My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review – Facts You Need To Know

I will start my Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review by saying that now, more than ever, it is critical to learn how to build your online business. Far too many people fall prey to scammers who promise quick results and fast money with “done for you” systems that ultimately waste time.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - What You Need To Know

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review – Rating The Platform

  • Name: Wealthy Affiliate
  • Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim
  • Website URL:
  • Training: 4.8 out of 5.0
  • Support: 5.0 out of 5.0
  • Website Builder: 4.9 out of 5.0
  • WordPress Hosting: 4.8 out of 5.0
  • Research Tools: 4.6 out of 5.0
  • Success Stories: 4.5 out of 5.0
  • Price: Starter Member (free), Premium Membership ($49 a month or $359 per year)
  • My Rating of Wealthy Affiliate: 4.8 out of 5 Stars

Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform to learn how to make money online, especially if you are either new to affiliate marketing or have tried but failed with internet marketing.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

What About Wealthy Affiliate?

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Wealthy Affiliate owners Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon, pictured above, have created a platform from which thousands of online marketers have benefited. Without a doubt, Wealthy Affiliate is not a “SCAM” program; it is an affiliate marketing training platform that has been in business for over 12 years. It provides way more value than the cost of the membership.

Wealthy Affiliate provides outstanding training for completely new individuals in online marketing. When you read the success stories, you will see these are everyday people who are making significant incomes. Therefore, in this blog post, I will outline three facts, as promised, showing how Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a scam.

Fact #1: Complete Training Step-By-Step

Wealthy Affiliate has some of the best affiliate marketing training online. If you are a complete “newbie”, or brand-spanking new to online marketing, you CAN follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate with great success. Below is an outline of the first ten lessons at Wealthy Affiliate. You can have access to these pieces of training at no charge if you create your FREE account: 

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Here’s another amazing fact about Wealthy Affiliate: You can access the first ten lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp! Even if you have a FREE account, you are allowed into these Affiliate Bootcamp lessons:

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

When you become a Premium Member, you’ll have access to ALL of the training material! If you follow the step-by-step guidance, you may see some income in your bank account by the time you finish Affiliate Bootcamp. I can tell you that Wealthy Affiliate does an excellent job of providing great step-by-step training.

Whether you are a brand-spanking new or an experienced marketer, the important aspects of affiliate marketing are covered. You are taught from the beginning how to attract organic traffic (free traffic). The modules teach how to build your business with effective SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

With the Premium Membership, you have a comprehensive blueprint for building a profitable affiliate marketing business. The Online Entrepreneur Certification and the Affiliate Bootcamp are the two main courses offered. Kyle Loudon, one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, even has a Super Affiliate Program for highly motivated people!

Fact #2: Awesome 24/7- 365 Support

This is the #1 point that made me join Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve had dealings with many so-called make-money online platforms over the years, and here’s one fact I can tell you: No other platform delivers the kind of support that Wealthy Affiliate does!

Site Support is 24/7 support for ANY technical issues with your website. And they are FAST. Site Support will answer your inquiries QUICKLY! I can honestly tell you that with Site Support, I usually get a decent response in 1 hour or less. That’s HUGE! None of the other platforms I’ve been involved with have that support.

That’s not all when it comes to support. Wealthy Affiliate has a Live Chat feature, where you can usually get answers instantly from experienced affiliate marketers. Wealthy Affiliate also has a feature that allows you to private message a professional affiliate marketer. The platform will enable you to contact them one-on-one if you need additional insight from an experienced marketer.

Private messaging allows you to have one-on-one help and discuss specifics without letting the world know about your online business. They also have live chat help available 24/7, as members worldwide exist. You also have the option to “Ask a Question,” which will get you an answer from various members because the whole community will see your question.

This level of support is not seen on other training platforms. Everyone at Wealthy Affiliate has a pay-it-forward attitude and is willing to help you, including the owners themselves!

Fact #3: You Can Try Out Wealthy Affiliate For FREE

I have experience with most make-money online platforms having many hidden costs. There are so-called “upsells” that people aren’t deliberately told about from the start. These product owners are only concerned with making as much money as possible. Their greed consumes them.

