Is PayAsian Legit – What You Need To Know

If you want to know Is PayAsian Legit so you can join the platform and make some money, you have come to the right place. This brief blog post will tell you all you need to know about PayAsian as a multi-level marketing platform and what they have to offer. Make sure you read this PayAsian review completely.

Is PayAsian Legit – Summary

Is PayAsian Legit - What You Need To Know
  • Company Name: PayAsian
  • Website: The website is no longer active
  • Registration cost: at least $100 up to $100,000 investment!
  • Rating: 0/10
  • Recommendation: Not recommended

There was nothing legit about PayAsian, and I do not advise anyone to join this platform. On the regulatory front, PayAsian has already attracted attention. The regulatory authorities have targeted PayAsian because the Philippine SEC issued a fraud warning about PayAsian back on November 14th, 2019. What that means is that PayAsian will eventually collapse under the weight of its fraud, which at the time of writing this post, has collapsed.

PayAsian Update – March 2020

As expected the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ordered Payasian Pte. Ltd. Corp. to stop marketing the cryptocurrency called Paya without the proper license. In an order issued in March 2020, the SEC directed Payasian to “immediately cease under pain of contempt from further engaging in, promoting and facilitating selling and/or offering for sale securities in the form of investment contracts and/or other activities/transactions.”

As is common with your typical Ponzi / Pyramid scheme, PayAsian did not have any tangible retail products or services to sell to the general public. The basis of their income was to deceive people into investing in worthless PAYA tokens which have no monetary value outside of PayAsian. Also, PayAsian came under investigation from regulatory authorities in The Philippines. Eventually, without fail, all Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes like PayAsian will crumble under the weight of its lies and deception..

Unsavory Facts About PayAsian

Is PayAsian Legit - What You Need To Know

From the name, PayAsian is a platform that targets investors across different countries in Asia. The company was founded in 2018, and Hero Vu was the CEO. The domain name,, was registered in April 2018. Singapore was the registrant country for PayAsian. However, PayAsian isn’t Vu’s first venture into multi-level marketing.

As it turns out, Vu also founded and promoted another company named SunCoin in March 2018. The details as to what happened are unknown; SunCoin collapsed and with it disappeared the money of Cambodian investors that were scammed by Vu. However, we are inclined to believe that the collapse of SunCoin paved the way for PayAsian.

To earn on this platform, you will have to exchange or invest money to get PAYA tokens. As you continue to participate in the platform, you continue to earn more PAYA tokens. Another way to earn is to recruit people to join and build a downline. It’s obvious that when you look at the facts, this so-called investment opportunity operates as a pyramid and Ponzi scheme.

PayAsian Red Flags

There were lots of red flags about this platform that should’ve discouraged people from investing. Unfortunately, the need to make money outweighed the use of good judgment. The reason a fraud warning was issued by Philippine authorities against PayAsianis simple: The platform was offering passive income opportunities, which means they were offering securities. However, the problem is that they were not registered with relevant authorities in any country; thus, PayAsian was guilty of securities fraud. Promoting this offer was sure, in time, to get you in big trouble. Hero Vu, the CEO, has also pushed several scam crypto platforms. SunCoin was one of them, and a lot of Cambodian investors lost their hard-earned money when it collapsed.

Is PayAsian Legit – Are We Looking At A Ponzi Or Pyramid Scheme?

PayAsian is a Ponzi scheme and pyramid scheme. Why? It is a Ponzi scheme because they deceive investors about their source of revenue. Investors believe they get ROI (return on investment) from the PAYA token they purchase. Meanwhile, investment from new members is the actual source of revenue. Money from new investments is used to pay existing investors.

The platform will eventually collapse once recruitment/investment slows down, and lots of people will lose money when this happens. PayAsian also operates as a pyramid scheme since it has no retail product to offer except membership recruitment. They are interested in bringing more and more people into the system so they can swindle them. PayAsian is similar to other cryptocurrency MLM scams I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Becoming Successful With PayAsian Was Never Going To Happen

Their offerings sound attractive enough. You invest your money, and you will be given a cryptocurrency, and you will be given more when you refer people. You cannot pay for anything with this crypto, but you can exchange it for real money, if correct? Some people may be able to exchange crypto for money in the beginning. The overwhelming majority, however, will not have this opportunity. Several reports have shown that 99% of people who invest in a normal MLM company lose their money. Therefore, I don’t recommend investing in this platform.

