Adfeedz Review – Will This Make You Money?

Adfeedz Review - Will This Make You Money?

If you want to know more about Adfeedz, you are in the right place reading this brief Adfeedz Review.

You will find all there is to know about this company, product overview, compensation plans, and registration cost, among others things.

Once you are done reading, you will know if it is a legit platform and if joining is worth your time.

Adfeedz Update – January 2022

The link to Adfeedz is no longer working, which means that the platform has been removed.

This is not surprising because the vast majority of these scammy websites disappear usually in two years or less.

However, there are still very valuable lessons you can learn from a consideration of the Adfeeds platform.

Adfeedz Review – What Was Adfeedz?


  • Product: Adfeedz
  • Registration cost: $29 USD for the initial investment
  • Rating: 0/10
  • Recommendation: Not recommended – No longer in service

Many people easily fell for the Adfeedz offer; they claimed to pay returns when you invest without you lifting a finger.

Although this offer seemed attractive, it was nothing more than a fantasy.

The real truth about this platform, and similar platforms like it, is that it operates as a Ponzi scheme, and Ponzi schemes are very volatile and unsustainable.

The owners of this platform and early investors are the only benefactors of this platform.

Adfeedz – Was It Too Good To Be True?

Adfeedz was an advertising platform that claimed to market your site to other Adfeedz members. Supposedly, you were to get 120% returns on all funds spent on ads.

You read correctly – 120% return investment!

This was supposed to be set up not as a cashback opportunity but as a return on investment.

The only reason they endeavored to use the word cashback is to comply with the law, however, it didn’t necessarily mean they were operating legally.

Supposedly, you were able to earn from this platform in two ways.

One, you invest money and receive 120% returns in fifty days.

Secondly, you recruit people to join, and you earn when they invest.

There were major red flags about this platform – one of the major red flags is that they pay existing members using investments from new members.

Thus, this platform operated as a Ponzi scheme.

Also, Adfeedz offered no retail products that were available to the public.

The only source of revenue is the fee they made from recruiting new members into the scheme.

Nonetheless, Ponzi schemes are guaranteed to fall as soon as the recruitment of members slows down.

Also, this platform tried to offer a passive income opportunity, but they were not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission; thus, they were guilty of securities fraud.

Was Adfeedz Really A Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme?

Adfeedz operated as a pyramid scheme and a Ponzi scheme.

It was a pyramid scheme since they had no retail product or service to offer other than recruitment.

It was a Ponzi scheme because they were not registered with the SEC, and they used the investment from new recruits to pay existing investors.

To earn, you would have had to purchase an adpack and this money was used to pay people who bought into the business earlier.

This is how they continued to circulate money on this platform—using funds from new members to pay old members.

Eventually the platform collapsed, and people lost their money, which will happen when recruits and investments slow down.

Adfeedz was similar to other Pyramid type Ponzi schemes I’ve reviewed on this blog such as:

What Was The Service or Product Offered by Adfeedz

The service they claimed to offer was to drive traffic to your site when you purchase an ad pack.

This was only a cover to get money from people to pay existing investors.

Adfeedz was not legit about the service they were offering because the traffic they sent to members’ websites was useless.

The fact of the matter is you need the right type of traffic to earn money; anybody making serious money online knows this.

Any traffic you get has to be interested in your offers, but the traffic people were getting from Adfeedz is there only because they want to make money when they recruit people.

The honest truth was that Adfeedz subscribers were not interested in your website or anything you had to offer.

You would have never received meaningful traffic from Adfeedz.

Like I mentioned earlier, all this was a cover to get money from you so they can pay existing members.

My Verdict – Adfeedz Was A Ponzi Scheme

Adfeedz is not legit but a scam.

Their offer looks attractive; they promise you can get 120% ROI on investment within 50 days.

In reality, they are not doing anything to generate revenue: no trading, no stocks purchase, and no service or product to offer.

Money from affiliate recruitment/investment is the only source of revenue. Thus, they operate as a Ponzi and pyramid scheme.

Ponzi and pyramid schemes are guaranteed to collapse, and a lot of people will lose their money when this happens.

I do not recommend Adfeedz; stay away from this platform if you don’t want to lose your money.

Learn How To Earn Money Online – Without The Shenanigans

Adfeedz is a bad opportunity but the good news is there are plenty of ways to earn money online.

If you’re looking to make a full-time living on the internet, check out my #1 recommendation by clicking the banner below.. 

This platform is where I learned how to make a full-time living online and it’s geared specifically for beginners.

If you have zero experience online – that’s not a problem.

You need very little money to get started – you can even try it for free!

I’ve posted a thorough review of this platform, so you can get a better understanding of how you can benefit from what it has to offer.

Click this link to view my review…You won’t be disappointed!

Talk Soon,


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