What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?
  • Would you like to know What Is The Secret Society of Millionaires?
  • Would you like to know if this is a SCAM to avoid?
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What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

I’ve been asked What Is The Secret Society of Millionaires.

What Is The Secret Society of Millionaires About?

Do you think this is a big scam that will confiscate your money and leave you looking foolish? 

This post will present a brief review of The Secret Society of Millionaires so you can make an informed decision.

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires?

You Can Make Money With Very Little Time Or Work…Oh Really?

The sales video claims to offer 20 people the opportunity to make over $10k per month.

Supposedly, you can accomplish this by joining the “secret society” of millionaires.

The so-called “program” that is offered is not secret and never has been.

The person responsible, the owner of The Secret Society of Millionaires is supposedly a guy named “Jason Alton.”

In the sales video, “Jason” says he was working a dead-end job and was down to his last $137.

Then, in a moment of desperation, he discovered a secret system that made him a millionaire. 

Therefore, out of the kindness of his heart, now he’s sharing that same system with you.

What Is The Secret Society of Millionaires – Here We Go With The Fake Reviews

Usually, I start with the particulars of how a program is structured to determine if it’s a SCAM or not.

However, in this case, proving that this program is a SCAM is very easy to do from the start.

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

The image above is from The Secret Society of Millionaires sales video. This image is of the “owner” Jason Alton.

When I looked at the sales video, the images looked like stock footage. 

When you’ve reviewed so many of these so-called programs, you seem to know when stock images are being passed off as real testimonies.

So I did some digging and found that my suspicions were correct.

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

The so-called “owner” Jason Alton, is a FAKE!

It doesn’t get more FAKE than this. The “Owner” of Secret Millionaires Society isn’t even real!

So this guy and his “wife” or whoever she is are bought and paid for actors.

However, that’s not going to be an issue…he’s a millionaire and is going to “mentor” you to become one as well!

Below are three “testimonials” from the Secret Society of Millionaires video.

More Shenanigans

Fake Testimonial #1

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

Fake Testimonial #2

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

Last But Not Least, Fake Testimonial #3

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

As you can see from the above screenshots, all of these “testimonials” are either PAID actors from Fiverr.com or stock images.

How can you trust a “make money online opportunity” that has a FAKE owner and is using FAKE testimonials?

If this system really is that good, why can’t they get REAL people to share their REAL stories?

Therefore, never, ever buy into ANY program that uses FAKE reviews!

The Secret Society of Millionaires is similar to other so-called make-money-online programs I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Trying To Appeal To Your Emotions

There is a tremendous amount of hype and dishonesty in this sales video.

What they’re trying to do is appeal to your emotions using “get rich quick” hype to sell a bogus program.

They also try to convince you this fake program has been featured on a news report!

I’ve seen these bogus, outdated so-called news clips featuring “working from home” stories.

There are generic news clippings that have been used on other FAKE make money online websites.

Anyways, after watching the sales video, I entered my email and clicked on the button.

That action took me to the order screen for the Secret Society of Millionaires.

This is when I was able to confirm what this system actually is…

The Secret Society of Millionaires was really a front for a multi-level marketing program called MOBE.

MOBE stands for My Online Business Education and is a multi-level marketing platform.

Truthfully, the Secret Society of Millionaires was never a millionaire platform.

It is a false and ambiguous site advancing a shady expensive program called MOBE that will drain your pocket.

However, there’s something you need to know about MOBE.

What Happened To MOBE?

MOBE was shut down by the FTC on June 11th, 2018.

The actual report can be read online, and part of it said the following:

“The 21-Step system turns out to be a series of videos. The initial ones offer vague teases about “funnels that have paid out millions and millions of dollars in commissions to people just like you who went through this training” and assurances that later steps will reveal the “secret” method for generating substantial income online.” 

In other words, MOBE members create a number of bogus make-money online websites.

These websites were nothing more than funnel sites for the MOBE opportunity.

However, if MOBE was shut down on June 11, 2018, then where are these funnel sites linking to?

Well, since M.O.B.E. was shut down, most of these funnel sites have disappeared.

UPDATE September 5th, 2019 – The Secret Society Of Millionaires Is Done! 

The Secret Society of Millionaires website has been dissolved!

Not only was MOBE shut down on June 11, 2018, but when you copy and paste The Secret Society of Millionaires website URL, you get this:

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

As you can see, the URL or domain name for the Secret Society of Millionaires was up for sale!

The website has been removed and is no longer a funnel for M.O.B.E.

I am not surprised by this at all because FAKE programs like this usually last just long enough to steal money from unsuspecting victims.

Once people start to see what’s really happening and the game is up, the thieving mongrels disappear.

What Do We Learn From This?

Below is a small sampling of people who lost money when the Federal Trade Commission shut down M.O.B.E

What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?
What Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires About?

What we learn from this is that there are a number of SCAMS on the internet.

These SCAMS have relentlessly pimped the wallets of tens of thousands of unsuspecting people.

We learn that the scoundrels who set up these bogus programs don’t care about you or your circumstances.

All they care about is the amount of money they’ve dishonestly received at the end of the day.

Here’s the really unfortunate part:

The people who were SCAMMED only wanted a way to provide a stress-free financial future for their families.

The people who were involved with MOBE have lost millions of dollars they will NEVER get back.

However, that doesn’t have to be you!

Is The Secret Society Of Millionaires A Scam?

Yes, The Secret Society of Millionaires is a SCAM.

MOBE was a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme shut down by the FTC.

However, with Wealthy Affiliate, from the first few minutes inside the program, you absolutely know this is LEGIT.

You don’t have to experience the frustration and uncertainty of getting scammed out of your hard-earned money.

Wealthy Affiliate was set up for YOU so you can build a real, profitable business online without the shenanigans.

You can open a FREE wealthy Affiliate account and actually get to try out the platform.

You don’t have to pay, and you can create 2 professional websites using WordPress.

You’ll have access to training videos that teach what’s involved in starting your own online business.

All of this is FOR FREE. No debit or credit card is required.

Once you try out the platform and decide you want to build your very own online business, you pay only $49 dollars a month.

The best part is everything is included and there are NO upsells or annoying, money-grabbing “one-time-offers.”

If you’re still not convinced that you can make money online through Wealthy Affiliate view their success stories here.

What you decide to do is up to you, but there is no Secret Society of Millionaires, and MOBE no longer exists.

However, Wealthy Affiliate has been helping to create millionaires for over the past 14 years.

You could be one of them…If you want it bad enough and are willing to put in the work.

You have to want it bad enough…

The choice is up to you.

Talk Soon,


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