These scammers want to squeeze every last dollar they can before their “product” is discovered for what it is. Not so with Wealthy Affiliate. You can join with a FREE membership. No credit or debit card is required.

Additional Facts: You Can Earn While You Learn

Despite what most self-proclaimed “gurus” claim, it takes time to build a profitable business online. You cannot shortcut proper SEO when it comes to making money online. However, wouldn’t it be great to earn while you learn? With Wealthy Affiliate, you can give yourself the time you need to create a profitable business online while generating some money.

At the time of this writing, I’m not aware of any other platform that allows you to earn while you learn other than Wealthy Affiliate.

The Affiliate Program Is Lucrative 

Many who sign up for Wealthy Affiliate decide to follow the Affiliate Bootcamp course. With Affiliate Bootcamp, you’ll learn how to build an online business that promotes explicitly Wealthy Affiliate. I have researched several affiliate marketing platforms and walked away with one conclusion: I can say that Wealthy Affiliate is honestly the best make-money-online training there is.

Wealthy Affiliate is easy to promote because of the tremendous value it offers. Every member (even Starter members) has a unique affiliate link. When someone joins Wealthy Affiliate through your link, you make money if they purchase a Premium Membership.

The affiliate program is very lucrative–even if your referral does not purchase Premium, you’ll still earn $1 if they fill out their profile. Here’s a breakdown showing exactly how much you earn for each referral:

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Following the Affiliate Bootcamp course on Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to build a website promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is the best make-money-online training, making it easy to promote over anything else. Below is just a partial list of benefits when you join Wealthy Affiliate:

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review – Are Everyday People Making Money with This?

Are people making money online with Wealthy Affiliate every day? The answer is a resounding YES! However, the best people to examine to answer this question are those using the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Below is just a small sampling of testimonials from Wealthy Affiliate members who have learned how to make great money with their affiliate marketing businesses:

“$2000 Done!

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

“Well, I was revising this post, and it somehow got deleted, which is irritating. Whatever. I had all my stats laid out perfectly, and then they disappeared. Awesome. 

For those who would like to hear about my actual journey, 

  • First $200 and $250 months (A must-read for beginners!)
  • Three years at WA, leaving my 9-5 job, and becoming truly independent.”

“Now that I’ve cooled down a bit, I hope you all get some insight into just how important staying the course is and WRITING WRITING WRITING!! 🙂

Goals Reached

  • $2,000 in December 2016. I am particularly proud of this one because I had set the goal on 12/31/15. I logged in on 1/1/17 at 12:01, and it was almost surreal to see the number.
  • Create a logo or branding and figure out how to put it in the header. The Hiero theme presents some real challenges, lol.
  • 52 posts in months.
  • 30 posts in 30 days.
  • $1000 in a month.”

I hope you guys found this inspiring.

This blog is meant for me to keep track of my progress, but also for those who are struggling or are new.

WA has been a Godsend. Put in the hours, and you will see results. 

Well, that’s about it for now. I hope to hear from you all soon. All the best and God bless, -Stu.

“Got Over $3K in the Past 4 Days”

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

“So much has happened in the last week that I can truly say that God answers prayers! 

Within the past four days, we have received three checks in the mail for over $3,000! 

My husband and I were so shocked, and all we could do was fall to our knees!”

“So many miraculous things have happened; I can only say THANK YOU! 

We can now purchase a nicer camera, which I would like to use to produce better-quality pictures and videos for my website and future YouTube channel. 

I’m just trying to keep steady before I wear myself out. 

“How I Earned $9465.05 Thanks To WA Members”

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

“So February was a tough month for my site and others. 

There seemed to be less traffic around the week of Valentine’s Day, and it’s just a shorter month.”

“But despite that, I earned $ 9465.05 with my affiliate site. 

Imagine what an entire month would have looked like without the holiday! lol 

I’ve put together a screenshot of my income from the various programs that generate revenue for my site.

“There is no magical secret. I pretty much follow what the training lays out. 