What Are the Products Offered?

As far as PayAsian is concerned, there was no real product to offer. The only thing you were going to get when you invested was a PAYA coin, which had no value outside this platform. You cannot use this coin to pay for anything. And the value of the coin is whatever the people running PayAsian decide. At the time of writing this article, the value was $0.3. It was worthless because this platform operated as a pyramid/Ponzi scheme. All this platform was concerned about was recruits and their infusion of new money.

What I Liked About PayAsian


Absolutely nothing at all.

What I Disliked About PayAsian

  • Worthless crypto. There is value in Bitcoin since only a particular amount can be mined, and it can be used as an acceptable method of payment in different places. PAYA token has no real value. No merchant, store, shop, or individual will accept this coin for payment.
  • Operates as a pyramid scheme. There is no product or service to offer. The only thing you can do to earn is to recruit people. Any company that ties its source of revenue to recruitment is destined to fall/collapse.
  • Currently under investigation. A fraud warning has been placed by Philippine authorities against PayAsian. They are not registered with any relevant authorities and are guilty of securities fraud. The platform is misleading investors about their source of revenue.
  • The CEO of PayAsian is a known fraud. The CEO of this platform has a history of scam involvement. He created a platform that scammed lots of Cambodian investors before it collapsed.
  • Doomed to fail. Once investment and recruitment slow down, the platform will collapse since there won’t be enough money in circulation. A lot of people will lose their money when this happens.

My Verdict of PayAsian

Was PayAsian a scam or a legit platform? PayAsian was a flat-out scam, and I don’t recommend joining ANY crypto/Ponzi scheme even remotely similar to PayAsian. As a matter of fact, at the time of this writing, the Philippine SEC may have already shut down PayAsian. This platform will collapse very soon, and the only people who will make money will be the owners and early investors. When the platform falls, investors will be left with worthless PAYA tokens, which cannot be used anywhere.

Warning: The RED Flags of Schemes and Scams Online

It would be best to watch out for these things with multi-level marketing companies, as they are red flags you should not ignore. Taking note of these eight signs can save you considerable time and money.

  1. A FREE Trial Is NOT Offered By the Company

This is a big one to look out for. Most information products are worthless, and if you could jump directly into those products and “try them out” before you had to invest in them, you would never invest in the low-quality substance. That is why they hide behind a payment. If their information is so good, should they not prove it by giving you a taste of it?

2. Companies That Don’t Clearly Outline Pricing

If you go to a sales page for a product and they don’t disclose the price clearly, you will likely get “duped.”  Any legitimate company will offer clarity on pricing and have a pricing page on their website.  MANY companies in this industry HIDE their pricing; it is unethical, and it will almost certainly scam you. Also, if the company charges hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their products or for joining their business “opportunity,” it should be of concern.

3. MLM Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages

If you visit a “sales page” and the only thing you see on the website is HYPE, this is almost certainly going to be an expensive, overpriced scam.  This marketing tactic is used to HIDE pricing and hide the product itself.  They typically ask for your email or a small payment, and then you are going to be put through an extensive and expensive sales funnel.

4. Companies That Don’t Have a High Trustpilot Rating

Pay Asian had no Trustpilot rating. It would be best if you NEVER did business with companies with no Trustpilot rating. Trustpilot is where you should get genuine consumer reviews about products/services you plan on buying. If a company doesn’t exist on this website or has a rating lower than 4.5 out of 5 stars, then you may want to second guess it, and there are going to be better programs and services available.

5. Multi-Level Marketing Companies That Sell “Riches” Without Telling You the Process

If you are being pushed by the idea that you are going to be “rich” without telling you what you will be doing to earn this money (in a specific way), then they are selling the sizzle…and chances are there is no “steak” after you make your purchase.  Avoid programs like this like a plague.

6. Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them

If you don’t have a direct way to contact the company to answer questions about their program, then they are hiding behind something. That is the first clue, and I recommend you test it. If the company has an email address, email it. If you don’t get a response within 48 hours at most, then that is probably the sort of help you can expect in the future.

7. Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication with the Owners

Who owns the product?  Can you get help and/or communicate with them directly?  If NOT, then this program is more than likely in the business of taking your money.  CEOs in the opportunity world who are not willing to directly communicate with their customers have a “too good for you” mentality, and they should be avoided.

8. Companies That Are Just “Information”

If they are just providing you with “ideas” about how you could create a business without offering you all the tools, services, and levels of ongoing support that you need to succeed online, you are going to have a tough time succeeding. Many companies charge you for their information and then tell you that you need to purchase all sorts of stuff to use the techniques taught.

When you look at the evidence, cryptocurrency multi-level marketing platforms like PayAsian are not business opportunities you want to get involved with!

As you can conclude from the above information, multi-level marketing companies are not all what they claim to be. Too often, people put their hope and trust in someone else making money for them instead of learning how to leverage the power of the internet with their own online presence. People look for others to rescue them financially when, in reality, YOU have to come to your financial rescue!

However, there is a BETTER OPTION  to create your own online business. There is a platform available that will teach you step by step how to build your own online business, an ethical platform whose primary focus is to help everyday people learn how to make money online, a platform where you can immediately have access to individuals who are highly successful with their online businesses.Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, The Industry Leader in the Online Business Space…

Wealthy Affiliate is the SAME platform I’ve used to create the blog you are reading right now! Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you are a beginner and need to learn about online marketing! There is total transparency – nothing is hidden, and no shenanigans exist! Everything you need is outlined step-by-step with easy-to-follow video tutorials.

  1. Wealthy Affiliate (or WA for short) Offers a Free Trial
  2. WA Offers Clear Pricing
  3. WA Offers a comprehensive website
  4. WA has a High TrustPilot Rating
  5. WA is not a get-rich-quick scheme 
  6. WA offers a clear way to contact the company  
  7. You can contact Kyle & Carson directly 
  8. WA offers tools and support

(1) Companies That Don’t Offer a Free Trial.  

This is one of the key reasons that I want to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate. You can get a “test drive” to Wealthy Affiliate, but that doesn’t end, and there is NO credit card requirement. This is their Starter membership, and it includes more than any paid product I have seen in this industry. Here are just a few things that you get within the COMPLETELY FREE Starter membership.

  • One Free Profit-Ready Website (Hosting Included)
  • Getting Started Training, 10 Full Video Lessons
  • 7 Days of Full Mentorship & Expert Help
  • Communication Directly with Kyle & Carson (the founders)
  • Keyword and Market Research Tools
  • The Affiliate Opportunity Platform
  • Ability to Network with Millions of Fellow Entrepreneurs
  • 100’s of training resources
  • And Much More!

(2) Companies That Dont’ Clearly Outline Pricing.   

Wealthy Affiliate’s pricing page clearly outlines three available memberships: a Starter membership (FREE), a Premium ($49/month), or a Premium Plus+ ($99/month). There are no upsells and nothing more complex than this. You are not obligated to upgrade, but if you do decide to, you can run a million-dollar online business utilizing the platform and tools that Wealthy Affiliate offers. 

(3) Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages.  

Wealthy Affiliate offers a comprehensive website where you can learn more about the exact process of building an online business and all of the platforms, technology, and services involved that are offered to you as a member. This includes a thorough outline of WA’s education, hosting, website, domains, community, and success elements.

(4) Companies That Don’t Have a High TrustPilot Rating. has a 4.8 STAR rating on TrustPilot.  The owners personally get back to every comment, and this leads to the industry.  It is tough to achieve a rating like this in any industry, let alone in the make-money-online niche.

(5) Companies That Sell “Riches”.   

