Niche Profit Classroom Vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is Better?

Niche Profit Classroom Vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Better?

Welcome to my post of Niche Profit Classroom Vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which One Is Better?

Is Niche Profit Classroom Training better than the training offered through Wealthy Affiliate?

Actually, I’m surprised that people ask this question, especially if they know JUST A LITTLE about Wealthy Affiliate.

Therefore, the question is: which platform is the best for new people with zero experience building affiliate marketing business?

Which platform is best for helping a new marketer make money online?

Lets Take A Closer Look At Niche Profit Classroom

However, Let’s take a closer look at Niche Profit Classroom to help you conclude if this is the right decision for you.

  • Name: Niche Profit Classroom
  • Website:
  • Price: $1 (First 14 Days); $67 (Monthly)
  • Who Is It For: Newbies and Experienced Marketers
  • Owner: Adam Short
  • Rating: 50/100
  • Do I Recommend Niche Profit Classroom? I don’t recommend it because they’ve closed it to new members.

Niche Profit Classroom Training – They Aren’t Accepting New Members

At the time this update, Niche Profit Classroom was not accepting new members.

Interestingly, this message states you can only get in “except through private invitation only.”

With Wealthy Affiliate you will NEVER see a message saying it’s door are closed except through private invitation only.

Right away, you can see a stark diffrence between Niche Profit Classroom and Wealthy Affiliate.

Let’s Take A Look At Wealthy Affiliate

Niche Profit Classroom Vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Better?

Wealthy Affiliate teaches people the step by step fundamentals of how to build a successful affiliate marketing business – one module at a time.

It’s free to join. No credit card needed for the first seven days and no one will ask you for money.

  • Name: Wealthy Affiliate
  • Website:
  • Price: Starter Membership $0 – FREE for 7-Days with a Starter Account, Premium Membership, $49/month
  • Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim
  • Who It’s For: Newbie to Experienced Pro (Extremely Newbie Friendly).
  • Rating: 85/100 – Highly Recommended.

Which Platform Do I Recommend?

Obviously, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate because you will never see a message saying “closed to new members – by invitation only!”

The main reason why I choose Wealthy Affiliate is that it is an excellent platform for individuals who are brand new to affiliate marketing and building an online business.

Anyone with a desire to build a profitable online business can join Wealthy Affiliate.

There is no waiting list when you sign up.

Check out my full review of the benefits of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Niche Profit Classroom Training – The Main Idea Behind NPC

Niche Profit Classroom was created by webmaster Adam Short.

His goal was to teach people how to build keyword targeted, small niche websites and sell products through those websites.

Subsequently, The latest version is Niche Profit Classroom 5.0 (NPC).

This platform claims to take people by the hand and walk them step-by-step through an online business blueprint.

The Training in NPC consists of four modules:

  • Niche Profit Shortcut (this is detailed Google Ad-sense training)
  • Affiliate Mastery (learn to build an affiliate website and focus on one product)
  • Niche Profit Affiliate Mastery (more detail regar ding how to monetize your affiliate website and focus on multiple products)
  • Vendor Mastery (learn how to create your own digital products)

Owner Adam Short calls it a passive profits formula.

Also, he claims to show you how you can make thousands of dollars per month with profitable niche websites on complete auto-pilot with a minimum of time and effort.

Niche Profit Classroom has been around for over 10 years, which is an accomplishment.

The fact that this program has been around for over a decade in various forms is a testament to the fact that the training does work.

Also, NPC provides you with pre-made mini niche websites.

Affiliate marketers have been making money online for decades using niche sites.

Likewise, the concept of making money through niche websites is not new and many online marketers have made exceptional money using them.

It is quite possible to make really good money with Niche Profit Classroom- if you can get an invite to join!

However, regardless of which platform you’re associated with, it requires a tremendous amount of patience, unwavering focus, and massive amounts of time and hard work.

You Have To Do Your Part And Do The Work

Therefore, with all that it’s going to require of you, please don’t expect to make thousands of dollars in your first couple of weeks.

Or in your first couple of months.

It’s just not going to happen that fast. It just won’t.

Online marketing is an actual skill which requires a lot of time to learn how to monetize websites.

Promising unrealistic results is unethical;

Nonetheless, you can make good money on a consistent basis with niche sites that are properly optimized.

Alsol, it depend on how patient you are and the amount of pure hard work you’re willing to invest.

Again, when you are starting out you shouldn’t expect to make thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

The reality is it’s just not going to happen that fast.