So, I often see members wondering if it’s worth investing in going premium. Since I first joined in 2007, the answer has been a resounding yes. 

Is It Worth It?

Eddie continues, ” Besides the technology and training, the members benefit greatly. 

Essentially, you get to rub elbows with successful people you usually wouldn’t have access to. “

“So that said, the $2024.95 and $2128 I earned this month resulted from chatting with two other successful WA members. 

I look at other sites in my niche to get inspired and borrow ideas. 

I take it further and ask questions if they are WA members. 

I did that recently, leading to an additional $4000 this month. That number will grow monthly because of a few quick private messages.”

“Now remember that my blog is established and trusted by Google. So it gets tons of traffic.” 

4.7K for December and Setting My New Goals for 2019.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Debs is another Wealthy Affiliate success story. She earned £4.7k on one of her websites. Her biggest month was in August 2018, which hit just over £6k.

How did Debs succeed with Wealthy Affiliate? She said: “I refused point-blank to give up.”

“I took what I had from here and thought right outside the box, never knowing I would land on something so brilliant.”

“It was all my idea too for this business. So it makes me feel even more proud of myself.”

…Six Figure Income Earner

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Ralph is another outstanding Wealthy Affiliate success story. 

“Before I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I was a part-time kickboxer instructor/personal trainer. I had about 30,000 dollars in credit card debt.” 

“I had no car, lived with my parents, and tried about every type of money-making opportunity out there.” 

Just as things worsened for Ralph, he came across Wealthy Affiliate in September 2016. 

Twenty-seven months later, Ralph was officially able to say: “I am a Six-Figure Earner!” 

Even though I always thought I could achieve financial freedom, I couldn’t imagine it happening so soon.

So, what was the turning point?

Until now, Ralph had just about maxed out his credit cards. 

However, Ralph states: “The one purchase that changed my life was a yearly membership to Wealthy Affiliate.”

Ralph continues: “They say in life that opportunities are presented to you daily.” 

“You just have to keep your eyes open and take action when it does. And I’m so happy I saw the opportunity with WA and took full advantage of it.” 

“So for anyone on the fence about committing to this program, just know that to improve your life, you have to take ACTION!” 

“My First $1,000 Month

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

This WA member, Pierre, said, “I am so excited. After months and months of never giving up, I slowly could see my revenues go up.

$50 one month, $100 the following month, and this month (June 2017), I finally hit $1000 for the month.”

Pierre stated It took many, many months before he started to see success.

He “second-guessed himself a few times but never gave up.” His perseverance paid off.

Pierre’s final thought is, “Hang in there, work hard, and good things will come.”

Month 7 – $4550

Last Update: January 01, 2018

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Dylan said, “I made a little over $4500 in commissions from Amazon, which came from 1269 sales and 39,000 unique clicks from Google.”

This Wealthy Affiliate member has worked on his business for 2 1/2 years and is poised to have $10,000 months!

Let me ask: How would your life change if you made $10,000 or more EVERY MONTH?!

Dylan explains: “It took a lot of experimenting, reading, and failure to reach this point. The only advice I can give you is this: DON’T GIVE UP!”

John Says Wealthy Affiliate Has the Best Affiliate Program With High Commissions!

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

John makes a point regarding success at Wealthy Affiliate: Motivation can come and go, but your DAILY HABITS or consistency in following the training at Wealthy Affiliate will make you successful.

He relates that his 9-5 job was killing him. He could only build his business at Wealthy Affiliate nights after work, which was tough.

“Get involved in the training and STICK TO IT.

John made no money in his first four months at Wealthy Affiliate and almost quit.

If I would have done that, I wouldn´t have made a single cent online…”

“Probably never in my life either as I would have completely given up the idea most likely… I had a feeling when I started here that this was THE place.

One day, his first sale came out of nowhere. After that first sale, John said everything had become much more manageable! 

He advises people considering Wealthy Affiliate to become a member first, consistently adhere to the training, be patient, and refuse to give up! 

If you do these things, YOU WILL make money online.

John’s highest commission day was $3,700, a figure he never thought he could make in one day when he first started at Wealthy Affiliate.