One thing you will not hear from Wealthy Affiliate in any of their training or marketing is “get rich quick.”  The reality is that to build a business, you first have to build a solid foundation and understand it. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the tools, training, and platform you need to create a business of any size online (even million-dollar websites), but you must be realistic about the process. It will take some hard work and dedication. 

(6) Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them.  

You can contact Wealthy Affiliate directly from their website without being a member. They have a contact form, and the owners freely share their email addresses if you ever need to get in touch with them or have any questions. They are and Feel free to reach them directly if you have questions, and of course, as a member, you are going to have access to them within the community. Which leads me to…

(7) Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication with the Owners.   

Wealthy Affiliate is the most transparent company in the space and offers you access to Kyle and Carson, the founders, directly within the community. If you want help from them directly, just ask. You can even access them for their help and mentorship within the first 7 days of the Starter membership…so without paying a dime, you can access both of the owners directly!

(8) Companies That Are Just “Information”.  

Many things are required to build a successful business online, and Wealthy Affiliate includes all of them.  To build an online business, you need a website, top-tier hosting, marketing and research tools, ongoing education of the latest marketing strategies, writing tools/platforms, and a way to find the TOP opportunities online.  Not to mention support, mentorship, and expertise.  These are ALL things that Wealthy Affiliate provides you with any level of membership, equipping you to create, grow, and manage a business of any level online.

No other company in the industry offers a free “test drive,” as they likely don’t have the confidence that someone would purchase a trial. WA gives you access to its platforms, websites, hosting, research tools, community, and support within the free membership…so there is ZERO risk, and you can make a decision if you ever want to purchase a premium membership.

Get Free From Multi-Level Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes

What I strongly suggest is that you stop relying on the pyramid schemes of unknown scammers and build your own online business. The moment you come to understand that you’re going to have to participate in your own financial rescue, the sooner you can start making real progress toward financial freedom. The days are gone when you can just throw money at a business and see what sticks!

Ponzi schemes like PayAsian will never work – they’re designed to make the owner of the Ponzi scheme a ton of money and then it’s dissolved. What happens is when the owner of a dissolved Ponzi scheme is done, they go and start another dishonest Ponzi scheme. This happens over and over and over again. These sick individuals keep doing this because they know there are more than enough gullible people they can always take advantage of.

What You Need To Do Now

You MUST build an online presence by leveraging the power of the internet. My #1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate, is the best possible way I know of doing this. Especially if you have no prior experience in internet marketing.

If you follow directions, it’s difficult to fail with this platform. So many people are looking for the next “quick business” or the next big “done-for-you” system that promises big financial rewards for very little to no work. Those so-called business opportunities simply don’t exist.

Moreover, the people who promote these types of opportunities are flat-out LYING to you. With Wealthy Affiliate, you won’t get a mouthful of hype and fake promises. What you will get is a platform designed to help even the most inexperienced individuals build the very on online business. Click on the banner below and start your FREE account TODAY!

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  1. Wow in this day and time when so many platforms are appearing on the scene promising to help you to live your dreams by following and investing in their training you should do your homework first to find out if they are the real deal. 

    So many scammers are out there taking advantage of unsuspecting people!

    That is a lot of money however they are asking for and there are very few people in this current day and time during this Covid 19 pandemic that can come up with that kind of cash. 

    Thanks so much for sharing and sounding the alarm. This scam program and every other need to be shut down.

    1. Hello Norman,

      Your comments are spot-on!

      You are correct that ALL of these platforms that purposefully scam people need to be shut down.

      In the meantime, I wish you much success in your online business!

      Talk Soon,


  2. Thank you so much for writing the truth behind PayAsian! 

    I was almost deceived by them because one of their ‘followers’ just offered me to invest in their cryptocurrency. 

    Their website looks nice and clean, so you would think they are legit. 

    If their CEO is a known fraud, it has already raised a huge flag for me. 

    One of my friends just invest in them, so I will share your article with him to stop him from wasting money further. 

    1. Thank You for your comments, Alblue.

      PayAsian is a cryptocurrency fraud and I definitely would put the brakes on this one!

      You are much better off building your own online business with Wealthy Affiliate.

      Thanks Again,


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