What Is Money Chaser – Another Failed Scam Goes Down

What Is Money Chaser - Another Failed Scam Goes Down

Many of you are asking What Is Money Chaser? This may be because a number of people are not familiar with this program.

Money Chaser is claiming to be the #1 influencer network on the internet.

Money Chaser also claims to give a $5 to $10 referral fee for every friend you enter into the system. 

According to Money Chaser, with your referral link, you have the chance to earn up to $500 a day.

However, Money Chaser may not have been a legit way to earn money online. 

As of the updating of this post in August 2022, the URL for Money Chaser, Moneychaser.co, is no longer working.

However, if you are looking to learn how to make money online, there are lessons to be learned by briefly reviewing this failed platform.

How Did Money Chaser Work?

What Is Money Chaser - Another Failed Scam Goes Down

Money Chaser was a website claiming to be an influencer network.

Visitors to the site were led to believe that all they needed to do is sign up, share a link & invite friends.

Supposedly, by doing this you’re going to make money online – lots of it!

Visitors were also told that they’ll earn between $10 and $15 for every person they get to sign up for a free account.

However, the truth is, that it was a fake referral scheme. 

Members who were owed money have never been paid. This was a major complaint about Money Chaser.

The owner of Money Chaser was unknown, and no doubt this was done on purpose.

Also, a HUGE red flag is the fact that the website domain name was registered anonymously.

This means the head or owner of MoneyChaser.co could be absolutely anyone from around the world.

Since the owner was unknown, he/she couldn’t be held accountable for the large sums of money they were going to steal.

How Did The Owners Of Money Chaser Make A Profit?

These sleazy individuals collected personal information from gullible people and then sell it to shady data harvesting platforms that relentlessly spam the daylights out of you.

That’s why it was “free to join” because what they really want is your personal information to sell to the highest bidder.

Tens of thousands of unsuspecting people think that since it’s “free to join” and “no costs are involved” it must have been legit.

As indicated, they get money for every person who clicks their link and creates a free account.

In the end, the actual truth is that no one gets paid.

Since no one gets paid, Money Chaser is clearly a scam.

It’s very similar to known scams that have been exposed before – all these scammers do is create a scam website, steal your money, shut it down, and create another one!

Just rinse and repeat!

Money Chaser Had FAKE Testimonials

 Here is one of the so-called “testimonials” for Money Chaser

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

Well…It seems this dude has been busy. Here’s the same guy giving a “life-changing” testimonial for another FAKE product I’ve reviewed called Cash OG! He didn’t even bother to go to a different room or change his shirt!

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

The business of FAKE reviews must be good on Fiverr.com… 

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

 Here’s another FAKE review from the Money Chaser website:

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

Another FAKE “testimonial” bought and paid for from the good folks at Fiverr.com!

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

This is a big fat lie! These brands aren’t “working with” or “partnering with” Money Chaser!

What Is Money Chaser? Another Failed Scam Goes Down

Something Old – Something New

Since I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve seen various types of scams come and go.

Some were the same scam just repackaged to look like something new.

That is exactly what Money Chaser was – It’s an old scam that was repackaged to look like something new.

In this specific scam, they lured you to help get referrals by claiming they will pay you $2 for every click.

Also, they claimed to pay between $5 – $10 for every person who signed up through your link.

As a result, a lot of people take their chance on Money Chaser since it’s “free to join.” 

Sharing your link on social media and other channels would probably make it look like you are earning.

As you share your link and get referrals, the dashboard said your money is going up.

So, being the determined person that you are, you continue to share the link.

Time passes, and you keep sharing your Money Chaser link on social media, and your earnings dashboard seemed to keep going up.

Up to this point, everything seems to be fine until it’s time for you to get your money.

The reality is you were scammed and you do not have any earnings to withdraw.

Additionally, when you share the Money Chaser link on social media, you are unintentionally helping the scam spread.

Money Chaser Was A Data Harvesting Money Grab

The first thing that happens in this system is to sign up for a free account – which is to provide your name, email, username, and password.

A welcome bonus of $25 and a referral link will be provided afterward.

This link entitled you to the earnings for every click or sign-up generated from it.

A task wall provides a list of tasks to complete which supposedly paid around $30 or more for each task.

Unfortunately, as tens of thousands found out, these were NEVER real.

They are just trial offers requiring you to provide personal info, and even a valid credit card to register.

Unfortunately, providing your personal information to websites like these has led to identity theft and credit card fraud.

Money Chaser is an exact clone of the following websites: KashTree, CloutShare, RainMoney, CloutBucks, Paid 4 Clout, CashOG, PaidLeaf, and ReferralPay.

All of these websites are known SCAM sites you’ll want to stay far away from.

Beware Of Data Harvesting Scams 

Here were the two reasons why Money Chaser was an outright SCAM:

First, the testimonials are not real. I always check if their testimonials are true.

In this case, pages with testimonials and payment proofs are available – but they are not worth your time anyway.

They’re just a compilation of screenshots that are supposed to prove they’re not a scam but prove otherwise.

The testimonials, which were ALL FAKE, have videos of people in them, claiming to have earned $1,000 or more by doing the referral system.

Second and most importantly, Money Chaser PTY LTD is not a registered company.

At the bottom of the website pages, there is a disclosure that their company is called Money Chaser PTY LTD and is in business since 2015.

Basically, we looked into it and the company does not exist – it is a fake name, made to look legit.

The domain was only registered in July 2019. This means that it is only operational for only a couple of months.

Money Chaser is similar to other so-called “make money online” opportunities that I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Leverage The Power of The Internet So You Can Make Money Online

Unlike the FAKE claims made by programs like Money Chaser, my #1 Recommendation has helped tens of thousands of people over a span of 12 years.

The platform that I recommend has helped tens of thousands get out of the life-sucking rat race and truly live the Laptop Lifestyle.

The best part about it is you can check out this platform for FREE.

If you’re interested, and I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t be, click the link below and see what I’ve used to learn how to make money online.

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