In March 2019, John made an affiliate commission of exactly $6,582,97 in ONE DAY, a new record for him!

There is NO DOUBT that John’s financial future is looking much brighter with the training from Wealthy Affiliate!

Joined the 10K Per Month Club…Earning $13,481.39

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

This success story from WA member Brok shows how much your website/business can change in a year.

Brok states: “At that time, I’d gone from an income of $300 to about $4,000 a month in a year.” 

“Now it’s the end of January 2018 (I know it’s been a few months over a year), and I wanted to share my progress and how much your traffic and income can change if you work your ass off for one year!”

“Starting in November 2017, I’ve been making over $10,000 a month, and in January, I had my highest month ever: $13,481.39!”

Let me ask you this: How much would your life change if you consistently make $10,000 a month?

Many Wealthy Affiliate members make $10,000 a month and much more because they follow the training here.

Newbies Pay Attention! $5,195.20 Affiliate Check for June: Thanks WA!

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Todd is another Wealthy Affiliate member who’s had tremendous success here.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?

Like many others who cannot decide, Todd wondered if Wealthy Affiliate is a good investment of time and money.

He wondered if the education was worth it and if the time spent researching keywords and creating quality content for his blog posts would bring in big money in the long run.

Todd found out that Wealthy Affiliate has been successful and that WA works!

Well, I’m proof that it does. Like many other successful WA members, I’m here to tell you what Wealthy Affiliate teaches works.

His goal is to earn $10,000 per month consistently. He can set these goals because, in May 2019, he earned $6,454 in commissions!

Plain and straightforward, Wealthy Affiliate works!

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Miren Finally Achieved A 4-Figure Month!

Last Update: November 01, 2018

In October 2018, Miren had a 4 figure income from Wealthy Affiliate.

She joined WA in 2016 but procrastinated on the training, which meant her first year was uneventful. 

In September of 2017, Miren made a decision.

She was tired of doing nothing with Wealthy Affiliate and decided to work and build her own business.

Miren started writing consistently. It began to pay off. 

Back in October 2017, she wasn’t earning one red cent. Thirteen months later, she’s making a four-figure income!

It’s amazing what a year of hard work can do. 

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Grace Is Amazed At Wealthy Affiliate And Makes $4.9K In August 2018!

Last Update: September 03, 2018

One thing Grace has learned is that you MUST have patience when you are building an online business.

In most cases, the earnings don’t come until later, which is the very nature of the affiliate marketing business.

Grace is in the Make Money Online niche, which is extremely competitive but also very lucrative.

What made her August so lucrative was the incredible amount of recurring sales from her blog that made the difference!

Number of Recurring sales: 91 (42% increase & new record for her blog)

Grace made it clear that once she hits her goal of 4 figures, her next goal is five figures a month.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Zarina Finally Made 4 Figures in 1 Year

Last Update: December 05, 2018

Zarina has an Amazon niche website she built through Wealthy Affiliate that turned one year old in October 2018.

She was with Wealthy Affiliate for two years before her 1-year-old Amazon niche website.

However, for Zarina, like others who joined Wealthy Affiliate, it took some time before she started to see results in her business.

She states that PATIENCE, WORK, and the proper knowledge of SEO will pay off!

Also, Zarina realized that although people want quick results, one year isn’t that long for building your business.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

Grant Reached His Goal For $2,000 Monthly Income

Grant couldn’t work on his online business the way he wanted to due to some family illnesses.

Even after letting his business run on autopilot, he could still make $280 to $420 monthly.

Grant was still happy about his income because his monthly social security check was almost nothing.

However, Grant decided to set some new financial goals, roll up his sleeves, and get to work.

By the end of March 31st, 2019, Grant totaled for the month $2,143.29.

He stated that the feelings he’s experienced at reaching this goal are indescribable.

As a 65-year-old man with only a meager social security check to rely on, Grant has found Wealthy Affiliate to be a literal lifesaver.

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review – Can You Benefit From This Platform?

