What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys – Facts You Need To Know

What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys - Facts You Need To Know

No doubt you are here because you want to know What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys? You also want to know how much money can you make from this platform.

What is interesting about Mobrog is that it doubles as a survey provider and an advertising platform.

MOBROG claims to offer everyone with internet connectivity extra compensation for completing surveys on your computer or on the go.

With the rate at which sites are emerging on the Internet, it isn’t so easy to ascertain if they are the real deal or not.

The majority of survey sites are, unfortunately, just for show, containing graphics and empty promises.

The only way you can differentiate between genuine survey sites and those built on empty promises is to learn about them.

You need to know who they are, how they function, what they have to offer, and why some people fancy using them.

Before you make your decision about Mobrog, let us take a closer look at the site’s survey options in this brief review.

What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys?

What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys - Facts You Need To Know

Mobrog Is a fan favorite survey website, alongside OpinionWorld and SurveySpot.

A German market research company known as Splendid Research GMbH operates Mobrog.

Unlike other survey websites with limited accessibility, Mobrog is available to citizens and residents of over 60 different countries, and this is because of its international ownership.

The website does not offer subsidiary gigs that you can earn from, but instead, you earn an affiliate commission if you refer someone that signs up.

Another exciting feature is that not only can you have access through the website, but Mobrog has an app that you can use to complete your surveys at any point in time.

Having an app means you do not have to fumble with your browser.

What Is Mobrog Paid SurveysHow It Works

To access surveys available on the website, first of all, you need to create an account by signing up.

Signing up requires some information like your name and email address.

Once you have validated your Email address, you proceed to fill out a form with some useful information about yourself.

This enables Mobrog to know who is trying to access their website.

Providing more helpful information about yourself also reduces the probability of being disqualified midway through a survey.

A list of topics they usually demand from you includes:

  • Education
  • Hobbies
  • Occupation
  • Electronics

Although these are not the only areas which questions may spring up from, they are the most specific sections of background information since most surveys pertain to them.

How Much Can You Make From Mobrog

Once you find an interesting survey or you are sent an invitation for a survey, you proceed to answer a set of pre-qualification questions.

Mobrog does not pay you for answering these questions; they are simply to ensure that you and the survey are compatible.

These pre-qualification questions take you between 5 to 10 minutes to complete with to guarantee of payment.

Surveys on the website are priced between $0.50 and $3, depending on the length of the surveys.

The company pays accordingly, so you should not be afraid of being underpaid.

How To Withdrawal Your Money

To be able to withdraw your funds, you would need a PayPal account with the same email as the one used during the sign-up process.

It is advisable that you create a PayPal account before you sign up if you do not have a PayPal account.

If you have one, verify the email you used in creating it to avoid complications when cashing out.

The minimum amount that you can cash out is $4, which is smaller than what most survey sites allow you to.

Pros – What I Liked

  • Low withdrawal requirement: While some survey sites require you to have $10 as the minimum threshold for cashing out, MOBROG is different. As earlier stated, the minimum threshold for cashing out via PayPal is $3. Even if you lose interest in the site, you can easily withdraw the money you have made via your PayPal account.
  • Trustworthy: Some survey sites claim that you receive $5 for the majority of the surveys they provide, but once you sign up, you can not find those surveys. Some sites even have payment issues where you can not withdraw the money made, even with the high threshold set. MOBROG is different and unique, built on trust. They are honest about how much you can make, mostly for those seeking to use it as a significant source of income.
  • Country diversity: Over 60 different countries have membership access. Even if you are not from the USA or another large consumer-driven nation, you still get the chance to make some money off of surveys.
  • Fewer distractions: MOBROG is solely survey-oriented. There are no other side gigs that might take your eyes away from the primary purpose. Once you sign up, you complete surveys and make money. It is as simple as that.

Cons – What I Don’t Like

  • Limited survey opportunities: Although you can join MOBROG from any of the 60 different countries with membership access, the survey opportunities differ from country to country. Depending on the nation you reside in, you may only have access to about two surveys a week, while residents of other countries may have access to 5 surveys. If you are not in a rush to make money, or you are using it as a side hustle, this should not be much of a problem.
  • Low rates: The rates provided on the website are lower than that of many other survey websites out there. In fact, there are only a few high-paying surveys available, and you can only make about $3 an hour, which is not all that convenient.

Conclusion: Scam or Legit

Mobrog certainly is a legit survey website – you’re just not going to make much money from it.

To prove they’re legit, they offer a large number of testimonials for your consideration on their website.

What Is Mobrog Paid Surveys - Facts You Need To Know

Although they do not have a high volume of surveys or pay as much as the next survey website claims, Mobrog is honest enough to tell you how much you are going to make each time.

Surveys on the website are priced between $0.50 and $3.

Don’t think you’re going to hang out in your pajamas all day and bang out a bunch of $3 surveys from Mobrog.

That’s not how survey websites work.

You will not get a lot of opportunities for the higher-paying surveys.

Mobrog is similar to other low-paying, legit survey sites I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

They also pay out regularly, which is something most people tend to look out for.

If you are looking to make huge money quickly, however, Mobrog is not for you.

It is merely a means of adding a little extra money to your life – nothing more than that.

Do You Want More Than A Little Extra Money?

I know I certainly did.

I didn’t want to struggle anymore paying my bills and not having the money to make choices in life.

What you need to understand moving forward is survey websites were never designed for individuals to make good money from.

This is why I’ve said over and over again: Survey websites are not a valuable use of your time.

Let’s talk for a moment about the ability to make the choices you WANT to make because you can afford to.

There’s no greater feeling in the world than the feeling of financial freedom.

To choose where you want to live, what clothes you’d like to wear, the type of car you really want to drive, etc, etc.

The feeling that comes with the ability to make real choices you can financially afford to make is indescribable!

I’m here to tell you that you can have that same feeling – that same experience.

What you have to do is learn to leverage the power of the internet.

That’s what you have to do – that’s what I did.

You CAN make a life-changing income that will give you REAL CHOICES in life.

Click the banner below and I will show you how to do it!

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