Niche Profit Classroom Training – What Does It Consist Of?

The overall quality of the Niche Profit Classroom training is good, but the information in some training modules is outdated.

Outdated training which can affect the profitability of your site and your entire business.

NPC does provide a lot of training material on internet marketing and niche research which is an outstanding benefit of this platform.

You will learn how to create your own digital products and sell them or how to find profitable affiliate products, promote them and earn affiliate commissions.

Niche Profit Classroom Training – Should You Use PLR Material?

The owner Adam Short encourages you to use PLR content for your website.

PLR stands for Private Label Rights.

What is private label rights? It’s a license where the author sells most or all of the intellectual property rights to their work.

PLR content is any type of content that gives you the rights to edit, change or modify it in any way that you want.

The reason behind using PLR is that it will allow you to scale up your business much faster.

However, when you use PLR without rewriting at least 80% of it, Google recognizes it as “duplicate content”.

Avoid Duplicate Content Issues

Using duplicate content will seriously cripple your website in the eyes of the search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Therefore, using PLR material “as is” will seriously damage your website rankings.

However, PLR is very effective if about 80% of it is re-written enough to make the content different from the original article.

Search engines penalize unedited PLR material because it’s not original content.

Similarly, I do not recommend the use of unedited PLR material unless you’re going to re-write large parts of it.

Although Niche Profit Classroom teaches you to make money using legit methods, another issue I have is the promise of making thousands of dollars in a short period using his methods.

There is no way that’s going to happen overnight, over the weekend, over the next few weeks, or over the next few months.

However, if you FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, eventually IT CAN HAPPEN.

Once you set up your sites it will take some time before your site gains authority in the search engines.

Once your sites start gaining authority, you will start seeing the traffic and when the traffic comes to your site, you will start seeing sales.

The bottom line is you have to bring in TONS of traffic to be able to make large numbers of sales and this is going to take some time.

Does NPC Have A Helpful Community?

Even if your product is excellent, it’s not easy these days to sell online.

Niche Profit Classroom has a members’s area where you will have a chance to ask questions and get answers which is extremely crucial for your success online.

The community is not so busy and active, but still it’s not bad and you can benefit from this option. They also have regular Q&A webinars.

Inside the members’s area you have the option to add additional tools to help you build your business such as:

  • Niche Profit Press
  • Market Profiler
  • Sales Letter Wizard
  • Keyword Tool
  • Opt-in Page Wizard
  • Mini-Course Wizard

Another issue I have with NPC is the above-mentioned tools are not included with your membership AND you get hit with upsells after you joi

I don’t like platforms that give the impression you have everything you need, then out of nowhere, here is a recommended plug-in, program, app or tool you must have to move forward with your business.

With the platform I’ve been using, Wealthy Affiliate, everything that you need to build your affiliate marketing business is in one platform.

It was designed that way so you could focus on the one main thing: building your business.

My Opinion of Niche Profit Classroom

Owner Adam Short promises to give you a set-it-and-forget-it system, autopilot income stream that runs 24/7.

He claims it will make you money even while you sleep.

Though Adam claims to be different from other self-proclaimed gurus, he uses the same questionable marketing tricks to lure you into buying NPC.

The initial video shows his abundant and wealthy lifestyle to prove that if you follow his recommendations, you too will become rich and live a similar lifestyle.

Sending this type of message to individuals could be misleading and manipulative, although the intent is to motivate and inspire.

There’s no online marketer who can guarantee success, I don’t care who they are or how long they’ve been in business.

People can do the same thing and follow the same training and apply the same approach, but results will always be different.

Is Niche Profit Classroom A SCAM?

Some have asked me is Niche Profit Classroom a scam?

I can tell you for a fact that Niche Profit Classroom is not a scam. It’s a thoroughly LEGIT platform.

However due to some obvious flaws in Niche Profit Classroom I can’t personally recommend it.

The main issues I have with Niche Profit Classroom are:

  • Outdated strategies are still taught in some modules
  • There is no live chat where you can get immediate answers
  • Using PLR content is strongly encouraged by the owner Adam Short
  • Price is a bit high if you are just starting out
  • Multiple up sells for additional business building tools needed to scale your business
  • Presently, Niche Profit Classroom is closed to new members’s. You have to go on a waiting list. I have no idea why there is a waiting list or why they’re closed.

To be honest, I can recommend you to try my # 1 ranked program – Wealthy Affiliate absolutely for free before you make your final decision.