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review - Facts You Need To Know

The primary purpose of My Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review is to help you decide whether to sign up. I have always felt that the best way to see if Wealthy Affiliate is right for you is to try it out first. Likewise, what I like about Wealthy Affiliate is that you can sign up for a free account and test it yourself. 

When you try out the platform for yourself, you don’t take my or anyone else’s word for it. Therefore, you’re deciding based on what you see for yourself! When you sign up for your FREE Membership, no credit card is required. It’s completely free for you to try.

Warning: The RED Flags of Schemes and Scams Online

Here are some red flags to watch out for with other platforms that claim to help you build your online business. There are many scams online, and you need to know what to look for to save your hard-earned money and valuable time.

  1. The Company Does NOT Offer A FREE Trial

This is a big one to look out for. Most information products are worthless, and if you could jump directly into those products and “try them out” before investing in them, you would never invest in low-quality substances. That is why they hide behind a payment. If their information is so good, should they not prove it by giving you a taste?

2. Companies That Don’t Clearly Outline Pricing

If you go to a sales page for a product and they don’t disclose the price clearly, you will likely get “duped.”  Any legitimate company will offer clarity on pricing and have a pricing page on their website.  MANY companies in this industry HIDE their pricing; it is unethical and will almost certainly scam you. Also, if the company is charging $ 1,000 for their products, it should be of concern.

3. MLM Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages

If you visit a “sales page” and the only thing you see on the website is HYPE or promises of a HUGE ROI (return on investment), this will almost certainly be an expensive, overpriced scam.  This marketing tactic is used to HIDE pricing and hide the product itself.  They typically ask for your email or a small payment, and then you will be put through an extensive and expensive sales funnel.

4. Companies That Don’t Have a High TrustPilot Rating

Trustpilot is where you should get genuine consumer reviews about products/services you plan on buying.  If a company doesn’t exist on this website or has a rating lower than 4.5 out of 5 stars, you may want to guess it second, and better programs and services will be available.

5. Multi-Level Marketing Companies That Sell “Riches” Without Telling You the Process

If you are being pushed by the idea that you are going to be “rich” without telling you what you will be doing to earn this money (in a specific way), then they are selling the sizzle…and chances are there is no “steak” after you make your purchase.  Avoid programs like this like a plague.

6. Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them

They hide behind something if you don’t have a direct way to contact the company to answer questions about their program. That is the first clue, and I recommend you test it. If the company has an email address, email it. If you don’t get a response within 48 hours at most, then that is probably the sort of help you can expect in the future.

7. Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication with the Owners

Who owns the product?  Can you get help and communicate with them directly?  If NOT, then this program is more than likely in the business of taking your money.  CEOs in the opportunity world who are unwilling to communicate with their customers directly have a “too good for you” mentality, which should be avoided.

8. Companies That Are “Information” Only

If they provide you with “ideas” about creating a business without offering you all the tools, services, and ongoing support you need to succeed online, you will have a tough time succeeding. Many companies charge you for their information and then tell you you must purchase all sorts of stuff to use the techniques taught.

Looking at the evidence, there is a better way to build a sustainable, profitable online business. There is a platform used by thousands of successful online marketers who have learned how to turn their yearly income into their monthly income! Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, The Industry Leader in the Online Business Space…

  1. Wealthy Affiliate (or WA for short) Offers a Free Trial
  2. WA Offers Clear Pricing
  3. WA Offers a comprehensive website
  4. WA has a High TrustPilot Rating
  5. WA is not a get-rich-quick scheme 
  6. WA offers a clear way to contact the company  
  7. You can contact Kyle & Carson directly 
  8. WA offers tools and support

(1) Companies That Don’t Offer a Free Trial.  

This is one of the key reasons I want to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate. You can get a “test drive” to Wealthy Affiliate, but that doesn’t end, and there is NO credit card requirement. This is their Starter membership, including more than any paid product I have seen in this industry. Here are a few things you get with the COMPLETELY FREE Starter membership.

