What Is Arbi Payment – Can You Make Money With This?

What Is Arbi Payment - Can You Make Money With This?

You’re here reading this review because you want to know What Is Arbi Payment and if it’s a scam or legit and if you can make money with this platform?

If you look at the screenshot above for Arbi Payment, the last sentence says “Absolutely No Rish.”

LOL – They can’t spell the word “Risk” correctly but they expect you to invest money on this platform!

You want me to give you money and you cannot spell a simple word like “rush”?

Are you kidding me..?!

Nonetheless, I welcome you to my review on Arbi Payment.

You’re here because you want to know What Is Arbi Payment and can you make money with it?

If you are seeking information about this platform in a brief, no-nonsense post, you have come to the right place.

In this Arbi Payment review, you will know about the company, products, and compensation plan.

Once you are done reading, you can tell if the platform is legit and suitable for you.

What Is Arbi Payment – About The Company

What Is Arbi Payment - Can You Make Money With This?

There is no information on the site about the owner or the person who runs the company.

The videos you will find on their YouTube channel look like videos re-uploaded from other platforms, and the people in most of these videos are paid actors from freelancing platforms like Fiverr.

None of the videos sound authentic or real.

No doubt these are paid actors from Fiverr.com, where you can hire actors to present a FAKE newscast to promote just about any product.

Arbi Payment.com was privately registered on 20/12/2019, so they’ve been in business for a short period of time.

It appears that their Twitter and Facebook profiles were purchased recently from their previous owners.

All I can say is that the company is not transparent; I have no idea why they are concealing valid information about the owner or the people running the company.

This is a HUGE red flag and makes Arbi Payment look very suspicious.

Are Any Retail Products Offered

The only thing you can promote is their affiliate membership.

Arbi Payment does not have any retail product or service to provide to the public aside from joining as an affiliate.

This is a huge problem. When a platform like Arbi Payment has no retail product to provide to the general public then it’s likely a Ponzi scheme.

To invest, you will have to be an Arbi Payment affiliate.

Compensation plan

Affiliates will receive between 0.025% and 0.045% daily as returns when they invest.

All contributions to this platform are repaid completely after 24 hours.

Affiliates receive a bonus of 20% on their investment, which can be used on two investments.

Referral Commissions

A uni-level compensation plan is used to pay affiliate referral commissions.

Payments on this platform are capped at level 5.

You get referral commissions as a percentage of returns paid across levels 1-5:

  • Level 1 (affiliates personally recruited) – 5%
  • 2 – 10% = Level 2
  • 3 – 3% = Level 3
  • 4 – 2% = Level 4
  • 1% = Level 5

I am surprised at how they pay referral commissions; I have not seen where the second level pays more than the first level.

Registration Cost

Becoming an affiliate member is free.

To partake in the passive income opportunity, you will have to invest in bitcoin, litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, monero, EUR, HKD, USD, or VND.

It appears there is no actual amount that must be invested to enjoy returns.

Is Arbi Payment A Ponzi Scheme?

Is ArbiPayment a scam?

Before we decide, let’s go through some of the things we discovered about the platform.

First, there is no information about the people who own or run the company.

Secondly, they claim they generate external revenue from arbitrage trading.

According to them: “Our system will automatically look for arbitrage transactions, and make a profit from it.”

There is no proof of real trading, and they are not registered with relevant authorities.

The only thing happening is that the company uses money from new investors to pay previous investors.

Thus, they operate like a Ponzi scheme.

The platform will collapse eventually when recruitment or investment slows down.

I don’t think this platform is legit; it’s a Ponzi scheme and I don’t recommend it.

However, there’s one issue I need to address…

You’re reading this post because you’re trying to find a way to make money online.

The problem is this: SCAM programs like Arbi Paymentl saturate the internet.

These cockroach scammers take advantage of people who they know are either too lazy or too reluctant to do the work necessary to create a five, six or seven-figure income.

Arbi Payment is similar to other scam cryptocurrency websites I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

Time To Face The Facts…

Here is an indisputable fact:

If you want to make a life-changing income, the kind of income that can provide you with a dynamic life filled with wonderful choices, you are going to have to learn how to leverage the power of the internet.

If you keep handing money over to scammers who run Ponzi schemes, they will keep sucking your wallet dry leaving you NOTHING to show for it.

There are hundreds of these Ponzi schemes lurking on the internet waiting for gullible people to hand over their hard-earned money.

You and only YOU can make the decision to not get caught anymore by these online thieves.

You need to seriously think about building your own online business so you can create a life-changing income for yourself.

Leverage The Power Of The Internet So You Can Learn How To Make Money Online

Instead of getting sucked into another questionable “business opportunity” or scam, you should take a look at my “no. 1 recommendation” below.

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Talk Soon,


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