Based on my own experience I can tell you honestly that Wealthy Affiliate offers a much better training for individuals who are completely new to online marketing without any upsells or surprises.

Wealthy Affiliate: Can It Really Help You Build a Successful Business?

What I like about Wealthy Affiliate is there are members’s on every skill level, from the newest newbie wet behind the ears to successful online marketing veterans with years of experience.

The experienced marketers generously help the newbies and everybody gives each other the help they need.

Niche Profit Classroom Vs Wealthy Affiliate: Which Is Better?

The owners of Wealthy Affiliate are Carson Lim and Kyle Loudoun.

Within Wealthy Affiliate each module is in a logical order and builds on the previous module.

This allows even the most unskilled beginner to learn affiliate marketing step-by-step.

Just stop to imagine what your life would be like if you earned an extra $500 a month OR MORE to pay off your bills.

What about an extra $1000 OR MORE a month to save for your future needs.

Furthermore, what about completely replacing your job income by earning five or six figures each and every year?

YOU CAN accomplish this with the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

The late motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said: You can have everything in life you want if you help enough people get what they want.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to cooperate with the search engines so the awesome power of Google, Yahoo and Bing work with you, not against you,

Therefore, when you learn proper Search Engine Optimization, you can “help enough people get what they want.”

Furthermore, you’ll have an established internet business, actual online “real estate” that earns income year after year after year…

You Can Join Wealthy Affiliate For FREE

There is nothing secret about Wealthy Affiliate.

WA simply teaches the skills you need to build an online business.

Also, WA gives you the technical and moral support to become successful.

Thousands of Wealthy Affiliate members enjoy profitable online businesses because they followed the training and took consistent action.

You can do the same thing.

Whey you sign up for your FREE membership, here are some of the things you can do without paying one red cent:

  • Build your first website using WordPress
  • Take the Level 1 training course
  • Use the live chat feature to ask any questions you’d like in relation to starting your online business

Wealthy Affiliate also offers a premium level of membership. Below is only a partial list of the benefits you receive with a Premium Membership:

  • 24/7/365 Instant Live Chat help from myself, other members’s, and the owners of WA Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim
  • Free hosting for your first 25 .com websites ($100+ per year anywhere else)
  • Access to NEW training modules as they become available
  • Instant access to level 2 to level 5 training lessons showing you how to make money with your niche blog or website
  • Access to 4 live training webinars per month
  • Access to entire webinar library covering every topic related to internet marketing
  • Unlimited domain email ( which makes your business more professional marketing (thousands of hours of training)

Niche Profit Classroom Training – Not As Thorough As The Training From Wealthy Affiliate

Every week Wealthy Affiliate hosts live training sessions that cover a wide variety of topics related to all aspects of online marketing.

All webinars are designed to help with any issues you’re having in growing your business

Here are just a few of the topics covered in the live training sessions:

  • How to rank higher in search engines
  • Write content more effectively
  • How to track data on your site learn from it
  • Provide better user experience to your visitors
  • And many, many more!

Sometimes they even do a live critique of member websites.

This allows members to learn from their mistakes, or repeat their success.

What I also love is there are NO SALES PITCHES in the webinars! NONE whatsoever!

These eye-opening webinars are FREE with your Wealthy Affiliate membership.

Additional Resources

Final Thoughts

In light of all that was discussed, I would certainly recommend Wealthy Affiliate over Niche Profit Classroom.

Check out my Wealthy Affiliate review for additional details and success stories!

Keep in mind, there’s a TON of money being spent online every single hour of every day on the internet.

There’s no reason whatsoever you can’t get your share of the hundreds of millions of dollars generated online.

Right now is an incredible time to start a online affiliate marketing business.

What are YOU going to do?

Talk Soon,


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  1. Hi there, 

    Actually I have never even heard of Niche Profit Classroom, and have been looking to build online businesses for years before finally getting into it recently. 

    I think you’re right, Wealthy Affiliate is a great starting point for newbies and gives you all the training you need, so I would recommend them too for newbies like myself. 

    Thanks for the article it was an interesting read! 🙂

    1. Hello Sophie,

      Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

      I wish you much success in your online business.

      Talk Soon,


  2. Thanks for sharing all the details behind these 2 programs – Niche Profit Classroom and Wealthy Affiliate. 

    Choosing the right program upfront can make a big difference in levels of success later, so it’s helpful to know as much as possible about the vendors before a purchase decision is made. 

    Training for a new skill is definitely helpful, so thank you for pointing out the differences that users will find in each system!

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