  • One Free Profit-Ready Website (Hosting Included)
  • Getting Started Training, 10 Full Video Lessons
  • 7 Days of Full Mentorship & Expert Help
  • Communication Directly with Kyle & Carson (the founders)
  • Keyword and Market Research Tools
  • The Affiliate Opportunity Platform
  • Ability to Network with Millions of Fellow Entrepreneurs
  • 100’s of training resources
  • And Much More!

(2) Companies That Dont’ Clearly Outline Pricing.   

Wealthy Affiliate’s pricing page clearly outlines three available memberships: a Starter membership (FREE), a Premium ($49/month), or a Premium Plus+ ($99/month). There are no upsells, and nothing more complex than this. You are not obligated to upgrade, but if you do decide to, you can run a million-dollar online business utilizing the platform and tools that Wealthy Affiliate offers. 

(3) Companies That Use Video Sales Pages / Squeeze Pages.  

Wealthy Affiliate offers a comprehensive website where you can learn more about the exact process of building an online business and all of the platforms, technology, and services involved that are offered to you as a member. This includes a thorough outline of WA’s education, hosting, website, domains, community, and success elements.

(4) Companies That Don’t Have a High TrustPilot Rating.  

Wealthy has a 4.8 STAR rating on Trustpilot which is EXCELLENT.  The owners personally get back to every comment, and this leads to the industry.  It is tough to achieve a rating like this in any industry, let alone in the make-money-online niche.

(5) Companies That Sell “Riches”.   

One thing you will not hear from Wealthy Affiliate in their training or marketing is “get rich quick.”  The reality is that to build a business, you first have to make a solid foundation and understand it. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the tools, training, and platform you need to create a business of any size online (even million-dollar websites). Still, it would be best if you were realistic about the process. It will take some hard work and dedication. 

(6) Companies Without an Easy Way to Contact Them.  

You can contact Wealthy Affiliate directly from their website without being a member. They have a contact form, and the owners freely share their email addresses if you need to contact them or have any questions. They are and Feel free to reach them directly if you have questions; of course, as a member, you will have access to them within the community. Which leads me to…

(7) Companies That Don’t Offer Direct Access/Communication with the Owners.   

Wealthy Affiliate is the most transparent company in the space and offers you access to Kyle and Carson, the founders, directly within the community. If you want help from them directly, ask. You can even access them for their help and mentorship within the first seven days of the Starter membership…so without paying a dime, you can access both owners directly!

(8) Companies That Are “Information” Only. 

Many things are required to build a successful business online, and Wealthy Affiliate includes all of them.  To build an online business, you need a website, top-tier hosting, marketing and research tools, ongoing education of the latest marketing strategies, writing tools/platforms, and a way to find the TOP opportunities online.  Not to mention support, mentorship, and expertise.  These are ALL things that Wealthy Affiliate provides you with at any membership level, equipping you to create, grow, and manage a business at any level online.

No other company in the industry offers a free “test drive,” as they likely don’t have the confidence that someone would purchase a trial. WA gives you access to its platforms, websites, hosting, research tools, community, and support within the free membership…so there is ZERO risk, and you can decide if you ever want to purchase a premium membership.

Additional Resources To Help You

My Wealthy Affiliate Honest ReviewWhat Will You Do?

My Wealthy Affiliate honest review could have provided more testimonials, but I think you get the point.This is a small sampling of how people make money online with Wealthy Affiliate. There are, for the most part, no other high-quality online platforms available today that teach affiliate marketing the way Wealthy Affiliate does. I have found that, in the end, Wealthy Affiliate is in a league of its own.

I truly hope you found my Wealthy Affiliate review helpful and informative. If I didn’t answer a question you have, please feel free to comment below, and I will try to give you the best answer I can. My final thought is that Wealthy Affiliate is the best online platform I have ever seen for getting the training and all the tools you’ll need in one place to build a profitable and long-term affiliate marketing business.

I wish you much success!

Talk Soon,


PS: Don’t take my word for my Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review; I would rather the community and platform speak for themselves.

The next steps to get going, to see what WA is all about, and to learn how to make money online is:

Step 1: Create a Starter Membership at WealthyAffiliate

Step 2: Go through the Get Started Here training

Finally, Step 3: Get to Work and Have Fun!

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