to five, six, or even seven-figure income.

Instructo Is A Good Platform That Actually Works

What Is Instructo - Is It A Legit Way To Make Money Online?

I can honestly say that Instructo delivers good value and for the most part delivers what they promise.

With Instructo Amy Harrob provides a detailed course on how to create instruction-based content.

Then she shows you how to profit from that content.

These are actionable methods and aren’t difficult to implement.

With Instructo you get a number of step-by-step instructions that even a “newbie” can follow.

Furthermore, this is a program that will allow you to make money online without getting hit with ridiculous upsells or OTOs.

You won’t need to spend any additional money other than whatever OTO you decide to purchase.

Instructo is certainly not a scam product.

It’s a great course for anyone who is looking to make some extra money from an online business.

However, Instructo does not show how to create a larger, full-time income using various other methods such as affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the path to take for those who want to make substantial money online.

It’s also the path to take if you’re starting your online business with very little money.

Similarly, there is a platform I’m associated with that can show you how to become proficient in all aspects of online marketing.

Additional Resources

Consider A Different Option

Instructo is a great option if you want to create some side income.

However, for creating a job-killing income, you need a different option.

One that will allow you to have total freedom of time and no financial pressures or worries.

Of course with HARD WORK and patience and a substantial amount of time invested.

One of the options I recommend is Wealthy Affiliate.

Here’s my reason why:

One of the things I look for when recommending any platform to my readers is the initial out-of-pocket costs to start your business.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can create a FREE account and keep it as long as you feel necessary.

This will allow you to try out the platform before you buy a membership.

Why is this important?

It’s important because you’re able to test out certain features of Wealthy Affiliate to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Thousands of ordinary people have created life-changing incomes fro themselves by learning affiliate marketing through Wealthy Affiliate.

You can check out some of the testimonials in my Wealthy Affiliate review.

Unlike other programs where you have to pay up front, Wealthy Affiliate allows you to try them out so you can get a feel for how the platform works.

No credit or debit card is required to start your FREE account.

Therefore, you really have no excuse to try it out.

What will YOU do?

Will you make the decision to change your financial future or continue down the same road you’re on now?

It’s your decision…

Talk Soon,


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