What Is Prize Rebel – Can You Make Money With This?

If you’re reading this blog post, you might be doing some research on this website called Prize Rebel and wondering What Is Prize Rebel.com?

I’m going to review prize rebel and you can decide for yourself whether you would like to try to make some money from this website or not.
After reading this post you might decide that there’s a better way to make money online.
Either way, the choice will be yours to make.
PrizeRebel started in 2007 and has become one of the most regularly used GPT websites on the internet.
Its membership is huge which is over ten million people primarily from the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and Australia.
Also, the Prize Rebel website has a clean interface and what I immediately noticed is this website does not remind me of the SCAM survey sites I’ve reviewed such as:

What Is Prize Rebel – I Went Straight To The Testimonials

The first thing I did was scroll down to the testimonials because usually, that’s where the scams are pretty obvious.
However, I was shocked to notice 32 pages of testimonials, each page having 12 to 14 testimonials.
That’s an awful lot of testimonials.
These are not paid actors from
As I watched some of them, anyone with good common sense can tell these testimonials are legit.
Usually, I know how to spot and find fake testimonials, and I couldn’t find any on the PrizeRebel site.
So the testimonials impressed me as actual testimonials from satisfied users.
Similarly, these satisfied users remind me of other legit survey sites I’ve reviewed on this blog like Gain.gg, Superpay.me, Panda Research, Timebucks, Rewarding Ways, and ySense.
How Does Prize Rebel Work

It’s free to join Prize Rebel and the registration process is about as simple as it gets.
A whopping total of over $20 million dollars has been earned by members of Prize Rebel.
All you need to do to join is enter your name, email address, and your chosen password on the sign-up page which is the home page.
That’s it. You’re in. If you prefer you can also register by using your Facebook account.
After registering you are transferred to the main Prize Rebel dashboard which is an easy page to navigate.
It’s on this page that all the make-money opportunities are available.
New users will immediately see the legitimacy of Prize Rebel when you see the number of people who have earned points from completing activities.
What Is Prize Rebel.com – The Big Misconception

Although it takes 10 to 15 seconds to sign up, I need to explain to you the way legit survey sites work.
There is a big misconception about survey sites that all you need to do is pick a site you like, Prize Rebel, for example, then “hang-out” all day long in pajamas on your computer and bang out survey after survey.
Then, at the end of the day, you’ve made $100 – $150 dollars for completing surveys and other tasks.
That’s not how survey or GPT sites work.
If you strung together 4 or 5 legit survey sites a day you wouldn’t see anywhere near $50 dollars.
There are no survey websites I’ve ever reviewed that compensate you adequately for the time you spend filling them out.
The way it works is after you sign up, you get asked a particular set of questions.
The website needs to find out information about you before they can start to send you surveys.
Legit survey sites like Prize Rebel work for corporations that want information on a particular set of demographics.
It’s All About Demographics

What are demographics?
According to Wikipedia, demographic analysis can cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity.
Therefore, truly legit survey sites will only send you a survey based on your specific demographic.
For example, are you Asian? Caucasian? African American? How old are you? What kind of hobbies do you enjoy?
Do you like to play golf?
Are you someone who enjoys gardening?
Do you like to go to bars? Are you an alcohol drinker? On and on and on.
Therefore, you’re not going to fit every single demographic. Does that make sense?
What that means is you’re not going to get that many surveys.
You basically are going to get surveys based on your demographics.
From time to time, you will have the opportunity to take surveys and tasks that aren’t based on demographics, and that’s a good thing.
My point is on legit survey sites you’re not going to get to “hang out” all day and fill out survey after survey and make large amounts of money.
You may get one survey per week.
Sometimes if you’re fortunate, you get one survey every few days.
How Much Money Can You Make?
Think about this: you only make between 50 cents and $2 per survey.
Depending on how long or short the survey is, it can last from 20 minutes to 45 minutes per survey.
If you fill out a survey that lasts 45 minutes, you would probably earn around $2 dollars.
$2 bucks for a survey is great, but if you think about it, filling out one survey per week will make you $8 bucks per month.
That’s the main problem with survey websites – they ARE NOT designed for a member to make large sums of money. They are not designed that way.
Let’s go a step further. Let’s say you decide you’re going to sign up for a lot of different survey websites, figuring at the end of the day, you can double, maybe triple your earnings.
That’s what a lot of people think.
If you “hung out” at home and filled out 4 surveys a day, what would the math look like?
Let’s Do The Math
Again, we’re looking at between 50 cents and $2 bucks per survey; for the sake of this illustration, we’ll stay in the middle at $1 dollar.
Let’s say it’s an average of $1 per survey X 4 hours of your time – that equals $4 bucks.
Think about that.
That’s one buck per hour.
Therefore, if you’re set up to do surveys 4 hours a day, that’s $4 times 31 days = $124 dollars a month for working 4 hours every day, including weekends.
My point is you make very little money from these GPT or survey websites.
As I mentioned earlier, Prize Rebel is a legit GPT website.
You can make some money from it.
Also, you can exchange money for either an Amazon gift card, iTunes or Walmart, gift cards, or they can pay you directly through PayPal.
There is a threshold of $10 bucks you have to reach before you can cash out.
We’ve established that the revenue model is very specific to paying out very little money.
Therefore, the question is How do you have a financial breakthrough and find a way to make life-changing money?
The ONLY way to do that is you have to go in a different direction.
What do I mean by that?
You need to learn affiliate marketing and build your own online business.
You can do that with the help of Wealthy Affiliate.
Do You Want A Financial Breakthrough Or Remain Broke

I asked myself the same question over 3 years ago and I decided I was tired and didn’t want to be broke anymore.
I’ve had enough of not being able to pay my bills.
I was fed up with never having money saved in an account for unexpected situations that always come up in life.
It made me sick and disgusted when I stopped answering my cell phone because I didn’t know what to tell my creditors.
This garbage HAD TO STOP!
Are YOU in a similar situation?
If so, you are at the point, right now, right this minute, where you have to make a decision.
Do you continue to waist your time on GPT – survey sites making pennies on the dollar?
OR, do you learn how to make more money in one month than most people make in one year?
Wealthy Affiliate has helped thousands of ordinary people learn how to make extraordinary incomes.
The above statement is not a promise of income, but a statement of what is possible with your hard work and determination.
Stop Making Excuses And Do Something

Heck, Wealthy Affiliate has made it possible for you to create a FREE membership so you can try out the platform without obligation.
Therefore, there really is no excuse to wallow in lack, limitation, and frustration because of not having enough money in your life.
One of the best ways to make money online is through affiliate marketing and Wealthy Affiliate has been successfully doing it for over 15 years.
If you do this, I promise you it can change your life.
So it depends on who you are.
If you are here because you just want to fill out surveys and make $1 per hour, only making $80, $100, maybe $150 a month, then Prize Rebel is for you.
However, if you want to leverage the power of the internet to your advantage, sign up for Wealthy Affiliate TODAY.
If you DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY, sign up TODAY for your FREE account, and do whatever you have to do to scrape up $49 dollars for the Premium Membership!
The choice is yours, my friends.
I KNOW I made the right choice.
What will you do?
Talk Soon,